Welcome back to campus!
We are excited to see everyone and get settled into APDesign West as construction begins on Seaton Hall. I hope that you've read the Canvas iNSTRUCTIONS and are ready to start the semester.
A great deal of work has been done at APDesign West to ensure that the studios are ready and waiting for you. We know that the computer network will not be in place on the first day of classes and faculty are making plans for assignments and projects to kick off without reliance on computers being connected to the internet and intranet.
As you make decisions about what to move to APDesign West, please consider your personal computing resources. If the computer you will setup at APDesign West is your only computer and/or access to the internet, you should probably keep it at your living space so that you can make temporary use of your computer there until the APDesign West network is set up. We are postponing computer setup day until the network is ready.
As you've read on the college APDesign West page, http://apdesign.k-state.edu/apdesign_west/apdesign_west.html, the building will be open Friday - Sunday, August 21-23, 8:00 am - 8:00 pm for move in. You are welcome to move your belongings into the space at anytime but you may not unpack them or select a desk until Sunday evening. Please place them against the far west wall of the LARCP space. Design selection will occur Sunday, August 23, 5:00 - 5:00 pm, in 30 minute blocks beginning with the graduating classes. Read the full schedule on the Canvas iNSTRUCTIONS.
Please let me know if you have any questions or suggestions as we move in.
See you on August 23!
The fourth volume of the LARCP e-newsletter
for alumni and friends is now available.
Click here to read
about class projects, student awards and the wonderful things our alumni do for the department.
Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Sociology and Human Geography, PhD Research Fellow in Human Geography, Information |
The 9th Annual Built Environment & Outdoor Summit will be held Oct 13-15, 2015 in Overland Park, KS. Information is available here.
Next year's ACSA Annual Meeting will take place March 17-19, 2016 in Seattle, WA. ACSA invites paper submissions under 23 thematic session topics plus an additional open category. Authors may submit only one paper per session topic. The same paper may not be submitted to multiple topics. Submission Deadline: September 23, 2015
. View more information here.
Phytotechnologies Conference |
Sept 27-30, 2015
Manhattan, KS |
Oct 13-15, 2015 |
Overland Park, KS
PGASLA Annual Meeting
Oct 16, 2015
Kansas City, MO
APA Quad-States Meeting
Oct 21-23, 2015 proposals due June 25 |
Kansas City, MO |
ACSP Meeting |
Oct 23-24, 2015 |
Houston, TX |
ASLA Meeting |
Nov 7-9, 2015 |
Chicago, IL |
CELA Meeting
Mar 23-26, 2015
abstracts will be due Sept 4
Salt Lake City and Logan, Utah |
20 Sandwich lunch with new LARCP PB students
20 and 21 LA and RCP PB orientation
20 Calayde Davey's PhD Defense, Seaton 306, 9 am
23 Students move into APDesign West, 5 - 8 pm
24 First day of class--all LARCP classes will meet, no computers will be set up
24 APDesign All College Photo: 4 pm, APDesign Forum: 4:30 pm, Forum Hall - followed by BBQ
25 LARCP Forum, 10:30 am, Union Big 12
4 CELA Abstracts Due, conference info here
17 LARCP Advisory Council Event with Students and Faculty, 6 pm
23 ACSA paper submittals due
25 LARCP Colloquium
13-15 Built Environment & Outdoor Summit
25 -28 LAAB Site Visit