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Hilchos Tefillin 32 (page 105)
מסעיף לז עד סעיף לח

Using the Hides of Kosher Animals
Which Kosher Animal Hides Qualify for Making Batim?
Do the Batim and Retzuos Require Lishma?

Using the hides of kosher animals

Chazal learned from the phrase "in order that Hashem's Torah be in your mouth" that Torah-related items (e.g. sefer Torah, tefillin) must be written on materials that are acceptable for the mouth - i.e. kosher. Accordingly, the parchment for the scrolls and the hides for the batim (the letter shin-part of Hashem's name-projects from the side of the shel rosh) must come from kosher animals. A halacha l'Moshe m'Sinai adds that the bayis for the shel yad and the sinews used to stich the tefillin closed must also come from a kosher animal. The retzuos straps must also come from a kosher animal. If there is a question about the origins of the retzuos straps it should be treated stringently, as if it was a d'oraisa.

(סעיף לז, ס"ק קסו וביה"ל ד"ה טהורים; וראה ביאורים ומוספים דרשו, 203)


Which kosher animal hides qualify for making batim?

Kosher animals in this context include neveilos and treifos that were not slaughtered in a kosher manner. The skins of kosher fish may not be used for tefillin because of the slimy nature of the skin. It is permissible to use thin parchment that was prepared as klaf, but it is preferable to use the thicker hides of large animals because thin hides often develop holes which are pasul according to many poskim. The contemporary common practice is to use thicker hides for making batim.

(סעיף לז, ס"ק קסז וביה"ל ד"ה מעור; ביאורים ומוספים דרשו, 204)



Do the batim and retzuos require lishma?

According to many Rishonim, the hides for both the batim and retzuos should be processed lishma. Every item used for kedusha should be prepared for kedusha from the onset. Hides that were prepared as retzuos cannot be used for batim. There is an opinion which does not require lishma processing for the batim and retzuos and considers unprocessed hides to be stronger and more suitable for this purpose. When tefillin made from hides processed lishma are not available, tefillin made from unprocessed hides may be used. The poskim discuss whether a beracha may be recited on such tefillin.

(סעיף לז, ס"ק קע-קעא, וביה"ל ד"ה מעובד וד"ה היכא)



  • The standard in modern sifrei Torah is to make every parsha setuma in a way that conforms to the opinions of both the Rambam and Rosh by closing the gap with text at both ends of the line.
  • According to the Mechaber, it is not possible to write parshas V'haya im shemoa in a way that satisfies both opinions. The Mechaber paskens to follow the opinion of the Rambam with this parsha (as do the Shulchan Aruch Harav/Graz, Chazon Ish and Sefardic custom).
  • The Taz suggests splitting the nine letter space between the last line of the preceding paragraph and the beginning of the first line of V'haya im shemoa as a method of fulfilling both opinions. This is the most popular Ashkenazi custom.





  • Squaring the tefillin

  • Measuring the square

  • Making batim from multiple layers of hide








