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Hilchos Brachos 51 (page 158)
מסעיף ו עד תחילת סימן נב

The Pace for Reciting Pesukei D'zimra
Days When Mizmor L'sodah is Omitted
The Special Emphasis for the Pasuk "Poseiach Es Yadecha"

The pace for reciting pesukei d'zimra
Pesukei d'zimra should be recited in an unhurried manner, like someone who is counting his money,   with care not to swallow or skip words. Some sefarim warn that a person who does not recite the words carefully is banished from Heaven. Some Acharonim advise spending half an hour on the recitation of pesukei d'zimra . One should not hold a valuable or dangerous item in his hands while davening , since fear of dropping the item could distract his attention. Other poskim say that a person should not hold anything while davening except a siddur.
( סעיף ח וס"ק כ; ביאורים ומוספים דרשו, 23)
Days when mizmor l'sodah is omitted
The daily recitation of mizmor l'sodah corresponds to the korban Todah. Accordingly, the mizmor is recited only on days when this korban could be offered. It is not recited on Shabbos or Yom Tov because private korbanos were not brought at those times. It is not recited on erev Pesach because the korban included chometz loaves which could not be offered on erev Pesach. It is omitted on erev Yom Kippur because the korban could not be brought on that day. (It could only be brought on days when it could be eaten afterwards in the evening, and it could not be eaten on the night of Yom Kippur.)
( סעיף ט וס"ק כא-כב)

The special emphasis for the pasuk "Poseiach es Yadecha
Chazal mandated reciting Tehila L'Dovid-commonly called Ashrei because of the introductory pesukim appended to it-three times a day. This mizmor contains a verse " poseiach es yodecha..." which describes Hashem as providing sustenance for all of creation. One must recite this verse while focusing on the meaning of the words. If it was recited without the proper intention, this verse and those that follow until the end of the paragraph must be repeated (even if the problem was recalled after davening).
( סעיף ז וס"ק טו ו־טז; ביאורים ומוספים דרשו, 18)

  • Someone who was called for an aliyah while he was in the middle of pesukei d'zimra should go up for the aliyah, recite the berachos, and read along with the ba'al korei. He may respond when asked his name for the aliyah.
  • Amen is answered in the middle of pesukei d'zimra and even in the middle of a pasuk, though it should not be inserted in the middle of a concept (i.e. between words that constitute a phrase).
  • A person who is studying Torah or davening while someone nearby is saying berachos out loud does not need to respond Amen to the berachos if doing so will disturb his learning or prevent him from davening with the tzibur.


  • Skipping parts of pesukei d'zimra

  • Which passages may be skipped

  • Circumstances in which passages may be skipped
