A Course in Miracles
Course in Miracles Society, Original Edition 
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What is the Last Judgment?
Daily Lesson 319
Sarah's Reflections
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A Course in Miracles-Original Edition
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A Course in Miracles is a self-study course.
In the beginning it tells us, "This is a course in miracles. It is a required course. Only the time you take it is voluntary. Free will does not mean
you can establish the curric...

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Course in Miracles Society (CIMS) is an international group of Course students and teachers organized to discover, authenticate and propagate the Divine Teachings of A Course in Miracles.


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VII. The Justification for Forgiveness 

Anger is never justified. Attack has no foundation. It is here escape from fear begins and will be made complete. Here is the real world given in exchange for dreams of terror. For it is on this forgiveness rests and is but natural. You are not asked to offer pardon where attack is due and would be justified. For this would mean that you forgive a sin by overlooking what is really there. This is not pardon. For it would assume that, by responding in a way which is not justified, your pardon will become the answer to attack that has been made. And thus is pardon inappropriate, by being granted where it is not due.  

The Last Judgment  
Voice and Music by CIMS SonShip Radio


What is 'Iambic Pentameter'? 

   Christ's Second Coming gives the Son of God

   the gift to hear the Voice for God proclaim

   that what is false is false, and what is true

   has never changed. And this the judgment is

   in which perception ends. At first you see

   a world which has accepted this as true,

   projected from a now corrected mind.

   And with this holy sight, perception gives

   a silent blessing and then disappears,

   its goal accomplished and its mission done.


   The final judgment on the world contains

   no condemnation. For it sees the world

   as totally forgiven, without sin,

   and wholly purposeless. Without a cause,

   and now without a function in Christ's sight,

   it merely slips away to nothingness.

   There it was born, and there it ends as well.

   And all the figures in the dream in which

   the world began go with it. Bodies now

   are useless, and will therefore fade away,

   because the Son of God is limitless.


   You who believed that Gods last judgment would

   condemn the world to hell along with you,

   accept this holy truth: God's judgment is

   the gift of the Correction He bestowed

   on all your errors, freeing you from them,

   and all effects they ever seemed to have.

   To fear His saving grace is but to fear

   complete release from suffering, return

   to peace, security and happiness,

   and union with your own Identity.


   God's final judgment is as merciful

   as every step in His appointed plan

   to save His Son, and call Him to return

   to the eternal peace He shares with him.

   Be not afraid of Love. For It alone

   can heal all sorrow, wipe away all tears,

   and gently waken from his dreams of pain

   the Son whom God acknowledges as His.

   Be not afraid of this. Salvation asks

   you give it welcome. And the world awaits

   your glad acceptance, which will set it free.


   This is God's final judgment: "You are still

   My holy Son, forever innocent,

   forever loving and forever loved,

   as limitless as Your Creator, and

   completely changeless and forever pure.

   Therefore awaken and return to Me.

   I am Your Father, and you are My Son.


   ~ Original Hand Script of ACIM    


ACIM Lessons  

L e s s o n  319
I came for the salvation of the world.



Voice and Music by CIMS SonShip Radio

   Here is a thought from which all arrogance

   has been removed, and only truth is left.

   For arrogance opposes truth. And when

   there is no arrogance, the truth will come

   immediately, and fill up the space

   the ego left unoccupied by lies.

   Only the ego can be limited,

   and therefore it must seek for aims which are

   curtailed and limiting. The ego thinks

   that what one gains totality must lose.

   And yet it is the Will of God I learn

   that what one gains is given unto all.


    Father, Your Will is total, and the goal

    that stems from It shares Its totality.

    What aim but the salvation of the world

    could You have given me? And what but this

    could be the Will my Self has shared with You?


    ~ Original Hand-script of ACIM        


ACIM Edmonton - Sarah's Reflections 

ACIM Edmonton, CA

Lesson 319
I came for the salvation of the world.
Sarah's Commentary:

Many times in this Course we are told that it is arrogant to oppose the truth and to accept our limited self as the truth of who we are. The truth is that we are unlimited and therefore what is offered to the world through who we really are, as the Christ Self, is unlimited. It is in fact the salvation of the world. This does not come from the self that we think we are but from who we truly are. Thus it is not about what we do but who we are.

"Only the ego can be limited, and therefore it must seek for aims which are curtailed and limiting." (W.319.1.4) Because we think we are curtailed and limited when we identify with our ego, then we set goals, which are limited and  self-serving. They are always won at the expense of our brothers as they are based on taking rather than giving. To the ego it is a game of competition based on the principle of 'one or the other.' You must lose for me to win. It is based on our belief that we won our individuality at God's expense. He had to lose for us to gain our separate self. Thus we seemed to steal our individual self by seemingly destroying the totality of the Whole. We think God's Love, which is total and One, had to be destroyed for us to exist as separate individuals. Thus instead of Oneness we now have duality. Of course, this could not happen except in dreams, but as long as we identify with our separate self and believe that that is what we are, we can't know our reality.
Our identification with the ego is all about the limited self, which can never bring salvation to the world. Salvation can only come from the truth of who I am as the unified Self. Thus, salvation of the world comes from the healing of the mind when we ask for help in seeing differently from how we see now. It is about undoing our mistaken identity, and that identity has come at the expense of our totality as one Son. To gain our unique and individual self seemingly separate from God, we had to hold the mistaken notion that we killed perfect wholeness and perfect love. In other words, we had to kill God. He can't exist as the only reality while we hold the belief that we exist as a separate self. Thus our gain as a separate self came at the expense of totality. In other words, to gain this world of separation and duality we had to destroy oneness. This is what seemed to happen in the original instant, when the choice was made for the ego thought system. Of Course, we are told that this never happened because the Atonement Principle assures us it could not happen even if we believe in our individual existence.

In the thought system of the ego mind that we have bought into there is the belief that totality must lose for us to gain. Now it is one or the other, but with the healing of our minds comes the realization that this was all a mistake. No one loses and everyone gains. Salvation must rest on the truth that we all go together, if we are to know the Self that we are. In the recognition that we are the same is the reflection of the Oneness of Heaven.

God is the Author of reality and as such His Will embraces all there is. Thus, "the goal which stems from it shares its totality." (W.319.2.2) In other words, a separate self cannot exist. We are part of that totality, dreaming that we are instead these separate selves. "What aim but the salvation of the world could You have given me?" (W.319.2.3) What else is there to learn from our experience in this world except to realize that our belief in separation is a mistake? And we learn this when we keep remembering our purpose and our function, which is to awaken from this dream through forgiveness. Now all of our experiences here serve that purpose. We have one aim, which is to bring salvation to the world by seeing the Christ in our brother and accepting the truth about ourselves. We share a single purpose of forgiveness and as we are saved, the world is saved along with us. It is not a statement of arrogance because it is not what we do but who we are.
We read the same thing in Lesson 186: "Salvation of the world depends on me." (W.186) "Here is the statement will one day take all arrogance away from every mind. Here is the thought of true humility, which holds no function as your own but that which has been given you. It offers your acceptance of a part assigned to you, without insisting on another role." (W.PI.186.1.1-3) With this, and other references such as this, we start to get the idea that insisting that we know better than God about what He says is true is the real definition of arrogance. To accept God's word as to who we really are is to be truly humble. It is to release the "I know" ego mind and admit that we have been wrong in thinking that our separate identity and unique self is the truth of who we are. It is to give up our beliefs and the values and concepts that we hold about our unworthiness, our littleness, and our lacks. It is to accept the truth about ourselves as limitless by recognizing that we can never gain at the expense of our brother. It is to recognize that when we make comparisons, find fault with others, or see ourselves as superior, then we are maintaining our arrogant belief that we have killed off God and thus gained this separate self in competition with everyone else.
To accept the truth of our Being means that we have to look at the beliefs that block that truth from our awareness. Today we are asked to look at the thoughts we hold that are blocks to the truth. Yesterday I was upset about a situation where I felt set up and abused. I immediately felt this upset was because of something that happened, but that was just my story. Anything that follows "because" is actually a lie. The truth is that I was upset because that is what I wanted. So, one may wonder, why would any of us want to be upset? Jesus explains to us that we choose to be upset because we want to be right about the way we see our world. I want to be right about my reasons for the upset and I tell my story because I want others to agree with me. To drop the story and to admit that I am wrong in the way I see this situation seems like an affront, and, indeed to the ego, it is exactly that.

This is why it is so challenging for us to admit that we are always wrong in our perceptions. Now we are called to turn to the Holy Spirit and to ask for His interpretation. I have given meaning to an event which has no meaning. It is neutral. Everything in the world is neutral although we give it meaning and then we say that we can't choose happiness, which is our birthright, because we would rather be right. We prefer our way and defend these thoughts, because that truth threatens our individuality and our specialness. Now we are called to see how mistaken we are about who we think we are. When we experience any irritation or feeling of impatience or superiority, or compare ourselves with anyone, it is because we want to be separate. We want to be right about who we think we are, but it is important not to judge ourselves for noticing the ego. We are cautioned not to condemn ourselves for not being more spiritual. That simply can never work because whether we judge ourselves or others it is all the same. It keeps us at the mercy of the judgmental ego. All that we need do is to look, without condemnation, at our beliefs and judgments and be willing to see that we are wrong and to give them over for healing. We can't heal them. All we can do is bring them to awareness. Our willingness is what makes the power of the Holy Spirit possible in bringing a new interpretation to every situation we encounter.

Some blocks are so subtle that we seem not to even notice them, but these seemingly small irritations build up during the day until we feel depressed or angry and we wonder why. It is all about paying attention to what is going on inside of us. We spend a lot of time on what is going on outside of us. We judge and criticize others to no avail. This will never be helpful to our awakening, but when we look at the judgments we make and bring them to the truth then ultimately there is a recognition that we all share the same purpose. This requires a level of alertness to our thoughts that we are not used to. Jesus reminds us that when we forget why we came, "will the world remind you gently of what you have taught." (T.27.V.7.2)(ACIM OE T.27.VI.49) There will be many witnesses to what is going on in our minds, and they are called forth as reflections of our own thoughts, as the world is just a mirror of those thoughts.
In one of the Miracles Magazines, Jon Mundy writes that the thing that brings us sorrow is trying to force things to happen the way we think we want them to happen. For the mystic, nothing has to happen. "Recognize what does not matter, and if your brothers ask you for something 'outrageous,' do it because it does not matter." (T.12.III.4.1) (ACIM OE T.11.IV.27) I notice how much suffering I bring into my life when I make something matter. Jon reminded me in his article, that we truly can discover new freedom when we let our rules go of how we think things should be and simply accept what is. In fact, he reminded me that when we say "whatever", it simply means it does not matter. It is truly not important, and when we get this, then our being offended, disappointed or upset by what someone has done can be simply let go.

Again, what is it to be the savior of the world? What are we being asked to do? Quite simply we are to be the light of the world. We are to be happy. Happiness is our function. We bring joy by our very Being when we make space for truth. "But when there is no arrogance the truth will come immediately, and fill up the space the ego left unoccupied by lies." (W.319.1.3) As we willingly bring our darkness to the light and look to the truth beyond, we experience the trust and confidence that grow in power and freedom. It is a matter of reclaiming our projections and recognizing what does not matter.
"Who is the light of the world except God's Son? This, then, is merely a statement of the truth about yourself. It is the opposite of a statement of pride, of arrogance, or of self-deception. It does not describe the self-concept you have made. It does not refer to any of the characteristics with which you have endowed your idols. It refers to you as you were created by God. It simply states the truth." (W.PI.61.1.1)
We have agreed to wake up to who we are. We have made a commitment to the healing of our minds. It is what we came here to do. It is what we came here to be. Let's recommit today to affirm this aim for ourselves so that we can strengthen our resolve and our motivation. It does flag from time to time, but we are not asked to force ourselves. In fact, this is not helpful. When discouragement and resistance are high, it may be time to relax and take a break. When we are ready to recommit, we are renewed and strengthened and our confidence in Him grows.

Love and blessings, Sarah 

[email protected]

TEXT Paused for Weekend

VII. The Justification for Forgiveness    

70 Anger is never justified. Attack has no foundation. It is here escape from fear begins and will be made complete. Here is the real world given in exchange for dreams of terror. For it is on this forgiveness rests and is but natural. You are not asked to offer pardon where attack is due and would be justified. For this would mean that you forgive a sin by overlooking what is really there. This is not pardon. For it would assume that, by responding in a way which is not justified, your pardon will become the answer to attack that has been made. And thus is pardon inappropriate, by being granted where it is not due.


71 Pardon is always justified. It has a sure foundation. You do not forgive the unforgivable nor overlook a real attack that calls for punishment. Salvation does not lie in being asked to make unnatural responses which are inappropriate to what is real. Instead, it merely asks that you respond appropriately to what is not real by not perceiving what has not occurred. If pardon were unjustified, you would be asked to sacrifice your rights when you return forgiveness for attack. But you are merely asked to see forgiveness as the natural reaction to distress which rests on error and thus calls for help. Forgiveness is the only sane response. It keeps your rights from being sacrificed.


72 This understanding is the only change that lets the real world rise to take the place of dreams of terror. Fear cannot arise unless attack is justified, and if it had a real foundation, pardon would have none. The real world is achieved when you perceive the basis of forgiveness is quite real and fully justified. While you regard it as a gift unwarranted, it must uphold the guilt you would "forgive." Unjustified forgiveness is attack. And this is all the world can ever give. It pardons "sinners" sometimes but remains aware that they have sinned. And so they do not merit the forgiveness that it gives.


73 This is the false forgiveness, which the world employs to keep the sense of sin alive. And recognizing God is just, it seems impossible His pardon could be real. Thus is the fear of God the sure result of seeing pardon as unmerited. No one who sees himself as guilty can avoid the fear of God. But he is saved from this dilemma if he can forgive. The mind must think of its Creator as it looks upon itself. If you can see your brother merits pardon, you have learned forgiveness is your right as much as his. Nor will you think that God intends for you a fearful judgment which your brother does not merit. For it is the truth that you can merit neither more nor less than he.


74 Forgiveness recognized as merited will heal. It gives the miracle its strength to overlook illusions. This is how you learn that you must be forgiven too. There can be no appearance that can not be overlooked. For if there were, it would be necessary first there be some sin which stands beyond forgiveness. There would be an error that is more than a mistake---a special form of error which remains unchangeable, eternal, and beyond correction or escape. There would be one mistake which had the power to undo creation and to make a world which could replace it and destroy the Will of God. Only if this were possible could there be some appearances which could withstand the miracle and not be healed by it.


75 There is no surer proof idolatry is what you wish than a belief there are some forms of sickness and of joylessness forgiveness cannot heal. This means that you prefer to keep some idols, and are not prepared as yet to let all idols go. And thus you think that some appearances are real and not appearances at all. Be not deceived about the meaning of a fixed belief that some appearances are harder to look past than others are. It always means you think forgiveness must be limited. And you have set a goal of partial pardon and a limited escape from guilt for you. What can this be except a false forgiveness of yourself and everyone who seems apart from you?


76 It must be true the miracle can heal all forms of sickness, or it cannot heal. Its purpose cannot be to judge which forms are real and which appearances are true. If one appearance must remain apart from healing, one illusion must be part of truth. And you could not escape all guilt, but only some of it. You must forgive God's Son entirely. Or you will keep an image of yourself that is not whole and will remain afraid to look within and find escape from every idol there. Salvation rests on faith there cannot be some forms of guilt which you cannot forgive. And so there cannot be appearances which have replaced the truth about God's Son.


77 Look on your brother with the willingness to see him as he is. And do not keep a part of him outside your willingness that he be healed. To heal is to make whole. And what is whole can have no missing parts that have been kept outside. Forgiveness rests on recognizing this and being glad there cannot be some forms of sickness which the miracle must lack the power to heal.


78 God's Son is perfect, or he cannot be God's Son. Nor will you know him if you think he does not merit the escape from guilt in all its forms and all its consequence. There is no way to think of him but this if you would know the truth about yourself:


79 I thank you, Father, for your perfect Son,
   And in his glory will I see my own.


80 Here is the joyful statement that there are no forms of evil which can overcome the Will of God---the glad acknowledgment that guilt has not succeeded by your wish to make illusions real. And what is this except a simple statement of the truth?


81 Look on your brother with this hope in you, and you will understand he could not make an error that could change the truth in him. It is not difficult to overlook mistakes that have been given no effects. But what you see as having power to make an idol of the Son of God you will not pardon. For he has become to you a graven image and a sign of death. Is this your savior? Is his Father wrong about His Son? Or have you been deceived in him who has been given you to heal, for your salvation and deliverance?




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This is a savings of $144!


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Recording of Original EditionAudio Recording of


Kellie Love [considered the VOICE of ACIM] recorded the Original Edition.  


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To GIVE and to RECEIVE are One in Truth. Lesson 108


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