Debbie Dadey, Children's Author

Issue # 85 - October 2015

Here's some of my favorite Facebook pictures from this month.  I really want to make this 'cupcake' cake into a mermaid one with a curvy tail.  And just looking at this octi-pie makes me hungry!  Who knew all these sayings came from Shakespeare?
Love the Movies?  See what books are being made into movies.
Just went to see A Walk in the Woods with Robert Redford.  I liked Bill Bryson's book many years ago and enjoyed the movie.  I've always thought it would be cool to hike the Appalachian Trail, but after seeing the movie I'm not so sure!  Here's a list of other books being made into movies.  Robert Redford and an iPad mini are both in my newsletter.  See below for how to win one (a mini, not Robert Redford)!
Teachers Pay Teachers-a success story:  Have you ever purchased a worksheet from the online teacher site, Teachers Pay Teachers?  I know many of my books have lessons plans there. Here's the real story behind some of the teachers who've made big bucks selling their lessons online.  Can you believe some have become millionaires?  Wow!
Did you know that Scholastic is sending a book truck around the country to promote books in Spanish? 
Pedaling Librarians!
Librarians in Seattle have left the library and taken to the streets with book bikes!  In an effort to get to kids who can't make it to a library building, the librarians have brought them the library.  It makes me want to dust off my old bike and throw some books in a basket. 
National Book Festival in Washington DC:  My dream!
Have you ever been lucky enough to get the the National Book Festival?  I haven't, but I hope to make it some day.  Here are pictures from this year's event with some amazing authors.  Hope you'll visit my Facebook page on Sept. 30th to win one of my banned books during Banned Books Week.
Win $5000 in the Freedom Through Literacy Award  or an iPad mini loaded with best-sellers!  Good luck and hope you have a wonderful month.  If you need some Halloween fun, check out these books.  Your book buddy, Debbie