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OMG! I had SO much going on yesterday (both planned and unplanned) that I completely FORGOT to send this out! I AM SO SORRY!!! When I forget something important, I take that as a sign I need to SLOW DOWN and get my $%&# together!! Thanks UNIVERSE for that reminder ;)

Anyhoozers...HOW WAS YOUR WEEK??? I have been a little frustrated and sad. My sciatica is getting better, but not good enough to run, so I am bailing on my 50 mile race I've been training for all year. It is this weekend and there is just no way I can run right now. I RARELY bail on a race so I am BUMMED!! I am resting and healing as I have my 24th MARATHON STATE (ND) to run in 12 days!!!

I am still looking for sponsors for my  7 Marathons in 7 States in 7 Days in October. Here are the details on the  SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES for your biz or cause. 

Other than that, we had our first middle school swim meet yesterday (part of the chaos), I celebrated my 19 year wedding anniversary on Tuesday (HOLY OLD LADY), and I am looking forward to this coming LONG weekend (HAPPY LABOR DAY) to get organized and finish moving in!

I am  grateful for my Vitamix. I am back to making a smoothie a day for breakfast after a 60 day break and I feel AMAZEBALLS!!!

Hope you are doing LOTS of things that you love this week!

Happy (day after) Hump Day!

See you next week!!
Kirsten :)

PS...If you don't want to get my newsletter, you can unsubscribe at the bottom! No hard feelings ;)
EASY Vegan Meals...

Snacks on the GO!!!
Here are some of the excuses I hear all the time of why people can't eat healthy or vegan...
I don't have time
I don't have money
I travel for work
I am on the go all day

Yesterday I was super busy as you read above! I was in my car driving from place to place running around all day. I still managed to eat healthy and vegan. Here is what I ate...

B: Smoothie w Shakeology, zucchini, spinach, peach, strawberries, banana, pineapple, beet juice, ice, and water
SN: Bananas
L: Corn and Bobo's Oat Bar
SN: Cantaloupe
D: Earth Balance Mac and Cheese and green beans
SN: Almond Milk Ice Cream w PB

I got up 10 minutes early so I could prep my snacks and lunch and took them with me. All were easy to eat in the car and kept me energetic and focused through 2 workouts, a stressful flat tire, running errands, and a middle school swim meet!

Oh...and when I post my meals daily here, the question I most often get is "where do you get your protien?" Stay tuned next week for a blog post about that!! And BTW...yesterday was a total of 85 g of protein which is more than I need. 

Here is a video of me making my smoothie yesterday...
Follow me on Periscope @throwtogethervegan for daily easy vegan meals!

Workout of the Week...SWIM!!

Each week I will feature a swim, bike, run, strength, core, or flexibility workout.

This was my fave swim I did last week...

Kick and Pull All Day Long
500 kick w fins
500 pull w paddles
250 breast kick w board
250 breast pull
400 kick w fins
400 pull w paddles
200 breast kick w board
200 breast pull
300 kick w fins
300 pull w paddles
150 breast kick w board
150 breast pull
200 kick w fins
200 pull w paddles
100 breast kick w board
100 breast pull
100 kick w fins
100 pull w paddles
50 breast kick w board
50 breast pull
Total 4,500

Shades of Grey...

Um...not THAT Shades of Grey...perv!

I'm talking the dictionary definition as "the fact of it not being clear in a situation."
I used to be a "black or white" kind of girl. It was all or nothing. It was all I knew, it worked for me at the time, but it also created a lot of heartbreak and failure in my life. I'm grateful for the heartbreak and failure in my life as it has taught me valuable lessons and made me into the person I have become today.

Last year I started to  eat raw once a week. I loved the idea of it, but struggled each and every Raw Monday until I quit, and then re-started, and then quit again. I decided last month to re-start, but in a way that works for me.

Kirsten McCay-Smith