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April, 2015 - In This Issue

For the third year, volunteers from the Midland School in Los Olivos, CA worked alongside families at Self-Help Enterprises' new homes construction site in Goshen and assisted with drought relief activities as part of their junior class volunteer activity.     

Self-Help Enterprises offers an exciting work environment where you can bring your high caliber skills to a true career opportunity and impact the world around you.

We have openings for an Office Tech responsible for general office and clerical duties, a  Construction Superintendent responsible for teaching unskilled families learn how to build their own homes, a  Loan Processor responsible for recruitment of participants, determination of program eligibility, loan processing and packaging; a Community Development Specialist responsible for assisting rural low-income communities in obtaining safe drinking water and sanitary sewer disposal facilities; and an Accounting Technician responsible for payroll and benefits administration, processing, coding and posting data, and preparing and filing reports. Learn more here.
Self-Help Enterprises, in partnership with Kaweah Delta, hosts weekly bailoterapia (Zumba-style dance) classes at the Viscaya Gardens rental community in Dinuba. 


In March, a registered dietitian from the Tulare County Office of Education held a healthy recipe demonstration and group discussion on healthy eating followed by the bailoterapia class. Participants learned how to incorporate snacks rich in potassium, vitamins, and fiber by making a healthy banana split with yogurt, berries, and granola.

The collaboration between all partner organizations improves health  through education promoting the importance of exercise and healthy eating.  


50 YEARS, 50,000 HOMES
This year, the Self-Help Housing program is nationally celebrating its 50 year anniversary and the completion of the 50,000th home!

The Self-Help Housing Program, established 50 years ago as a path to homeownership for low-income families and funded by U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Rural Development, has resulted in homeownership for 50,000 families across America. Self-Help Enterprises is proud to be a part of this milestone, which will officially be celebrated in June as a part of National Homeownership Month.

As part of the celebration, we invite current and past families that have built a self-help home to submit short stories and drawings describing what the experience has meant to you. Stories from adults should be 250 words or less and children (up to 16 years old) can submit drawings on an 8 ? x 11 white paper. Please include your name, email or phone number with your submission.

Up to 20 stories/drawings submitted from across the country will be selected to receive a prize of $50 and will also be on exhibit at the National Self Help Housing Conference in San Antonio, TX in July 2015.

Please e-mail your stories/drawings by May 15, 2015 to sonias@selfhelpenterprises.org or mail them to Self-Help Enterprises, Attn: Sonia Sanchez, P.O. Box 6520, Visalia, CA 93290.

You can also follow the celebration on social media using the hashtag #50yrs50khomes and by visiting Self Help Housing Spotlight.

Self-Help Enterprises offers many ways for you to stay informed and engaged with us. Join our online community to receive up-to-date information about our programs and services -- from inspiring success stories to job announcements. We also welcome your comments through our social media channels.


Here are ways to connect with us:


Website: Visit our website at SelfHelpEnterprises.org.

Facebook: "Like" our page at facebook.com/selfhelpenterprises.

Twitter: Follow us at twitter.com/selfhelpent or via our Twitter handle @SelfHelpEnt.

LinkedIn: Follow our page at linkedin.com/company/self-help-enterprises.

Resident Pit Stop Blog: Visit our Resident Pit Stop blog at residentpitstop.blogspot.com to learn about the fun, creative and educational activities our residents enjoy.
Copyright ? 2015, Self-Help Enterprises
8445 W. Elowin Court, Visalia, CA 93291
All Rights Reserved.