Announcing our new Associate for Formation, beginning July 27.

Introducing the Rev. Anne Thatcher
It is with joy that I introduce you to the Reverend Anne Thatcher, who will be our new Associate for Formation. Anne will be joining us on Monday, July 27, after moving cross-country from Los Angeles.
Get to know Anne...
Anne calls herself a native Westerner, having spent her childhood years in Oregon and Colorado. She was sponsored for ordination by the Episcopal Diocese of Spokane and St. Paul's Church (Walla Walla, WA). Anne began her career in camp ministry, working at 11 different Christian camps and completing a graduate certificate in Leadership and Camp Ministry through Wheaton College. Experienced in program planning, ropes course facilitation and wilderness trip leading, Anne worked with people of all different ages and backgrounds. She went on to recruit both nationally and internationally for Whitman College after completing a M. Ed. in Student Affairs Administration. A recent graduate of the Berkeley Divinity School at Yale, Anne holds a Master of Divinity degree and a diploma in Anglican studies. Her passion for ministry and travel led her to visit an Anglican seminary in Ghana, study for a semester at Cambridge University and build relationships through pilgrimages to the Anglican Dioceses of El Salvador and Panama. When she's not in the office, Anne loves road cycling, hiking with her labradoodle Leo, reading, singing, international travel and practicing yoga. With humility and gratitude, she is honored to accept the call at St. Martin-in-the-Fields and is looking forward to getting to know the St. Martin community.
A word from The Rev. Jarrett Kerbel, Rector
I am absolutely thrilled and delighted to call the Reverend Anne Thatcher to ministry as an Associate at St. Martin's. Anne brings many gifts and much experience to her role. In particular, Anne will provide leadership in the Children and Youth Ministry area, collaborating with teachers and parents to establish a vision and direction for this crucial work. I will also be very happy to hand to Anne much of our liturgical planning and oversight and some of our neighborhood outreach. Anne is excited to live and work in the Chestnut Hill neighborhood and she will find creative ways to connect us to our near neighbors. You will likely find her with her labradoodle, Leo in Pastorius Park later in the summer. She will also pick up the wonderful podcast ministry Callie started, provide support for Parenting in Faith and Parents' Play Date, and do all the other things a priest does. Anne will preach, celebrate, provide pastoral care for all ages, teach, make home visits and relational meetings, and help out in the Diocese. I will share all these duties with her including leadership of the 11:15 am service. Her Spanish fluency might also be a great help to our work in Guatemala! 

I hope you will all join me in extending to Anne a very warm welcome on July 27th.

Thank you to all the Vestry members who helped in this search process.


Jarrett Kerbel