We are pleased to present to you one of our latest publications from the
Latin American Perspectives in the Classroom  series published by Rownman & Littlefield.

Rethinking Latin American Social Movements: Radical Action from Below edited by LAP Editors Richard Stahler-Scholk, Harry Vanden and Mark Becker,  presents perspectives on several social movements taking place across Latin America. 

Please take a look below, and follow the link below to order your copy today!

Latin American Perspectives


This groundbreaking text explores the dramatic evolution in Latin American social movements over the past fifteen years. Leading scholars examine a variety of cases that highlight significant shifts in the region. First is the breakdown of the Washington Consensus and the global economic crisis since 2008, accompanied by the rise of new paradigms such as
buen vivir (living well). Second are transformations in internal movement dynamics and strategies, especially the growth of horizontalism ( horizontalidad ), which emphasizes non-hierarchical relations within society rather than directly tackling state power. Third are new dynamics of resistance and repression as movements interact with the "pink tide" rise of left-of-center governments in the region. Exploring outcomes and future directions, the contributors consider the variations between movements arising from immediate circumstances (such as Oaxaca's 2006 uprising and Brazil's 2013 bus fare protests) and longer-lasting movements (V?a Campesina, Brazil's MST, and Mexico's Zapatistas). Assessing both the continuities in social movement dynamics and important new tendencies, this book will be essential reading for all students of Latin American politics and society.

El libro Rethinking Latin American Social Movements:  Radical Action from Below (Repensando los movimientos sociales latinoamericanos: acci?n radical desde abajo), es una compilaci?n de 16 cap?tulos m?s introducci?n y conclusi?n, que aborda de forma te?rica y emp?rica las luchas populares en la regi?n, con enfoque especial en los ?ltimos 10 a?os. Examina, entre las principales nuevas tendencias: 1) el contexto cambiante de lo que algunos llaman el pos-neoliberalismo, incluyendo los dilemas que implican las estrategias neo-extractivistas de "desarrollo"; 2) las diversas estrategias y dilemas de los movimientos frente a la realidad en gran parte de la regi?n de la izquierda electoral en el poder; y 3) la importancia central de la horizontalidad en la formaci?n de nuevas subjetividades y nuevas formas de hacer pol?tica para la transformaci?n radical desde la sociedad. L@s autores son acad?mic@s comprometid@s con las luchas populares por la justicia social, de perspectiva cr?tica y diversa. Los casos que se enfocan incluyen los movimientos afro en Colombia, las resistencias a partir del golpe de estado en Honduras, el movimiento zapatista de autonom?a en M?xico, el feminismo popular en Brasil, y los movimientos ind?genas en el Ecuador, entre otros. La compilaci?n forma parte de una serie co-editada por Rowman & Littlefield y Latin American Perspectives, una de las principales revistas te?ricas de izquierda sobre Am?rica Latina. El libro tiene como objetivo contribuir al an?lisis y al debate sobre temas claves relacionados con los movimientos sociales contempor?neos, en un formato accesible y ?til no s?lo para intelectuales sino tambi?n para estudiantes y para activistas de los movimientos. De esa forma esperamos romper las barreras entre teor?a y praxis para aportar a la construcci?n de otro mundo posible.

Richard Stahler-Sholk, is a professor in the Department of Political Science at Eastern Michigan University. 
Harry E. Vanden, is a professor in the Department of Government and International Affairs and the Institute for the Study of Latin America and the Caribbean at the University of South Floria. 
Marc Becker, is a professor in the Department of History at Truman State University.


Marc Becker, George Ciccariello-Maher, Kwame Dixon, Fran Espinoza, Daniela Issa, Nathalie Lebon, Maurice Rafael Maga?a, Mar?a Elena Martinez-Torres, Sara C. Motta, Leonidas Oikonomakis, Suyapa Portillo Villeda, Peter M. Rosset, Marina Sitrin, Rose J. Spalding, Richard Stahler-Sholk, Alicia Swords, Harry E. Vanden, and Ra?l Zibechi

To find out more about the book, or to purchase a copy, please visit:
LAP Website