Note from the CASC staff:

Happy Monday!  


CASC had a great time last week at the So Cool, So Just Student Org Fair and the Welcome Back Ice Cream Social. Check out photos from the events on our Facebook page. CASC is now on Twitter! Find us @cascminor. All social media savvy CASC mionrs are invited to stop by Alice's office and offer Twitter tips and hashtag suggestions!  


If you would like to include anything in upcoming newsletters, or have comments or suggestions please send them to Bri by Friday at 2 pm.

CASC Announcements 

 MSW Info Sessions  

CASC is hosting a number of info sessions for students considering applying to the University of Michigan School of Social Work through the Preferred Admissions program. Please see a full

calendar of MSW-related events here. Our first info session will be held on Tuesday, September 23 at 12 pm in room B770. 


Senior Audits

CASC has moved to an online auditing system. You should complete your major degree audit before you complete your minor degree audit. All senior audits should be completed online or by going to My SSW on the School of Social Work website. Please send any questions about this process to [email protected].

Gerontology Honor Society First Meeting

Sigma Phi Omega (SPO) is U-Ms Gerontology Honor Society. They combine education about and community service benefiting older adults with social opportunities. If you are interested in joining the group or have general SPO questions, email Benna Kessler.
When: September 22, 6 PM
Where: School of Social Work, room B780


Jewish Voice for Peace Kickoff Event
Interested in Israel and Palestine? Learn more about a new pro-peace, pro-human rights organization on campus. Attend a presentation by U-M grad student and activist Matan Kaminer.
When: September 23, 7 PM
Where: 1046 Dana Building
Get Out the Vote with "Nuns on the Bus"
Nuns on the Bus is headed to U-M. This year, the bus is driving so "We the People" can stand up against big money in the 2014 midterm elections. "We the People" will stand up against income and wealth disparity by voting and encouraging others to vote for the good of the 100%.
When: September 28, 4 PM - 6 PM
Where: School of Social Work, ECC (1840) 

DART Information Sessions
The Direct Action & Research Training (DART) Center will host information sessions to discuss careers in community organizing with individuals interested in empowering communities and working for social change. RSVP for either event. DART hires and trains organizers to lead campaigns on a broad set of justice issues. Get more information on applying to DART. Contact Hannah Wittmer with additional questions.
When: October 1, 8 PM and October 2, 7 PM


Hands Up Don't Shoot Panel
A panel of sociology faculty members will facilitate a dialogue with students around the events that took place this summer in Ferguson, Missouri. Join the conversation!

When: October 2, 5:45 PM

Where: LSA Building, room 3254 

Green Corps

Green Corps is a field school for environmental organizing. Their mission is to train organizers, provide field support for today's critical environmental campaigns, and graduate activists who possess the skills to improve environmental conditions. Through a one year fellowship, Green Corps organizers receive classroom training, real-life experience, and career placement and networking support after their year to advance them within the environmental field. CASC alum Hilary Hunt ('13) will be in Ann Arbor to recruit CASC students for this fellowship. All interested participants should apply before October 5. Email Hilary with any further questions.

Human Rights Pilot Project

U-M has partnered with a handful of professors at other universities and Amnesty International (USA) to launch the Citizen Media Evidence Partnership (CMEP) Program. Through CMEP, trained students evaluate still photos and video images posted on social media sites, like Instagram and YouTube, to support future human rights litigations. Participants are expected to volunteer 5-15 hours per week. No background in human rights is necessary. Learn more about the project, an example of the work being done, and links to useful background reading. All interested participants should email Anita with "CMEP" in the subject line.


Telluride Fellowship

Telluride House is accepting applications for their fellowship. It is a merit-based residential fellowship committed to establishing a vibrant community supporting democratic ideals of self-governance, a stimulating intellectual environment, and a commitment to public service. House-members range from first years to PhD students, and are joined by faculty fellows from several fields. The application deadline is October 6 by 4 PM.


Dawn Farm Education Series

Dawn Farm presents "Teens Using Drugs: What To Know and What To Do," a free, ongoing, two-part series presented on the first (part one) and second (part two) Tuesday evenings of October, November, and January through June. This series is targeted primarily to parents but is inclusive of teens, other family members, people who work with teens and families, students and others. For information about this program, please visit their website. 

When: October 7 and various Tuesdays to follow, 7:30-9 PM
Where: St. Joseph Mercy Hospital Education Center 5305 Elliott Dr. Ypsilanti, 48197

Ann Arbor SOUP

Ann Arbor SOUP provides a unique opportunity for ideas and projects aimed at benefiting the Ann Arbor community to be supported and funded by the Ann Arbor community. Ann Arbor SOUP encourages student organizations, faculty, Ann Arbor community members, and local non profits to submit a proposal for their project. They host a community dinner where $5 gets attendees a SOUP dinner and a vote for which presented project wins the money raised that night. Join them Mondays at 8pm in 1024 Dana. Learn more about SOUP. Looking for funding for your group? Click here to apply to present at Ann Arbor SOUP.   


Youth Arts Alliance!
Youth Arts Alliance! is a five-county art collaborative in Southeast Michigan. YAA! provides creative arts workshops inside juvenile detention and residential treatment facilities in Southeast Michigan. To learn more about YAA!, visit their website.
Scholarships and Funding Opportunities

Funding for Student Organizations

CASC students are involved in many activities around campus and we receive multiple requests for funding. CASC has a limited pool of money that CASC students are eligible to apply for. In order to apply for a CASC grant, you must be part of a registered student org and have an SOAS account. There are four funding deadlines throughout the year- October 1, December 1, January 15, and March 15. To apply for funding, students must submit a funding proposal that includes the following information: student org name, contact info, SOAS account number, event name, summary of event, date of event, complete budget. Email questions to [email protected].

Jobs and Internships

United Teen Equality Center 

UTECs nationally recognized model begins with intensive street outreach and gang peacemaking, reaching out to the most disconnected youth by meeting them "where they are at." UTEC engages youth in workforce development and alternative education. Social justice and civic engagement are embedded in all programming, with special emphasis in youth-led grassroots organizing, locally and statewide. UTEC has job openings in several departments. Visit their website to learn more. 


Washtenaw Success by 6

The Success by 6 Great Start is a collaboration of over 40 organizations in Washtenaw County working to make positive change in the early childhood system. Their mission is to ensure that all children enter school with the skills ready to be successful. A major part of their work involves bringing organizations together to fill gaps or to encourage programs to work together to better meet the needs of young families. Learn more about this paid internship.

University of Michigan
School of Social Work
1080 South University Avenue
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1106
Phone: (734) 763-5733

We're Social!