City of Folsom Newsletter

December 2015  
Santa's Sleigh is Coming Your Way              
Get into the spirit with friends, neighbors and Folsom police and fire personnel this holiday season. Santa and Mrs. Claus will join the Folsom Police Department and Folsom Fire Department to visit neighborhoods throughout Folsom December 13-17.
The decorated emergency vehicles will lead and follow the sleigh around Folsom. Santa will depart the Folsom Police Department each night at 5 p.m. to hand out candy canes, pose for photos and collect toys and non-perishable food items for families in our area. Learn more about locations and details.
City Newsletter Update
Starting in January, the City of Folsom's e-newsletter will be distributed on a weekly basis on Monday mornings. Your Week in Folsom will provide an at-a-glance digest of Folsom activities, events and news. Also, we are pleased to reintroduce the City of Folsom printed, citywide newsletter City News. The printed newsletter will be distributed on a bi-monthly basis to every resident and business in Folsom, allowing all community members to receive news and information about their city on a regular basis. It is also posted on the City of Folsom website . In the coming months, we will also debut a redesigned and updated City of Folsom website. Thank you for connecting with us and staying informed about the City of Folsom.

6th Annual Wild Nights and Holiday Lights at the Folsom Zoo Sanctuary
Celebrate the magic of the season and help support the amazing animals at the Folsom Zoo Sanctuary.  Thousands of colorful lights decorate the grounds, buildings and animal exhibits at the zoo. An enchanted forest of beautifully decorated trees provides a colorful backdrop for Santa's nightly visits, carolers fill the air with seasonal cheer, and zoo bear mascot Santa Paws greets guests and poses for photo ops.  This event also provides a unique opportunity to see some of the zoo's animals who are more active at night, and zoo docents are on hand to share fun facts and answer questions about the animals. Dec. 4, 5, 11, 12 and 16-23, 5-8 p.m. Save time; purchase tickets in advance at
Turn Off Sprinklers in Winter Months  
So just how often do you need to water your lawn in the winter?  Every other day, twice a week, once a week?  It's a trick question.  The answer is not at all!  Unless there's an extended dry period of at least four weeks, there's no need to add to what nature supplies. With cooling temperatures, shorter daylight hours and periodic rain, the soil in the root zone never completely dries out. This leaves more than enough moisture for your lawn.  The surface may be dry but the root zone isn't.  Photosynthesis slows down tremendously this time of year, reducing growth rates, so your lawn just doesn't need much water.  So, lay off the fertilizer, put away the mower and let sleeping lawns lie.
Folsom Police Department Toy Drive    
The Folsom Police Department is collecting toys for local families in need this holiday season during the Annual Christmas Toy Drive. 
Volunteers from the Folsom Police Department run the program and work with local schools to identify local families in need.  The volunteers then contact the families and find out what each member of the family would like to receive.  Those gift ideas are listed on individual paper ornaments on a Christmas tree in the lobby of the Folsom Police Department. Community members can select an ornament, shop for the recipient and bring the wrapped or unwrapped gift back to the Folsom Police Department at 46 Natoma Street, from Dec. 1-11 between 7 a.m. and 4 p.m.  (Please note that the lobby is closed on Wednesdays
The program will also accept donations of gift cards.  Volunteers and employees of Folsom Police Department will deliver the gifts to the families in the week before Christmas. 
Water-Wise Tips for Doing the Holiday Dishes    
Lots of family, friends and delicious food over the holidays can add up to lots of dirty dishes. And all that dishwashing can use much more water than everyday use. This year, as California faces a fifth year of drought, consider these water-smart tips when it comes time to tackling those dirty holiday dishes.

Holiday Recycling in Folsom
As a reminder, the City collects garbage, green waste and recycling on all holidays so please place your cans out on your normal collection day.
Recycle holiday packaging materials by placing them in the blue recycling cart. Acceptable items include wrapping paper, tissue, cardboard boxes, cards and other paper packaging materials. Please do not include foil-type wrapping paper and Styrofoam packaging. Bows and ribbons can be reused and Christmas trees can be cut and placed in green waste cans as long as the lid can completely close.
Take unwanted, bagged Christmas lights and excess packaging materials to the City's recycling drop-off bin located in the Walmart parking lot at 1018 Riley Street. For more information, contact the City's Solid Waste Division at 355-8367 or visit
PG&E Community Pipeline Safety Initiative Underway
PG&E is working with customers and the City of Folsom to help ensure first responders have immediate access to natural gas transmission pipelines in case of an emergency. This important safety work involves reviewing structures, trees and brush located near the gas pipeline that could block emergency access for first responders or damage the pipeline. For any tree or structure that needs to be replaced for safety reasons, PG&E will work with the property owner to develop a plan that protects public safety while preserving the character and natural beauty of the community. If you have any questions or would like more information about the planned safety work in Folsom, please contact PG&E's local customer outreach specialist Alison Feliz at 916-386-5173 or [email protected]. Additional information on the Community Pipeline Safety Initiative, as well as other PG&E gas safety efforts, can also be found at
Upcoming Events
Learn more about upcoming events in Folsom this December.

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Wet Weather Driving Tips
Driving in wet weather can be hazardous. Here are some useful hints and tips from the Folsom Police Department to stay safe this rainy season.
Historic Folsom Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony
Enjoy the spirit of the holidays at the annual Historic Folsom Christmas Tree
Lighting Ceremony on Friday, Dec. 4. The festive event takes place from 6 to 9 p.m. and features train rides, special performances, children's activities, visits from Santa Claus, and a lot of holiday cheer.  Learn more at

Ice Skating in
Historic Folsom
The Historic Folsom Ice Rink is open daily from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m., including Christmas Day.  Enjoy a memorable winter experience of ice skating, shopping and dining in the heart of Folsom.   Learn more at
Christmas Tree Disposal
Keep your Christmas tree out of the landfill and recycle it for mulch and other purposes. The City of Folsom is hosting a free Christmas tree recycling drop off event on Saturday, Jan. 9 and Sunday, Jan. 10 at Rodeo Park from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. All ornaments and stands must be removed before dropping off your tree. Boy Scouts will help residents unload trees and will also be collecting trees throughout Folsom as part of their annual fundraising activities.
Prevent Package Thefts this Holiday Season
  If your holiday shopping plan includes online purchases, chances are, many of these gifts will be delivered straight to your doorstep. Don't let thieves bah-humbug your holiday season. The Folsom Police Department offers these practical tips for keeping your packages safe.
Holiday City Service Schedule
Please note that City Hall, the Folsom Public Library, Senior & Arts Center and Folsom Sports Complex will be closed on Dec. 24, 25, 31 and Jan. 1 in recognition of the Christmas and New Year holidays.  Police, fire, trash and recycling services will not be impacted.
Give the Gift of Fun! 
Folsom Parks & Recreation gift cards are perfect for everyone on your holiday gift list!  Our gift cards are available in any denomination and may be redeemed for classes, camps, events, admission fees, and concessions.  Purchase and redeem Parks & Recreation gift cards at these locations: 48 Natoma Senior & Art Center, the Gallery at 48 Natoma, Folsom Aquatic Center, Folsom Skate & Bike Park, Folsom Sports Complex, and the Folsom Zoo.

Christmas Tree Safety Tips
Be fire smart as you deck the halls this holiday season. A small fire that spreads to a Christmas tree can grow large very quickly. Learn how to stay safe this holiday season with tips from the Folsom Fire Department.

Holiday Break Camps
Registration is open for Folsom Parks & Recreation winter break camps. The Folsom Sports Complex is offering a Skyhawks Mini-Hawk and Basketball Camp. Kids who love animals will get plenty of hands-on fun at the Folsom Zoo's Holiday Camp and young artists will enjoy Fine Arts Camp at the Folsom Community Center. Learn more and register for camps online at or call 355-7285 for details.
Sign Up for Safety Alerts

Stay up-to-date on public safety news and information with the City of Folsom's public notification service Nixle. This service provides real-time alerts via email and text message on crimes, fires, storms and other important public safety messages. Sign up here.