Dates to Remember:

Jul 7 Addiction & Recovery Day of Prayer

Jul 14 Story telling in the Parish Hall 

Jul 25- Aug 23 School Supply Drive

Jul 23rd Analog

Aug 23 Blessing of Backpacks & Welcome Home Sunday

Sep 12 ECW Meeting

Sep 13 Back to Church & Invitation Sun

Sep 27 Mid Yr Meeting

Sunday Services
8:30 am
Rite I
In the Chapel
(no music)

10:30 am
Rite II
(with music)
In the Nave

Church Office
Monday - Thursday
Hours: 10:00 am to 
2:00 pm
The Midweek Connection
July 2nd, 2015

Inside this Midweek Connection:
  • Fr. Billy -- Analog
  • Dates to Remember through September
  • The New Presiding Bishop-Elect
  • One Full Year in The Atrium - A Recap
  • Bishop Dena Harrison Interview
  • Postludes Aren't Just for Leaving
Fr. Billy Tweedie

We have had two digital free men's group meetings over the summer during which we have brewed some beer and talked about the fermentation process.  What has bubbled out of our meetings is that the analog group would like to host an Oktoberfest on October 24
th .  There will be food, drink, music, vendors, and fun for kids.  Please mark your calendar, and we will be in touch about how you can help this event be successful for our community and neighbors. 


The next Analog group will meet on July 23rd.  We will have Dr. Granville Ott talking to us about the liminal space between analog and digital technology.  Hope to see you there. 


The Rev. Billy Tweedie
Vicar to The Episcopal Church of the Resurrection


Our new Presiding Bishop-Elect

Last week, we issued a Call to Prayer, as the General Convention No 78 elected the 28th Presiding Bishop of The Episcopal Church. That has now happened, and here is your opportunity to meet The Right Rev. Michael Curry, current Diocesan Bishop of North Carolina. Bishop Curry will be our first African-American Presiding Bishop when he is so consecrated in Novenber. Click on the link to see a video interview with him. You will likely be very favorably impressed.

News from The Atrium


Resurrection Atrium's Inaugural Year 2014-15 Recap


Jesus called them to him, saying, 'Let the children come to me, and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God.'

- Luke 18:16


Dear Level I and II parents,


Your children have been deeply immersed in prayerful work this past year.  As you know, the Catechesis is not a program where a child walks out of the room on Sunday with a piece of paper illustrating what they have learned that day.  They walk out of the room, often, with a prayerful heart still hearing God speaking with them.


Our job as catechist or assistants, is to name for them what and Whom they already know.  The Holy Spirit is the Teacher in the Atrium.  We are all there to listen to Him.  What a joyful calling!  So what and Who have we lifted up this year?  Here's a rough sketch:


Prayer: the Holy Bible, Psalm 23, the Lord's Prayer, prayer table, liturgical colors, processions

  • Biblical geography: Globe, Israel, Jerusalem
  • Baptism and Eucharist: symbols, articles used, gestures
  • Good Shepherd and the Eucharistic Presence; the Found Sheep & the Hired hand
  • Old Testament prophecies of the Messiah
  • Infancy Narratives of Jesus
  • Parables of the Kingdom of God (pearl, leaven, mustard seed)
  • Mystery of Life and Death (seed dying, to give its life for new plant)
  • For especially the younger ones: practical life work


And as always, there is time each Sunday dedicated for the children to respond to these proclamations, through artwork. 


As the child grows in the Atrium, Level II (6 yrs and up) introduces:

  • added depth to the material above, with theological synthesis (similar themes found in Kingdom parables, for ex.);
  • Moral theology: God calls us into Covenant, we can respond to that in different ways)
  • planning communal prayer together
  • a widening of their world to reveal that God's plan in history, which we read about in the Bible, is to bring all of humankind into the full enjoyment of the life of God (Creation - the Blue Strip, the Gifts Strip)
  • We envision also, for Level II children who've already had a year in the atrium, offering a 2016 Lenten retreat focusing on the True Vine parable and the Forgiving Father (Prodigal Son).  More on that this fall. 

 So those are what I hope we can shepherd our older children through this coming next year. 


Thank you to all of our adult assistants who have contributed of their time on Sunday mornings.  My hope is this time proves to be just as spiritually nourishing for you as it is for me.  The children point the way to Christ.


So much to be thankful for - so much to look forward to!  Thank you for YOUR support.  It has been a true joy to see our little mustard seed of an Atrium begin to grow some beautiful roots and shoots.


Yours in Christ,

Mother Kelly 

Postludes Aren't Just for Leaving

You may have noticed lately, some particularly beautiful organ music wafting through the nave as you make your way out. Slow down, or better yet, stop entirely and listen for a few moments to the splendid postludes being presented by our Music Director, Sara Burden-McClure.  They represent Sara's offering of talent, and preparation time to God, and a benefit for us. Be sure to honor that withyour attention and a word of appreciation to Sara. 
Hear Bishop Suffragan
Dena Harrison

In an interview regarding women in the church and their leadership skills, our Bishop Suffragan,Dena Harrison discusses in this interview some of her experiences as the first woman bishop in the Diocese of Texas, and how she has worked to help other women discover and develop their own leadership skills.
Prayer Intercessors


Intercession is about love, and learning to love. Intercession is about love that is both expressed and learned. We express our love for another when we pray for them, and we learn to love them even more, even our enemies.

-Br. James Koester 

From the Society of Saint John the Evangelist

One of the ways we express our love here at Resurrection is through Intercessory Prayer. We have intercessors praying each day of the week, but we would love to have even more. If you would like to participate, contact Linda Bryant or Mary Morrison, and we'll be glad to give you any information you might need to get you started.

Wednesday Bible Study Continues

Wednesday morning Bible Study continues at 8:30 am to 9:30 am at Genuine Joe's Coffee House at 2001 W. Anderson Lane. Our intrepid Bible scholars are now studying the book of Ecclesiastes.
Thrift Shop Announcement

Lana Beyer, Thrift Shop manager has announced that during July and August, the Thrft Shop will have no evening hours. Look for further news later in August. 

Dine Out

Mr. Joe Page has informed us that Dine Out is on Vacation for July, and will resume in August.
Music for July 5th: 
Anthem: God Bless America, Irving Berlin
Processional:  637, How Firm A Foundation
Gospel: R61 (V1&2) Lord You Give the Great Commission
Communion : 657, Love Divine, All Loves Excelling
R91, We Are One In Mission
Missional: 718, God of Our Fathers, Whose Almighty Hand

If you are unable to fulfill your lay ministry, arrange for a substitute and let Marty in the office know of the change by noon on Thursday before. 

First Reading: II Samuel 5:1-5, 9-10
Psalm 48
Second Reading: II Corinthians 12:2-10
Gospel:  Mark 6:1-13

8:30 am Service -
Lector: Jon Ellis
Psalmist: Mariel Fox
Intercessor: Reba Ott
Chalicist:  Granville Ott
Usher: Jim Ryan

10:30 am Service-
First Lesson: Helen Paulsen
Psalm: Richard Fromme
Second Lesson: Pat Mills
Prayers of the People: Noreen McMahan
Chalicists: (GC) Robert Beyer (C) Lana Beyer
Acolytes: Holly & Charles Davis & Douglas Foxworth
Ushers: Kenneth DeSilva, Dan Prikryl, Antwonn Blue, Ben Garza
Altar Guild: Pam Stout, Mason Kramer
Flower Guild
Lay Eucharistic Minister:  To be announced
Bishop's Committee Host: Jon Ellis O