We do not take our holiday specials lightly around here. Usually everyone has SUCH a clear opinion (HA. Understatement alert!) so it takes a little bit of discussion to decide what the special should be.

But this year, it was easy. Because you all made the decision for us. How about you give us the same special you did last year? you said.

The first thing we did was to sit down & ask ourselves, What would we want?

Simple. That way you can get whatever story you want, however you want. Get it as a print. Toss in a few books because they're the best holiday hostess gifts ever. Might as well add in a sculpture because of that weird niche in the hallway where nothing else fits. Of course, you'll want a throw, too, because, well, winter (& don't forget a wrist wrap in orange, because winter (again) & orange shows up really well if you get caught in a giant snowdrift...)

So, there you have it. The special starts today. Drop in to StoryPeople & see where the stories take you. Just be sure & enter the code ' wintertreats' when you go through checkout to make the discount take effect...

with love,

The Little People at StoryPeople. (HA!)

P.S. As for the treats, we're not going to tell you what they are. Though if that makes you crazy, we suggest dropping in on Brian's Instagram account (@brianandreas) because he usually lets things slip there.

Otherwise, we're just going to throw them in with your order. Yay!

P.P.S. We already talked to a few of you who ordered Brian's new book Impossible to Know last week (which you said you all love, btw. In case you haven't ordered your own copy yet...) & some of you said Waaah! If we'd known you were going to run a special, we would've waited.

So, we got out our calculators & here's what we came up with. If you had ordered all of the treats separately that came with the new book - the signed copy, the limited edition vellum & the ebook & the $5 no-matter-what-you-order shipping - it would've cost you $94.90. 15% off that comes to $80.67. So, if you'd rather have the holiday special (because who doesn't want a great deal for the holidays?), send us a check for $45.72 & we'll call it even...:-)