TSI News Update
Once again, Francesca Toscani and I are collaborating, which is always an exciting experience! She is our newsletter editor and I am a contributor. Each issue we highlight a TSM Trainer or Team Leader from around the world and learn how they integrate the 
Therapeutic Spiral Model into their work--much like our 2013 book did but i n shorter "sound bites". 

We invite you to read my Musings, and see what Ben Rivers, our Middle Eastern trainer,  is up to in this edition's   Interview.   For a gift to yourself and your personal and professional development, visit our Winter-Spring Preview . We hope you'll be enticed and plan to join us for an exceptional workshop or two.    

Born in the UK, raised in Australia, Ben Rivers specializes in the use of therapeutic and participatory theatre for community mobilization, cultural activism and collective trauma response. Ben tells us, "I have always felt a strong desire to join with oppressed people in the creative struggle for a world that is more peaceful, more just, and more equitable. Perhaps this drive comes from my mother. As a child, I would often join her at meetings, study groups and political actions where the currents of feminism, socialism and environmentalism were largely present. These ways of viewing and responding to injustice, exploitation and structural violence would play a significant role in my later life path." Read Interview for more on Ben and his powerful work in the Middle East. 

We have a full selection of stimulating and 
ins piring  workshops (training and personal) planned for the coming seasons.

Please take a look and join us.

Dr Kate's Musings
It is interesting that since I am now in a stage of Generativity of our TSM 
Original Team 20+ years later: Mimi, Kate, Francesca, Cathy
model, I am once again returning to an emphasis on the Canon of Creativity -- a concept so simple, so  elegant that we can sometimes forget its therapeutic power...

Our first training group from 1992-1995 developed this safe model for the treatment of PTSD by integrating clinical psychology with classical psychodrama at the time.

I hope you have enjoyed reading our first TSI News Update. Many people have contributed their time, energy, ideas, skills, and deep compassion to make the Therapeutic Spiral Model what it is today -- 25 years after its co-creation in Charlottesville, VA and Black Earth, WI.  You and your efforts are greatly appreciated.  Thank you.

It's been a wonderful, healing 2015 for me personally and I hope for you.  I look forward to connecting with you during the coming year and celebrating all the beautiful growth that is happening in our psychodramatic world.

Blessings and Balance,

Kate Hudgins
Therapeutic Spiral International