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Preservation Trust of Vermont
Who We Helped 2015
The Preservation Trust of Vermont is a statewide non-profit organization founded in 1980 whose mission is to help communities save and use historic places. Much of our focus is on strengthening downtowns and village centers, supporting local initiatives and helping to build local capacity. Below are the stories of some of the projects, people and groups that we've helped in 2015.

The Residents of Wheelock, VT

At 811 people, Wheelock is a tiny town even by Vermont standards, yet they have a remarkable mid-19th century town hall that houses the town offices and a community meeting space. The building is need of renovation. There isn't much local appetite for a $500,000 addition, so we have helped them look at rehabilitating the building on the same footprint for vastly reduced costs. Led by locals Doug Reed and Carol Rossi, the project now has direction and momentum, and community members have a renewed appreciation of the value of their little gem of a building. 
T his is one of 194 local preservation efforts we have supported through our Field Services Program in 2015. 

The Charter House in Middlebury, VT

Owned by the first congregational church across the street, the Charter House is so named because it is where the Middlebury College Charter was signed.  Today, the building houses the Charter House Coalition -- a volunteer group that provides housing and food to those in need. The church came to us because of concerns about the high energy costs of the historic building. We have connected them with a local energy expert who will review the systems and its particular historic quirks and provide a recommended plan of action so that less money will be spent on heat and ultimately more money can be spent providing services.  This is one of 55 projects provided project development or technical assistance grants through our Robert Sincerbeaux Fund in 2015.

Andersonville Farm, West Glover, VT
A few years ago, James and Nella Coe moved from California to Vermont and purchased the 600-acre farm next door to where James grew up.  Today they milk 200 cows and sell their milk to Cabot Creamery. The Coes contacted PTV to get more information about the structural condition of their historic barn. A week after a PTV site visit, a piece of farm equipment hit the 40-foot long high drive and dragged it to the ground.   We connected the Coes with barn expert Jan Lewandoski who did Conditions Assessments of both the collapsed high drive and the barn. The Coes used Jan's reports to apply for a state barn grant, and to document the cost of repair for a good insurance settlement. They plan to start work on the barn and high drive in the spring.  This barn is one of 12 projects provided a condition assessment grant through our Barn Assessment Grant Program in 2015.
Stone Valley Arts, Poultney, VT
Sisters Irene Minkoff and Rita Fuchsberg and Irene's husband Michael Castagnaro had a dream to create the vibrant Fox Hill Center for the Arts when they purchased the former Masonic Hall in 2007. Shortly after the center opened, Michael died and operating Fox Hill became too much for the sisters. PTV stepped in and in November of this year, the sisters have generously donated the building to our organization while a new arts group -- Stone Valley Arts -- gets organized to take over the building. Though it is not the exact dream the sisters had, their love of art and Poultney will still be realized.   Read more here.  This project is one of four at-risk properties supported through our historic Places Revolving Fund in 2015.  Others include the Vermont Marble Museum in Proctor, Gilbert's Hill in Woodstock, and the Moran Plant in Burlington.  

The Residents of Derby, VT
After she attended a Preservation Retreat at the Grand Isle Lake House, Bonnie Shattuck returned to Derby with new energy to save their old Historical Society building. Currently owned by the Town, the building now displays the historic societies collections. Bonnie has led the charge in the community, implemented an "adopt a window" program, and with the help of a Preservation Grant, the town will be able to remove the exterior siding, restore the wood clapboards and install historically accurate windows.  This is one of six projects in Vermont's Northeast Kingdom to receive major grant funding in 2015 through our partnership with the Freeman Foundation. 

Proctor High School Students, Proctor, VT

Early in 2014 when PTV was in the process of acquiring the Vermont Marble Museum, former PTV Field Service Representative Ann Cousins began working with students from the local high school to create an exhibit focusing on the immigrant workers at the Marble Company. At the opening of the student exhibit in May 2015, it was clear that there is -- and there always will be -- great rewards and enormous potential in all our communities to connect education, history and place. 
This is one of four projects in 2015 supported through the Community Fund.

Vermonters of Today & Tomorrow
Protecting prime agricultural soils, scenic views and the integrity of historic downtowns is in the interest of everyone - today and in the future - because once that disappears, the Vermont as we know it disappears too.  When a plan emerged to develop a piece of open land into 1.1 million sq. ft. of mixed use at Exit 4 in Randolph, the Conservation Law Foundation, the Vermont Natural Resources Council and PTV began strategizing. Though not a formal party before the Act 250 commission, PTV has provided financial support and run a series of full-page ads in major Vermont newspapers to raise awareness and assist the efforts of the local community group made up of citizens from Randolph and Brookfield. This one isn't over yet, so stay tuned.
This project is one of 12 communities in 2015 we've worked with to oppose Sprawl and encourage the proper scale and location of Big Box development in our downtowns. 

The People of Shrewsbury, VT
When Pierce's Store opened -- or re-opened -- seven years ago, the community was glad to have a nearby place to purchase food and hopeful that business would be strong enough to sustain the cooperative.  As it turns out, their total business is twice as much as they had hoped to do when they opened. They have a full line of conventional and organic groceries, prepared foods, baked goods and a small cafe.   This project is one of eight Community Supported Enterprises such as village stores, cooperatives, restaurants, and community-centered businesses we've supported and encouraged in 2015. 

Students, Teachers and Residents of St. Johnsbury, VT

When the Fairbanks Museum ran out of space, theSt. Johnsbury History & Heritage Center found this nearby building to store the local history collection. The Historical Society has partnered with the building trades class at the St. Johnsbury Academy students who have assisted in the renovation work on the house. Peggy Pearl says it has saved them a tremendous amount of money, and it fits with their mission.  IN addition to providing a $50,000 grant in partnership with the Freeman Foundation PTV and VHCB now co-hold a historic preservation easement on this gem of a building, ensuring that it will be protected in perpetuity.   The History & Heritage Center is one of the collection of 72 easements held or co-held by PTV that cover 108 buildings, 2 structures and 3 archeological sites. 

Ottauquechee Health Foundation in Woodstock, VT
The Ottauquechee Health Foundation came to a fundraising retreat at the Grand Isle Lake House looking t o raise money to replace all the windows and weatherize the historic Simmons House in Woodstock. The Simmons House is the headquarters for the Ottauquechee Health Foundation and provides below market space space to eight health care providers and four other non-profit organizations.  Through conversation, a field service visit, and an RSF Grant to hire Jackson Evans to do a conditions assessment, we are helping them take a thoughtful look at their building systems and the quality and condition of their windows to determine a considered and justified course of action. This group is among 116 individuals from 47 community groups who attended a Preservation Retreat at the Grand Isle Lake House in 2015.  

The Community of Proctor, VT

When PTV took ownership of the Vermont Marble Museum, we did so knowing that redevelopment of this 100,000 sq. ft. property to a mixed use space with a variety of employers is critical to the community's transition from a company town. This year, PTV has raised significant funds to do building improvements that set the stage for new uses: $300,00 from the Community Development Block Grant Program; $120,000 Tax Credit from the Vermont Downtown Program; and $25,000 from the Vermont Council on the Arts Cultural Facilities program. The funds will be used to do fire safety work at the Marble Museum Building as well as brownfield clean-up and partial building rehabilitation work. Our work on this site is complemented by the recent news that St. Joseph's College is starting a new health care education program and taking over the administration building next door.  Proctor  is promising! 
This property is one of four historic properties owned and stewarded by the Preservation Trust of Vermont.

Our Preservation Partners
PTV is not the only group working hard to ensure that the best of our state remains vital. Much of our efforts support the broader preservation community by advocating for preservation and downtown revitalization, supporting partners at the state and national level, and providing education and encouragement wherever and whenever possible.

In 2015, PTV led the effort in the Legislature to reinstate Historic Preservation and Barn Grants, and supported funding for the Vermont Housing and Conservation Fund, Downtown and Village Center Tax Credits, Cultural Facility Grants, and funding for the Division for Historic Preservation. 

The Chandler Arts Center in Randolph was awarded $4,054 to install a modern access-control system on four doors through the Cultural Facilities Grant Program. Cultural Facilities Grants help Vermont nonprofit organizations and municipalities enhance, create, or expand the capacity of an existing building to provide cultural activities for the public. See more here...

In 2015, PTV partnered with the Vermont Downtown Program to support revitalization efforts in designated downtowns and village centers, including being the chief nonprofit advocate for the downtown tax credit.

The historic Darling Inn in Lyndonville was one of the 2015  recipients  of a downtown tax credit.  Located in the heart of Lyndonville, the Darling Inn is used today for affordable senior housing and as a local meals center, serving up to 300 meals weekly to residents throughout the community. Work to rehabilitate the building, improve its energy efficiency and make code improvements will ensure this important property remains economically viable. 
See more here...

Preservation education and encouragement is an important part of the work we do. Each year we host an annual historic preservation conference in partnership with the Vermont Division for Historic Preservation and the Vermont Downtown Program. We also r ecognize great preservation successes through our biennial awards program, p ublish the Vermont Restoration Directory and offer preservation resources and guidance on our  website and through our free electronic newsletter. Stop by our site and learn more!

Time, Treasure & Talent: Preservation in Vermont, 2015
Time, Treasure & Talent:
Preservation in Vermont, 2015

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Preservation Trust of Vermont
104 Church Street
Burlington, VT  05401