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September 2014
Message from Bev
Bullying by Holly
Bullied at High School by Angela
Practice Exercise

Asking for help is a life-long skill. Teach your kids about bullying. Tell your child to please tell you or someone they trust if they have any problems with anyone, anytime related to bullying, even if you are distracted you still want to know. It is our responsibility as adults to create safe environments for our children. Bullying prevention skills may help some children protect themselves from bullying. Coach your children about how to respond to certain situations where someone is being disrespectful to them.
About Beverley Pugh

Bev Pugh

"Every joy is gain. And gain is gain, however small." 

- Robert Browning


Beverley has been a practicing counsellor for over 30 years. She has worked extensively in Canada, Australia, Japan, and Thailand. Beverley currently has a full-time practice on the North Shore. Beverley has a highly intuitive ability to help people uproot core issues that are holding them back from moving forward to where they want to be in terms of their own self-growth. She works extensively with couples and families and individuals with numerous presenting issues.



Visit Beverley Pugh & Associates Counselling Services at

Message from Bev


"At no time and in no way is abuse acceptable."  - Bev Pugh


Bullying is a topic that is close to everyone's heart. We receive many referrals around bullying and have talked to a large number of teachers, counsellors and doctors. As a parent and a professional, I carry a great deal of attention and commitment to doing everything possible to eliminate bullying. This is not what we want our children to experience.


Bullying is a wide-spread problem in our schools and community. Statistics suggest that 48% of school aged children experience some form of bullying. It is a frequent and serious public health problem. Bullying is about power. Bullying gives the bully a sense of importance and power over another person. The roots of bullying are often traced back into family dynamics and how society has responded to bullying behaviour. It is said to be the most common form of violence in our society.


Often children who are bullied are sensitive, shy kids. Their sensitivity can sometimes make them a target.


I am always in awe of the papers our high school and university students write. They carry so much information and wisdom.


This month's newsletter features a paper on cyberbullying. I thank the university student who had the courage to let everyone on this newsletter read her study.


If any of you know a student who would like to share a paper they have written, or a talk they have given with the community, please let me know.


This month's contributor is a 20 year old university student who experienced bullying during her high school years.

Thank you to both of these students for sharing their concerns with us.

Bullying by Holly


cyberbullying This paper is about cyber bullying. I am a 24 year old university student and I am studying so that I can work with young people.


I've written a paper on cyber bullying for my university course. Bev asked me to share it with all of you who read this newsletter, and please share it if you know someone who needs to read this; anyone who needs help. I am thrilled to have everyone read it. This is a condensed version of my paper, but I hope it helps you or your family or a friend.

Cyberbullying - sometimes known as online bullying, online harassment, or electronic bullying, has become a major cause of students having problems at school, psychological harm, and in some cases even suicide. Such bullying can involve online fighting, harassment, stalking, inpersonification, outing, trickery, and exclusion by using a variety of social media. As this is such a rapidly changing new area, little research has been completed in it. Read More

Bullied at High School by Angela

empty classroom I am 20 years old and at university. I had a really tough time in high school. I was excluded by a group of popular girls. They would tease me, embarrass me, and humiliate me. I felt horrible. It actually went on for a couple of years. I became quieter and quieter. Finally, I was referred for anxiety to counselling. Read More


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