You are going to love what we are about to do next!


Check out our running poll, vote in it, and then 

see what else we are doing for you!


Right now we are doing two very important things!!


Right now we have the most important primary poll underway




We are about to make the mainstream media pay for ambushing Republican candidates with questions intended to embarrass them.




This is an important message from author, television producer, former investigative journalist, and top political strategist Scott Wheeler:


You may have seen on the news that so-called "journalists" have been asking Republican presidential candidates if they believe that "Obama is a Christian". That is a trick question intended to help Democrats because they know most voters are confused about Obama's beliefs. 


Polls taken as late as 2012 show that most voters do not know Obama's religious affiliation. But these Democrat Party hacks who cross-dress as journalists know that they can pressure Republican candidates into saying "Obama is a Christian" just to get the media off their backs and thus make the Republican base and independent voters distrust them.  I wrote about this in my 2012 book, Promoting Decline: Obama vs. America


The case I make in the book is that many Muslims believe Obama is a Muslim, and I quote extensively Muslims who think that. Needless to say, my former colleagues in the "mainstream media" were furious with me for putting them in the box like that. They of course thought they owned the narrative that "if you think that Obama is a Muslim, you are a right-wing bigot" but I turned it around on them by using Muslim descriptions of Obama as a fellow Muslim, wrecking their smear campaign. 


Now, let me just say for the record, I do not know what Obama believes but personally I think he is an atheist. I doubt that he believes in anything beyond this world. What I also write about in the book is that the Left in this country has nothing in common with Muslims but still are advocates for Islam. A seeming contradiction. Except, they Left does have one thing in common with radical Islam, their mutual hatred for Western Civilization. That seems to explain a lot, doesn't it?


Now, we need a way to turn this thing around on the mainstream media and that is what I want to do NOW!! I want to take a camera crew out and ambush these so-called "journalists" and ask them questions that will reveal their agenda. Questions such as "Mr. reporter, if Muslims believe Obama is a Muslim, are they bigots too?" Most people in Washington are very afraid of angering the establishment, especially the media. 


But in 2008, when I introduced the nation to Obama's anti-American "pastor", Jeremiah Wright, I knew I would never work in the mainstream media again. But the way I saw it then, and still see it today, I am an American first, indeed, as a U.S. Army Infantryman, I had a duty to expose Obama and I am sure that most of you feel the same way as I do, we defeated the Red Army, we defeated terrorists every time we were allowed to fight them, but then to see someone like Obama, and lets face it, virtually the entire Democrat Party, undo all that we accomplished-it made me sick.


My history is not as important as our children's future and that is what we are fighting for now. We are literally in a political battle for the soul of America, the vision of our founding fathers. That is why I believe we need to use every tool available to us to defeat the corrupt ruling class progressives. Right now we are running our famous poll to find out who the next Republican nominee will be. 


The way work the poll works is to have you donate for the candidate of your choice and each dollar counts as one vote for that candidate. The reason we do it this way is to make sure that we are measuring intensity and not just "clicks". Some candidates would devote clicking teams just to win our poll, but that is not what we want, we want people who are willing to invest in a candidate, and the best part is that the donations go towards getting a conservative candidate elected!


NOW WE HAVE ADDED A TWIST--the winner of our poll, that is the candidate who garners the most financial support, we will donate the maximum to their campaign! And we will also donate to those who finish second and third!


What a deal, RIGHT? You make a donation, we use those resources to go and ambush the media and then make a television ad out of it, and your favorite candidate gets a contribution from us!! How can we do all of this? Well it is difficult and we rely on a lot of volunteers who are devoted to the cause. We are willing to do whatever it takes--are you willing to support our efforts?

Right now the Democrat Party hacks in the media are trying to force Republicans into letting Obama off the hook for his un-Constitutional amnesty executive order. Yesterday a mainstream media "reporter" asked the White House spokesman, "Is there room to negotiate, or are you going to let the Republicans accept the blame for it (the government shutdown)?" Yes, blame Republicans for the shutdown even though it is Obama and the Senate Democrats who refuse to allow the Homeland Security funding bill out of the Senate Committee. Seems about right doesn't it? Lets turn this thing around on them and put the media on trial. And while you are at it, make your donation count for your favorite Republican presidential primary candidate, it will pay off for them, and pay off for our country!


Here are the top three candidates according to your votes thus far:

1. Ben Carson


2. Scott Walker


3. Ted Cruz


Please click on the name of your preferred candidate (listed in alphabetical order below) to vote.  The amount you donate will count one vote for every dollar. This will measure voter intensity and the proceeds will go to help conservatives win the election!


Jeb Bush


Ben Carson


Chris Christie


Ted Cruz


Carly Fiorina


Mike Huckabee


Bobby Jindal


Sarah Palin


George Pataki


Rand Paul


Rick Perry 


Marco Rubio


Rick Santorum


Donald Trump


Scott Walker


Other (Is Your Preferred Candidate Not on the List? CLICK HERE)





Yours in Liberty,

Scott Wheeler

Executive Director



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Paid for by The National Republican Trust PAC.  Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.  2100 M St., N.W., Suite 170-340, Washington, DC  20037-1233.

Contributions to The National Republican Trust PAC are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes.

The National Republican Trust PAC is not an official RNC committee.  We are conservative Republicans dedicated to helping restore the GOP to its historic conservative roots by mobilizing like-minded Republicans nationwide.