Rev. Paul Hobson Sadler Photo 

Rev. Paul's Inspirational Message 
Good Day Family,

I wish that I had a dollar for every time someone told me that it was my season. At those times, I would always think to myself, "You don't know what I going through right now...this isn't my season!" As I have grown in my faith, I have come to realize that we have a lot to do with our harvest...and it begins with planting some seeds. I don't l know anyone who doesn't like reaping the fruit of their labor and the result of their harvest. But it is foolish to expect a harvest when we have not planted anything. Thus, your time of harvest has a lot to do with you and your actions and your plans and prayerful preparations.


Who would not love to perpetually live in a time of prosperity and increase? Well, you can improve your prospects of increase by certain specific actions and attitudes that you can develop for yourself and infuse into your environment. You must begin to see yourself doing more, having more and being more of what God wants for to do, have and be. You must believe God for your increase. This begins by developing an attitude of gratitude...having a grateful spirit for all of the blessings that God has bestowed and trusting and believing God for everything that you need. This means that you return to God what belongs to God...a tithe...and believe God to multiply the rest!


Every season is your season and every time is your time when you understand that you are a child of the King. When you know that you are a child of the Sovereign of the Universe, you expect desire greatness and you possess a generous spirit that enables you to suffer no lack even when you don't have everything that you want. It's your time to get in line with God's will, purpose and plan for your life. It's your season to surrender to God's vision and to get on God's path. Don't delay! Prosperity, opportunity and blessing are waiting for you!


Walking in the Rhythm of God's time,
Rev. Paul
Rev. Paul Hobson Sadler, Sr., Pastor
Mt. Zion Congregational Church United Church of Christ
Cleveland, Ohio

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