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HC DrugFree
10451 Twin Rivers Road
Suite 404
Columbia, MD 21044

On Giving Tuesday Choose
HC DrugFree
December 3, 2013 is the second annual GivingTuesday. When you choose the charity of your choice on that day, please consider helping the youth, parents and families of Howard County by making your donation to
HC DrugFree.
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November 21, 2013
Win Gift Card!
Take parent survey below in English or Spanish
HC DrugFree invites Howard County parents with children between the ages of 12 and 20 to participate in a quick survey about our upcoming media campaign. We also invite you to include comments and feedback about HC DrugFree programs. The survey and all comments will remain anonymous but can have a profound impact on the perception of underage drinking in Howard County. We know that the youth of our county feel there is easy access to alcohol and other drugs. Now let us hear what the parents think. If you choose to enter your email address, you will be registered in a drawing and can win a gift card or a secured medicine bag. The survey will close on November 24 at midnight. For more information on this and other HC DrugFree services, please visit www.hcdrugfree.org
Click here to take the survey.

Invitamos a los padres residentes de Howard County con ni�os entre los edades de 12 y 20 a participar en una encuesta con miras a que nos asistan a desarrollar una campa�a enfocada en limitar el uso de alcohol por los menores de edad. La encuesta y todos los comentarios son an�nimos pero pueden tener un impacto profundo en la comunidad. Al final tendr�s la opci�n de someter su direcci�n de correo electr�nico o su n�mero de tel�fono para entrar en una rifa para una tarjeta de regalo o una bolsa de seguridad para guardar sus medicamentos. La encuesta cierre el 24 de noviembre. Para m�s informaci�n sobre esto y otros servicios de HC DrugFree, favor de visitar www.hcdrugfree.org/enespanol.
Haz clic para tomar el survey.


Joan Joan Webb Scornaienchi
Executive Director
HC DrugFree

HC DrugFree | 10451 Twin Rivers Road | Suite 404 | Columbia, MD 21044
Executive Director: Joan Webb Scornaienchi
www.hcdrugfree.org | 443-325-0040 | Joan@hcdrugfree.org


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