Note From The CASC Staff

Happy Monday!


If you would like to include anything in upcoming newsletters, or have comments or suggestions please send them to Ashley by Sunday at 5 pm.


CASC Announcements


Registration for SW 305: Spring and Fall terms

To register for SW 305 for Spring 2014 you MUST complete this form. Completing this form is the only way to receive an override into SW 305 for the Spring 2014 term. 


To register for SW 305 for Fall 2014 you MUST complete this form indicating your preferred section of SW 305. Completing this form is the only way to receive an override into SW 305 for the Fall 2014 term.   


Please make sure you complete the form for the correct term. Permissions will be given to current CASC students in order of class standing. If you haven't already, you will receive permissions this week. If you have any questions, contact Alice. 


SW 401 is the CASC Capstone course. It is only open to CASC seniors. You can take SW 401 in the fall or winter term of your senior year, but you must take SW 305 prior to taking SW 401. There are three options for SW 401 in the fall term. Please note, there will be similar options for SW 401 in the winter term. 

SW 401 Fall Options
Tuesday, September 9th, 5 pm - 7 pm: Mandatory Orientation for ALL Fall SW 401 Students
Tuesday, December 2nd, 5 pm - 7 pm: Mandatory Showcase for ALL Fall SW 401 Students
Sec 1: Tuesdays 5-7 pm. Dates: 9/23, 10/7, 10/21, 11/4, 11/18
Sec 2: Saturday, September 27th and Saturday, October 18th, 12 pm - 5 pm
Sec 3: Friday, October 31st and Friday, November 14th, 12 pm - 5 pm

To register for SW 401, you must complete this form. You will receive permissions this week. 



Seniors and those planning to walk at CASC graduation this year should complete this form for graduation. Please complete this by April 11th at the latest. Send questions to Alice.  

Additional CASC Courses

Soc 489 Organizing: People, Power, and Change

Many students want to understand the roots of social problems, and they value this knowledge, at least in part, because they believe that it can help them to become more effective in addressing these problems. Students in this course will intern for 10 hours each week with a Southeast Michigan nonprofit. Learn more here.

Flood the Diag!  
Stop by the Diag anytime during these hours to hear testimonials regarding HIV/AIDS, share your story aloud or anonymously, educate yourself on the topic, and  help  raise awareness by participating in a variety of activities throughout the day! Flashmobs spontaneously from 1-3pm. Sign up here to volunteer!
When: April 9, 11 am-5 pm
Where: The Diag
Diversity Monologues

For the final Diversity Monologueswe will be challenging the "victor" narrative to continue to push Michigan above and beyond its potential for greatness. For our final event, Diversity Monologues: Words from "Victors"prepare a song, spoken word piece, monologue, diary entry, or anything that you feel expresses your feelings and experiences. To speakemail us to submit your piece for approval. 

When: April 9, 6:30-8:30 pm

Where: Literati Bookstore

What's Great About Grad School?
Are you considering graduate school but unsure about how to start the process? Do you have questions about the funding for and academic expectations of graduate school? The Department of Sociology would like to invite you to a dinner for undergraduate students who want to learn more about what it is like to go to graduate school.  RSVP and learn more by contacting [email protected].
When: April 10, 5:45 pm
Where: 4154 LSA

Second Annual Speaking from Silence Event

A speak out where trans* and queer survivors and survivors of color can share their stories. We invite survivors and victims from these communities to come together and share their narratives and experiences in a space that has been intentionally constructed to prioritize our safety, affirmation, and communal healing. Allies, survivors or otherwise, are welcome, but we ask that only survivors who identify as queer, trans*, or of color speak. Allies are welcome, but only with the understand that this is not an educational space but a space of solidarity. We take a broad interpretation of trauma that includes sexual abuse and intimate partner violence, and we welcome multiple narratives of trauma. If you have any questions about this, please don't hesitate to email [email protected] or ask a member of the planning committee at the event. There will be an advocate from SAPAC for additional support. For more information, please see our Facebook event!

When: April 10, 7 pm

Where: Vandenberg Room, Michigan League

Socially-Just Neighborhoods: Urban Communities Address Violence and Incarceration
Before he became a perpetrator of gun violence, Shaka Senghor was a victim. In this talk, he will address PTSD, the root of urban violence, and the school to prison pipeline. If we talk to our youth, we'll see that they have been victimized themselves and do not know how to process their emotions in a healthy way. Register here.
When: April 11, 12-2 pm
Where: B780 School of Social Work

Transgender Documentary Screening

Join University of Michigan's RCSSCI 360, in collaboration with the Residential College and Transgender Michigan, as we screen the short documentary "Toilet Training: Law & Order (in the bathroom)." An interactive educational dialogue will follow where everything bathrooms can be discussed. Admission is free to the public, and food/beverage will be provided!

When: April 16, 8 pm

Where: G127 Angell Hall

Voices for Votes
YAWE is a youth-led leadership and professional empowerment program for high-school aged women in Southeast Michigan. YAWE is hosting a crowd-funding event where 3 finalists will have a chance to pitch their organization, and then event attendees will vote to chose who will receive the grant. Learn more or register to attend here. Please register by April 15.
When: April 25, 7:30-9pm
Where: Pendleton Room of the Michigan Union
Operation Education Children
Join Operation Educate Children as we travel to Ecuador this summer! OEC is dedicated to helping on a local and international level through tutoring in the Ann Arbor community and funding to support classroom construction/supplies for global communities. Each year, we travel to our partner school to engage with their students and gauge what their needs might be for the coming year. This year we are traveling to Quito, Ecuador, and we're always looking for new people to join us on our international travels! For more information contact Elena Ross at [email protected]. 
Raise the Wage Campaign
The Raise the Wage Campaign needs to gather 350,000 signatures throughout the state of Michigan to put the minimum wage issue on the ballot this November. If the ballot initiative is supported, it would raise the minimum wage from $7.40/hr to $10.10/hr which is 
much closer to a livable wage than the one we currently have. Check out this video created by a CASC student to learn more and sign the petition!


Scholarships and Funding Opportunities

Undergraduate Research Award

In recognition of the extraordinary academic achievements of our undergraduate students, the University Library announces the fourth annual U-M Library Undergraduate Student Research Award for excellence in library research conducted in support of an undergraduate student project. Students who have written or participated in a research paper/project from Spring 2013-Winter 2014 term should submit their work for consideration. Students need a faculty sponsor. Learn more and apply hereApplications due May 1. 


Fulbright Program

The Fulbright Program for US students offers students and recent alumni the opportunity to work and conduct research in over 140 countries. There are academic, arts, and teaching assistantship grants available. Learn more and apply here

Application Deadline: September 2014

Jobs and Internships

AFL-CIO Union Summer Internship Program 

The 2014 AFL-CIO Union Summer internship program wants to recruit the best and brightest activists for a 9 week paid internship program that introduces students to the labor union movement. 2014 Union Summer internship dates are June 16 - August 15, 2014. Learn more and apply here. Applications due April 15.


Strategic Corporate Research Summer School 

The AFL-CIO and Cornell University are sponsoring a Strategic Corporate Research Summer School from June 8-13 in Ithaca, NY. Learn more and apply hereApplications due May 2.
Democracy Matters
Democracy Matters' field staff trains and mentors students in grassroots organizing. We also provide materials, offer presentations from our extensive Speaker's Bureau, and give on-going support and guidance to student organizers. DM students attend a yearly National Student Summit where they meet experts in the field of pro-democracy reform. Learn more and apply here.

University of Michigan
School of Social Work
1080 South University Avenue
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1106
Phone: (734) 763-5733

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