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Hilchos Berachos 55 (page 175)
מסעיף יג עד סעיף יז

Can Someone Behind a Divider be Counted Towards the Minyan?
Can Someone in a Doorway be Counted Towards the Minyan?
When Can Someone in a Different Place be Counted Towards the Minyan?

Can someone behind a divider be counted towards the minyan?
For a group of people to be counted as one minyan they must all be in one location, such as one room. People in two different locations, such as separate rooms, cannot be counted as a minyan even if there is an open door between the rooms. Likewise, two groups in one room divided with a mechitza (e.g. the type that is used to divide the men and women in many shuls) cannot combine to form a minyan. If the divider is something not typically used as a mechitza (e.g. a bookcase), however, the groups can join to form a minyan.
( סעיף יג-יד וס"ק מח-מט; ביאורים ומוספים דרשו, 63 ו־65)
Can someone in a doorway be counted towards the minyan?
People standing in a doorway can sometimes be counted towards the minyan. The halacha will depend on the precise spot where they are standing, the size of the doorframe and the size of the door. According to some poskim, if there are only a few people in the doorway, they are 'drawn' after the larger group in the shul and considered part of them. If the people are standing outside of the doorway, they cannot be counted towards the minyan.
( סעיף יג, ס"ק נ-נא, וביה"ל ד"ה של)
When can someone in a different place be counted towards a minyan?
The previous paragraphs discussed groups that could not join to form a minyan because there was something dividing them in a way that they could not see each other. According to the Mechaber, if the groups can see each other they can join for a minyan even if there is some distance between them. According to other poskim, they cannot join even if they can see each other. L'chatchila, participants in a minyan should be together in one location, but in times of need it is possible to be lenient. There is a machlokes as to whether the members of a minyan that is held in an open area need to see each other or whether is it adequate if they can hear one another.
( סעיף יד, ס"ק מח, נב ו־נד, וביה"ל ד"ה ולחוץ; ביאורים ומוספים דרשו, 60-61)

  • Children born in both months of Adar during a leap year will have their bar mitzvos in the same month if there is only one Adar thirteen years later.
  • The poskim discuss whether a child born on one side of the dateline who crosses to the other side of the dateline before his barmitzva should observe his barmitzva according to the date where he was born or according to the local date.
  • A Jew who denies the tenets of Judaism or the validly of the Oral Torah, or who publicly violates Shabbos or does any aveira to disturb Hashem, is treated as a goy and cannot be counted towards a minyan.

  • Is davening in an adjacent room considered tefilla b'tzibur?

  • When is it forbidden to respond to Barechu?

  • The obligation to participate in a minyan on the Yamim Noraim



PLEASE NOTE:  The information in this email is for learning purposes only. Please review the Mishna Berura and Biurim U'Musafim before making a halachic decision. Hebrew words are occasionally transliterated to enable a smoother reading of the text. Common Ashkenazi pronunciation is generally used in these cases.