Health & Wellness
Legislative & Compliance Brief

This week's topic deals with:
The Affordable Care Act (ACA) created new reporting requirements under Internal Revenue Code Sections 6055 and 6056.

Under these new reporting rules, certain employers must provide information to the IRS about the health plan coverage they offer (or do not offer) to their employees. The additional reporting is intended to promote transparency with respect to health plan coverage and costs. It will also provide the government with information to administer other ACA mandates, such as the large employer shared responsibility penalty and the individual mandate. The Code Sections 6055 and 6056 reporting requirements will become effective in 2015. The first returns will be due in 2016 for coverage provided in 2015 

To read more the requirements, please click here.


If you have any questions about this Legislative Brief or how healthcare reform will affect your company, please feel free to contact either Mike Weiss, president of American Health & Wellness (  [email protected]  ) or myself.
" Our mission is to combine state-of-the-art employee benefit programs with onsite wellness services that reduce your costs and improve the health of your employees"
Health & Wellness

Mike Weiss  
2920 E. 96th St. Suite C
Indianapolis, IN 46240
Click here to learn more.
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