Celebrating 40 years of helping elders, persons with disabilities, and caregivers  lead independent lives.

Volume 6 | Issue 12A |  Early June 2015

Each year, June 15 is recognized as World Elder Abuse Awareness Day. This day provides an opportunity to highlight the issue of elder abuse and what can be done about it. Our Elder Protective Services Program relies on reports from the members of the community to determine if elders are in need of our services. Elder abuse can happen to anyone, and all socio-economic groups, classes, ethnicities and races are affected by this issue. [read more]

June also marks the start of Healthy Aging: Greenfield, a study being conducted now by Greenfield resident, Walter Leutz, Ph.D., and five "community co-researchers," older adults and residents of Greenfield, who were recruited by Dr. Leutz in the spring. This study uses a "Participatory Action Research" model, he says, "to get older people involved in the design and carrying out of the project" and asks the following questions:
  • What makes Greenfield a good community to grow old in? 
  • In what ways is Greenfield "healthy"? 
  • What could make it better? 
  • What could you personally do to be healthier and make this a healthier community?

With so many happenings going on in June, we've decided to split this month's newsletter into two editions. Please look forward to the next edition mid-month, and find information related to the next two weeks below.
Free workshop begins June 17!
Learn to self-manage your Diabetes
The Healthy Living Program's
June 17 to July 22
2 to 4:30 p.m.
YMCA of Greenfield
451 Main Street 
Greenfield, MA
Lesley Kayan
Healthy Living Program Coordinator
413-773-5555 x2297
978-544-2259 x2297
Diabetes Self-Management is a six-session education program specifically for people with diabetes. Learn to manage your diabetes and stay healthy and independent!

Learn to:
* Handle stress 
* Eat healthy 
* Increase your energy
* Understand the "carb connection" 
* Decrease health risks
* Make choices about treatment

Adults of all ages with diabetes or pre-diabetes, as well as caregivers or family, are welcome! 

Brought to you by Franklin County Home Care Corporation, Tufts Health Plan Foundation, and the United Way of Franklin County.

You made a difference for homebound elders!
Thank you for supporting Meals on Wheels
Because of you,  we can continue to say,  "Yes!" to every elder who requests home-delivered meals!

You raised $85,000 (and counting!) for Meals on Wheels!


Congressman Jim McGovern recently voiced his support for Meals on Wheels in an article on our blog, saying:

This year marks the 50th anniversary of the Older Americans Act, which includes the Meals on Wheels program, and Congress is expected to consider a long-term reauthorization bill for these critically important programs. Rest assured that I will fight to adequately fund and strengthen Meals and Wheels and other support programs that our seniors count on. Our seniors deserve nothing less.

Congressman McGovern also spoke about Meals on Wheels in his May 19, 2015, address to Congress. 

Read the article online.

Watch the video here.


It's never too late to make a gift to Meals on Wheels.

Happy 30th Birthday, Warwick Luncheon Club!
Late on a Tuesday morning, the basement door of the Warwick Town Hall opens, as it has done for 30 years, to lively voices chattering out into the country air.

The weekly gathering of the Warwick Luncheon Club has begun, and the last few of the ten to fifteen customary attendees are trickling in from outside and down from upstairs, where wellness chair exercise and Tai Chi classes have been taking place. A hot meal is served at noon.

"It's good visiting time. We have a chance to gab," says Helen P., adding, "We're a lot older, we can't hear anymore, and we can't see, but we have a good time!" Continue reading this story...

Dining Centers and Luncheon Clubs across Franklin County and the North Quabbin region are open to people age 60 and older and their spouse of any age. There are no financial eligibility requirements or cost for the meal, though voluntary donations are accepted. You do not have to live in the community where you dine.

To inquire about a Luncheon Club or Dining Center in your area, contact the Nutrition Program at Franklin County Home Care by calling 413-773-5555 or 978-544-2259 or via email

Read more about the program and find menus and a complete listing of locations online.

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for information
& services for Massachusetts elders, caregivers, persons with disabilities and
their families. 
Here at FCHCC, we offer many different programs and services designed to meet your unique needs.  Think of us as the guide to what you need. We don't know all of the answers, but we know who to ask. If we can't help you, we'll tell you who can. It all starts with the Information & Caregiver Resource Center. Call 413-773-5555 or 978-544-2259 during normal business hours or email [email protected] anytime.

You can read more about our programs at www.fchcc.org




Roseann Martoccia
Franklin County Home Care Corporation

FCHCC Area Agency on Aging United Way Logo