Hearing the Silence
May, 2015

Last week I was explaining to someone that meditation is the ability to focus on the space between your thoughts. Your mind will never be blank, the thoughts will continue entering your consciousness, but you can let them pass through as though they were bits of flotsam and jetsam on the river of your consciousness. It's when you focus on the space between the thoughts that you will find a deeper level of consciousness.

How does this apply to business? People use the phrase "active listening" but that doesn't do the concept justice. It's active hearing that makes the difference. It's the ability to hear the silence between words, pregnant with emotion. Your customers also have a river of thoughts passing through their consciousness, and those silences are the emotions connecting their thoughts. You can listen to the words, but when you hear the emotions behind them you will have an opportunity to connect on a much deeper level.

Listening and hearing, 

Dave Ferguson

This Month's Insurance Tip:  

Many of the business owners I talk to who have fewer than 25 employees complain about the cost of group health insurance, whether they have it or they don't. It might be that moving the employees to individual coverage would save everyone money and provide better options because the cost will now be shared by the government in the form of subsidies. In about 20 minutes we can figure out if it's worth exploring that option in more detail.

If you know someone who needs expert help understanding their options, have them call me at 847-502-2663. There's no cost or obligation. They can also visit my website.