Logo 2012
Number 3March 8, 2013

March is Youth Alcohol and Drug Abuse Awareness Month in Howard County... Just Say KNOW 

KNOW how to get your name listed on our website.
Click here to become a Friend of
HC DrugFree.

Ask Someone Who


Email your questions about drug and alcohol use and abuse to Joan at or mail them to our office.  Look for answers in future issues. Senders will remain anonymous.

Calendar of Events


"Distracted Driving"

Thursday, March 14

7:00 PM

Atholton High School

Media Center


HoCo FilmFest

Winning films played, including HC DrugFree category. 

Friday, March 22

7:30 PM

Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Lab



with HC DrugFree message

Saturday, March 23

7:00 PM

River Hill High School


Teen Advisory Council Mtg.

Monday, April 8

5:30-6:30 PM

The Barn in Oakland Mills


"Senior Week - Staying Safe in Ocean City"

Monday, April 8

7:00 PM

Mt. Hebron High School



For more information about upcoming events, please click here.


To download and print a copy of this, click here.




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HC DrugFree Goes to Capitol Hill   
Pictured above: Arthur Dean, Joan Webb Scornaienchi, Elijah Cummings
Joan Webb Scornaienchi, serving as both Executive Director of HC DrugFree and Howard County's Substance Abuse Prevention Coordinator, visited Capitol Hill to speak with Community Anti-Drug Coalition of America's (CADCA) CEO and Chairman Retired Army General Arthur Dean and U.S. Representative Elijah Cummings. Later in the day, Joan and Molly Smith, HC DrugFree's Hispanic Outreach Coordinator, met with aides to Senators Barbara Mikulski and Ben Cardin to advocate for substance abuse prevention funding.

For the second year, HC DrugFree's staff attended the annual CADCA Conference at The Gaylord National Hotel and Convention Center in National Harbor, Maryland to learn new skills to help address substance abuse issues, hear from experts in the field of substance abuse capitol_2prevention, treatment, and recovery, and network with approximately 3,000 peers from across the country.

HC DrugFree is working hard to bring the best substance abuse prevention practices and research to Howard County. 
KNOW where to get free alcohol saliva test strips.
HC DrugFree has been distributing free alcohol saliva test strips at recent programs. One parent commented that her child chose not to host a party because it was made clear that if there was alcohol brought into the home, the test strips would be used and parents would be called. If you have a story you would like to share with us, please email Joan at
The results of the alcohol saliva test strips will not stand up in court.
KNOW the dangers of using alcohol or other drugs to cope with the stresses of parenthood.
Suggested videos for parents:
One mom turns from prescription Adderall to meth.
The dangers of using substances to relieve the stresses of motherhood.

KNOW where to get free informational pamphlets.
If you would like to receive any of the free pamphlets below, please email your name and address along with the names of the pamphlets to and we will send them to you.
Si le interesa recibir cualquiera de los folletos abajo gratis, favor de mandar su nombre y direcci�n a indicando los nombres de los folletos y los enviaremos por correo.
  JW Spanish Tobacco
Visit HC DrugFree's website: for additional information.
Contact HC DrugFree
10451 Twin Rivers Rd., Suite 404
Columbia, MD 21044