Rev. Paul Hobson Sadler Photo 

Rev. Paul's Inspirational Message 
Good Day Family,

How often have we said or done things that are not in line with our position in Christ and our growth in the Spirit? If we are honest, most of us will admit that we are guilty of doing things and saying things that do not represent our maturity in the faith.  When I was a child my mother would always remind me and my siblings whenever we went out of the house to "remember who you are." This was our not so subtle reminder that we represented not only ourselves but our family and her wherever we went. As believers, we represent Christ and His church, the Body of Christ, wherever we go. Our actions reflect not just on us, but on Christ and on all others who are called by His name. We are all a part of one family.


I would suggest to you today that as followers of Christ that there are just some temptations and behaviors to which we simply need to respond, "I'm better than that!" There are some places which you know that you have no business going (unless the Holy Spirit directs you), some things that you have no business doing and some words which shouldn't be coming from your mouth because of who you are...because "you're better than that."


Do not think that it is either conceited or pompous to think this way, for it is not. In fact, taking this position on sin is boldly acknowledging that He that is within you is greater than he that is within the world. It is affirming that the presence of God that is within you deserves to be honored, respected and revered. Why not give your best effort today to being the Christian that you are called to be...because you are better than that.


Walking in Light,
Rev. Paul
Rev. Paul Hobson Sadler, Sr., Pastor
Mt. Zion Congregational Church United Church of Christ
Cleveland, Ohio


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