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Hilchos Krias Shema 58 (page 181)
מסעיף ב עד סעיף ד

Reciting Shema After Alos
Donning Tefillin After Alos
Davening Shacharis as Early as Possible

Reciting shema after alos
Someone who will be unable to recite Shema during its allotted time may recite it after alos, since mid'oraisa it is already daytime. For example, someone who has to be at work early and cannot focus on reciting Shema while on the job can recite Shema after alos. The poskim discuss whether he can also recite the berachos of Shema at that time.
( סעיף ג וס"ק יג, יד ו־יז; ביאורים ומוספים דרשו, 15)

Donning tefillin after alos
If someone will not have the opportunity to don tefillin later in the day, he is permitted to don them and recite Shema with them immediately after alos. Mid'oraisa, the mitzva can be fulfilled at that time.  Although the Chachomim prohibited wearing them so early, they did not ban wearing them early in times of duress.
( ביאורים ומוספים דרשו, 16)

Davening shacharis as early as possible
It is proper to daven Shacharis as early as possible. One reason is because it is forbidden to do any personal work before davening, just as it is forbidden to perform work prior to any mitzva. Additionally, there is an urgency to recite Shema as early as possible because, being a mitzva d'oraisa, it should be performed at the first opportunity. One should not skip the berachos just to recite Shema early (unless one will not be able to say Shema during the allotted time if he includes the berachos).
( סעיף ב; ביאורים ומוספים דרשו, 12 ו־14)


  • The morning Shema and its accompanying berachos may be recited only once the day has dawned and it is bright enough to recognize a causal friend from a distance of four amos. This time is referred to as 'misheyakir.'
  • Ideally, Kriyas Shema should be recited before sunrise, but it may be recited until three "hours" into the day (1/4 of the day). The length of a halachic hour varies with the changing of the seasons; it is reckoned by dividing the time from morning until night into twelve segments. Kriyas Shema cannot be recited after the third hour.
  • Ideally, Shema and its accompanying berachos should be recited just before sunrise and Shemone Esrei should be recited at sunrise. Davening in this manner is known as vasikin.




  • Reciting the evening Shema in the morning

  • Reciting the berachos after the correct time

  • The tefilla aspect of Shema


PLEASE NOTE:  The information in this email is for learning purposes only. Please review the Mishna Berura and Biurim U'Musafim before making a halachic decision. Hebrew words are occasionally transliterated to enable a smoother reading of the text. Common Ashkenazi pronunciation is generally used in these cases.