Updates from Power Africa | July 24, 2015
President Obama's  Visit to East Africa
Photo credit: Rudy Gharib, USAID
White House Releases Power Africa Fact Sheet; President Obama Visits with Power Africa Innovators

The White House released a Power Africa Fact Sheet today, reviewing President Obama's Power Africa related announcements during his current trip to East Africa, The Fact Sheet was released as President Obama visited with energy entrepreneurs at the Power Africa Innovation Fair during the 2015 Global Entrepreneurship Summit in Nairobi, Kenya. 

Power Africa Annual Report 2015

Released alongside the President's visit to East Africa and his tour of the Power Africa Innovation Fair, Power Africa's 2014-2015 Annual Report highlights the advances and achievements over the course of the last year. 
Progress on Power Africa Wind Project in Kenya: OPIC & Power Africa Partner AIIM Sign $233 Million Commitment

As part of President Obama’s Power Africa initiative, the Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC), the U.S. Government’s development finance institution, today committed $233 million in debt financing to support construction and operation of the Kipeto Wind Power Project in Kajiado, Kenya.

The 100-megawatt, grid-connected wind power facility located south of Nairobi will be, when complete, one of the first utility-scale wind projects to come online in Kenya, where over 75% of the population still lack access to reliable electricity. Elizabeth Littlefield, President and CEO of OPIC, signed a commitment letter of OPIC’s debt finance support alongside Jurie Swart, CEO of African Infrastructure Investment Managers (AIIM). 

P ower Africa Off-Grid Energy Challenge Announces Grant Winners and Another Round in Three New Countries

Power Africa and GE Africa
announced $1.1 million in 11 new grants to entrepreneurs in Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, and Tanzania. Power Africa also expanded the challenge to three new countries - Rwanda, Uganda, and Zambia. 

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