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New Sweets!
The bakery has been up to lots of great things! We now make chocolate dipped florentine cookies, and you'll find 9" layer cakes in our refrigerator case! We have  chocolate ganache cake and  carrot cake, with other flavors on the way.

Stop in this weekend to check out all the new sweets!
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Pre-Spring Events!
Spring is right around the corner (we swear!) and we are celebrating with two great events! 
Rally for Rosie's Place  this weekend ( March 7th&8th ) and next weekend ( March 14th&15th ).
This annual Fresh Food Drive benefits the folks at Rosie's Place in Boston. Like always, we will match all donations!
Can't make it in? This year we're accepting online donations - you donate the money and we pick the produce for you! We'll match all online donations too!

Grand Craft Beer & Cider Tasting Saturday March 14th from 1-4pm in our toasty Greenhouse! Over 19 breweries are attending this year's exciting event! Talk to representatives from each brewery while you try some old favorites and some new flavors. Valid ID Required.
Like how this event sounds? Don't miss our Grand Wine Tasting coming up on March 28th!
St. Patty's Day Specials
We will have all your holiday favorites: corned beef, boiled dinner, lamb Guinness stew, Irish soda bread, colcannon, and much more. All meat orders must be in by Friday March 13th. Ask for Butcher Dan or call (781) 444-2351 Extension 123!
Have a great day!


Teri Boardman
Volante Farms
(781) 444-2351