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April 2014
My Journey to Self-Forgiveness by Gina
Practice Tool  

When wanting to find forgiveness for someone else, ask yourself for 3 examples where you have been imperfect and engaged in troubled behaviour. It can be around a similar theme. For example, if someone else has been selfish, find 3 examples in your life where you engaged in selfish behaviour. Once you've written them down, take a deep breath, and then go back to the individual that you are holding non-forgiveness towards. You may find that the amount of judgement that you are holding has softened.  Remember it's not about absolving the other person; it's about softening the hold that judgement has on you.


About Beverley Pugh

Bev Pugh

"Every joy is gain. And gain is gain, however small." 

- Robert Browning


Beverley has been a practicing counsellor for over 30 years. She has worked extensively in Canada, Australia, Japan, and Thailand. Beverley currently has a full-time practice on the North Shore. Beverley has a highly intuitive ability to help people uproot core issues that are holding them back from moving forward to where they want to be in terms of their own self-growth. She works extensively with couples and families and individuals with numerous presenting issues.



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"Forgiveness is not about pouring pink paint over our anger and pretending it does not exist."
- Beverley Pugh


I remember a special woman I worked with in Australia. She came in looking heartbroken and sad. When I asked her what help she was seeking, she said in a quiet, sad voice - "I can't pray. I am so angry. I've lost my ability to relax and even my ability to pray." I will always remember her and her journey. Her partner had an affair with her best friend of many years. Heartbreaking. She not only lost the man she loved, she lost her best friend. Read More

This month's article is written by Gina. She shares her story of self-forgiveness.

My Journey to Self-Forgiveness by Gina


I love meSelf-forgiveness has been the underlying theme as I navigated through my twenties, thirties and now forties. I don't believe self-forgiveness was in my vocabulary during my twenties. I just knew that there were things I had done that I regretted and wished I could undo; I lived so far outside of myself looking for acceptance and validation from others perhaps as an unconscious attempt to transmute what I felt were personal transgressions and I did this in unhealthy ways without knowing that was what I was doing. I entered into a long period of self-harm that extended well into my thirties; addictions, disordered eating, suicidal tendencies, and depression characterized my life and for the longest time I believed this was as good as my life would be, and that perhaps I was paying the price for all those things I regretted from the past. Read More

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