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Dear Friend, 
It is once again,that time of year, where we find ourselves reflecting on all there is to be thankful for. I personally am thankful for all of our patients and the faith they have in our physical therapy team. This year has been a bit of a surprise because so many of our patients have realized they can simply stop in and have us evaluate their painful back, neck, shoulder, knee, hip, ankle, etc., without needing any permission from a physician.
So many people are now deciding to take control of their physical, emotional and even spiritual health. We are all so thankful that people are now allowing themselves to search for the proper medical support to get rid of their pain. More often than not I have patients come in and ask me to examine their back or another painful area and direct them in an exercise program or to another physician. They believe and trust in our ability to help them with their injury, whatever it may be. It is truly inspiring to see that people are finally realizing the benefits of coming to see our physical therapy team because we are the experts in pain free movement.
I recently saw a patient who was directed to Indianapolis for a back surgery consultation. Before making this trip, someone gave her the name of McDonald Physical Therapy as a trusted group to see before going. She called us, got an appointment and was informed during her first appointment that she needed to see a hip specialist, not a spine surgeon. She changed her plans, saw a hip specialist, had a total hip replacement and is now back to a normal life without any pain.
Before July 1, 2013, no one was legally allowed to come see a physical therapist without a doctor's referral. But this year alone, 180 patients have decided to call for an appointment or walk in to see one of our therapists. It is with this in mind, that I am so thankful for all of those patients that have chosen to take control of their pain. It is with this in mind, that I am so grateful that so many are on the road to a happier healthier life!
I would like to wish each and every one of you, along with the entire staff at McDonald Physical Therapy, a Happy Thanksgiving and let you know we are most Thankful for You! 

Health Information
How to avoid turkey bowl injuries this Thanksgiving

Every year around this time, Loyola University Medical Center Sports Medicine surgeon Dr. Pietro Tonino sees a spike in sprains, contusions, broken bones and other injuries suffered in Thanksgiving pickup football games.

Many of these injuries are easily preventable, Tonino said. He offers the following tips to reduce the risk of Turkey Bowl injuries:

Touch, not tackle. Tackle football greatly increases the injury risk. Flag football reduces it. The safest option is touch football .

Warm up and stretch. You're more likely to suffer injuries if your muscles are cold. Before kickoff, warm up by jogging, running in place, doing jumping jacks, etc., for a few minutes. Then slowly and gently stretch, holding each stretch for 30 seconds.

Don't wear cleats. When you wear cleats, there's a risk that your foot will be stuck in one position while the rest of your body is moving in a different direction, leading to injury. Leave cleats to professional and competitive players. Wear gym shoes instead.

But do wear mouth guards. They cost only a few dollars and can save hundreds of dollars in dental bills if you get smashed in the mouth.

And loose-fitting clothes. For example, wear sweats instead of jeans. This will make you more flexible to reduce the injury risk .

Act your age. If you're 40, don't try to play like you're still 20. And if you're way out of shape, don't play at all.

Don't drink. Avoid alcohol both before and during the Turkey Bowl.

Don't play hurt. If you get hurt on a play, do not return to action until symptoms are completely gone. You should have no pain, no swelling, full range of motion and normal strength.

Cool down and stretch. At the end of the Turkey Bowl, don't forget to stretch. This will help reduce muscle soreness the next day.

"Playing in a Turkey Bowl is a great way to get some exercise and burn off those pumpkin pie calories," Tonino said. "But make sure you play smart to stay safe."

MPT News & Happenings
 During the month of November, we will be collecting non-perishable food items for Thanksgiving baskets for those in need.
Please consider donating!
Our staff enjoyed dressing up
for Halloween!
Employment Opportunity:
MPT currently has an opening for a physical therapist, please visit our website for more information:

Fran's Favorite Quotes
 "We attract what we focus on"



"Favorite Physical Therapy"
McDonald Physical Therapy


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