The First Sunday of the Month is Coming
Three things to remember!
  1.  We celebrate birthdays and anniversaries for the month. Along with a special prayer during the service, we share cake and other goodies together in Kirk Hall - and the kids can play basketball!
  2. We bring donations for the animal shelter, Citizens for Humane Action, in Westerville. Pet food, cleaning supplies, and toys are always needed and appreciated. Check the CHA website for more information.
  3. We provide donations to Above and Beyond for the pastor's discretionary fund.  These dollars are used to provide assistance to those in emergency situations.
We hope you will join us Sunday and find a way to participate on this BIG day!

Sign Up for the Church Picnic on August 9th
The Patricks will host the annual church picnic at their home in Hilliard on Sunday afternoon, August 9th. You'll find a sign-up sheet at the Welcome Table on Sunday. Don't miss this grand event as we enjoy fellowship with one another - and have some FUN!
On August 28th, we will send two teams for mission work in the community. One group will go to First Friday at Otterbein University to meet and greet returning students (3:30 - 6:00pm). The second group will man a booth at Fourth Friday in Uptown Westerville for pet blessings (6:00-9:00pm). If you can help with either of these events, let St. Ann know. These opportunities allow us to put our faith to work - and to show that we are changed by God to make a difference for God.

Contact St. Ann
How to Say No With Gusto
An excerpt from the book, Boundaries, by Cloud and Townsend

Proverbs 10:18 - "He who conceals his hatred has lying lips."


Jean used to believe that she would never learn how to say no and make it stick. But, as she sat at her kitchen table with a teacup in hand, she felt amazed. It was an unfamiliar sensation, but a pleasant one. Her mind wandered back to the events of the morning. Her eight-year-old son, Bryan, had begun the day with his usual waking-up shenanigans. He sulked and pouted his way to the breakfast table, announcing, "I'm not going to school - and no one's going to make me!"


Normally Jean would have either tried to talk Bryan into attending school, or blown up at him in frustration. However, this morning was different. Jean simply said, "You're right, Honey. No one can make you go to school. That has to be something you choose to do. However, if you don't choose to go to school, you are choosing to stay in your room all day with no TV. But that's something you'll have to decide for yourself, like you did last week."...more

Faith Mission on Sept. 12th
Our next visit to feed the folks at Faith Mission is Saturday, September 12th. Mark your calendars. More information is to come!
Upcoming Events

August Birthdays

03 Dondra Maney

05 Sarah Hubbard

13 Andrea Phillips

21 Ann Feister


 August Anniversaries

16 Ann and Curt Collins

29 Bishop Roger and Gretsie Ames

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