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Hilchos Brachos 53 (page 162)
מסימן נג אמצע הסעיף ושלא יצא עליו עד סעיף ו

Choosing a Chazan
Appointing a Ba'al Teshuva as a Chazan
Must the Chazan Recite His Personal Shemoneh Esrei in the Same Nusach He Will Use for Chazaras Hashatz?

Choosing a chazan
A person with a bad reputation should not be appointed as a chazan, even if the alleged incident occurred in his youth and he has since repented. The poskim discuss whether he is disqualified for a single violation or only for regular transgressions. Also discussed is whether the rule pertains to the daily chazan or to the special chazan appointed for tanisei tzibur and the Yamim Noraim. The conclusion is to permit someone with one allegation against him to be the everyday chazan, but not to be the special chazan for tanisei tzibur and the Yamim Noraim.
( סעיף ד-ה, ס"ק טז, כ, כא ו־כב, וביה"ל ד"ה דמכל)
Appointing a ba'al teshuva as chazan
A chazan who had a bad reputation in the past but now acts appropriately should not be removed from his post because of unsubstantiated rumors. Even if the rumors are later confirmed, he should not be removed if he has repented. These rules are limited to people who were raised in the way of the Torah. People who sinned before they were aware of proper Torah conduct (e.g. today's ba'alei teshuva) are not penalized for their previous ways.
( ס"ק טו; ביאורים ומוספים דרשו, 31)

Must the chazan recite his personal Shemoneh Esrei in the same nusach he will use to recite chazaras hashatz?
According to some poskim, a chazan whose native nusach is different than that of the shul where he davens can recite his personal Shemoneh Esrei in his own nusach and chazaras hashatz in the shul's nusach. For example, someone who typically davens Ashkenaz but is serving as the chazan in a shul that davens Sefard can recite his personal Shemoneh Esrei in nusach Ashkenaz and chazaras hashatz in nusach Sefard.  When reciting chazaras hashatz, he should be mindful of the differences in nusach and be careful to stick to the nusach of the shul. Others hold that the chazan must recite his personal Shemoneh Esrei in the nusach he will use for chazaras hashatz, since the primary purpose of the chazan's personal Shemoneh Esrei is to prepare him for chazaras hashatz.
( ביאורים ומוספים דרשו, 27)

  • If a minyan has not arrived by the time the chazan completes pesukei d'zimra, he should wait for the minyan before beginning Yishtabach. The rest of the congregation, however, should recite Yishtabach right away so that that the beracha will be said immediately after the mizmorim.
  • Someone who did not have tallis and tefillin when he began pesukei d'zimra and received them in middle of reciting them should complete whatever passage he is in middle of and then don the tallis and tefillin with the appropriate berachos.
  • A disabled person can serve as a chazan. He brings the added benefit of a 'broken heart,' which - as the pasuk in Tehillim says -- Hashem will not reject. Some poskim disapprove of having a disabled person serve as chazan, particularly on Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur.

  • Is one who serves as chazan required to have a beard?

  • Identifying adulthood

  • Adulthood for mitzvosd'rabonon

