Worship with us this Sunday!

Join us for worship, education, outreach and fellowship this Sunday at 9:30am Traditional and/or 11:00am Informal where our scriptures are Psalm 127 and Mark 13:1-8 with a sermon entitled The Church Building.
The Church is built on rock. The relationships within the building  strengthen the structure. What causes a structure to crack or crumble? What is our  vision? What are we building together?
It's Consecration Sunday - please bring your 2016 Pledge Cards if you have not yet turned one in.
We will hear a Mission Moment from Sharon Fenoglio of ECH - Every Child's Hope (formerly Evangelical Children's Home...AKA The German Orphanage).

Before worship services this Sunday we have a couple of great events for you to participate in:
Over 30 vendors will be selling their creative, interesting and useful wares and goodies. Invite your friends and neighbors and relatives.  Details...

AWOL (Adventurous Women Out Late)  to the Kirkwood Theater this Saturday night for the 8:00pm show of the comedy Rumors.
Meet at church at 7:00pm to carpool or just meet us there by 7:30pm. Tickets are $21.50 each. More info...

Adult Education
Sundays | 9:30 & 11:00am | Heritage Room
The Rev. Gershon Dotse from the Evangelical Presbyterian Church of Ghana (EP Church) will be our leader today. He will share about His experience of the church in Ghana and his experiences at Eden Seminary.
Prayer Updates
MMSUCC Special Meeting this Saturday to call new Conference Minister.
Molly - transitioning to a retirement home (mother of Meera Williams).
MG - hospitalized for pneumonia; fell so can't relocate yet (McKenzie).
John Lindner - out of rehab center and back at home.
Mary Lou Campbell - doing well at home (former PUNS Director).
Upcoming at Parkway
Write an article for the newsletter!
Challenges and Blessings of Aging
For the December issue of Intersections, we will focus on those who are in the December of their lives. We look at the challenges and blessings of aging.

If you are in the December of your life please share your story. How are things different now than from when you were younger? How have you been shaped by life? What are some fond memories? Regrets? Lessons learned? Wisdom to impart?

For those of any age, how have elderly loved ones impacted you? What did/do they do that makes your life richer? What would you like to say to an aging loved one? What do you wish you had expressed to someone who is now gone?

We are also looking for articles on aging issues, such as assisted living, care giving, health issues and healthcare, financial concerns, losing your spouse, end-of -life planning.

How does faith intersect with aging?
Using one or more of the questions above, or maybe with your own unique insight on the subject, send us your articles, one-on-one interviews, research, original artwork, poetry, quotes, etc. All are welcome!

We are also seeking photos of you with an elderly loved one. They can be current photos or photos from long ago. Share them on our Facebook page or email them to [email protected]

Submissions are due by 10:00am Friday, November 20. (Please note: this deadline is for theme articles only. All other submissions are due by the 15th of the month.) 350 words. Please title the article and include your name under the title. If you submit artwork, please sign it. Electronic articles and images only, please. Send to [email protected]

Prayer Corner
Mon, Nov 16| 8:00-10:00am
Pastor Kevin is available to pray with you during this time. The Prayer Corner-with a perpetual candle-has a current prayer list, prayer books, journal, kneeler and chairs.

TABS (Tuesday Afternoon Bible Study)
Tuesdays | 3:00-4:30pm | Library

Youth Night: Are you smarter than a fifth grader?
Wed, Nov 18 | 6:30-7:30| Fellowship Hall | Snacks & Door Prize
Of course you are smarter than a fifth grader, right? Well let's find out! See if you are able to answer questions fifth graders learn.Come for a fun night of fellowship together. Bring a friend or two!

Community Events

Hats, gloves, mittens, and scarves will be gratefully accepted in the Gathering Space collection box.

Every Child's Hope (ECH) Christmas Store
During the month of November, our church collects items for ECH so that children of all ages at ECH can give gifts to their loved ones, parents, staff, siblings, and to each other. Read more...

The early bird might get the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.
No one has ever become poor by giving. ~Anne Frank