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October, 2015

Welcome to the latest edition of Heart-2-Heart!
Heart-2-Heart is published on the First Friday of each month by the Apostles of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. We offer this as our gift to you with the hopes that our story and the spirituality of the Sacred Heart will touch your heart as you strive to live the Gospel in your daily life.  
How does the Holy Father's visit challenge us?
He came, he saw and... he converted hearts by his words and actions. Pope Francis' Visit last week to the United States has truly left a mark on all of us.  
By experiencing firsthand the life, culture and people of the U.S, Pope Francis indeed knows us better. He listened, prayed with millions and spoke on the modern difficulties that we face. Most of all, he encountered the flock he shepherds. Speaking beyond church walls, Pope Francis addressed national and international leaders, in Washington, D.C and New York respectively, inviting them to consider the social issues affecting nations and encouraging them to effect positive change for all, especially the most vulnerable. He reiterated that message to the faithful at the World Meeting of Families in Philadelphia, PA.
By extending the tenderness and love of Christ to every person we meet and by showing genuine concern for them, we are challenged to help improve the spiritual and material welfare of every person.  And by his example of love and outreach to all people, the Holy Father witnessed this to us by stepping into the periphery and inviting us to do the same.
An invitation to peace, love and openness to change has been extended to us all. By moving past our differences, may we recognize how similar we are. Only then can we begin to see through the eyes of Christ.

These days with our Shepherd have been a graced time. Let us pray that together we might carry on the message--the message of the Good News of Jesus--that our Holy Father has so joyfully and prayerfully shared with us during this Visit.
In this month dedicated to the Holy Rosary, let us seek the intercession of Mary to guide us in imitating her Son, Jesus Christ, and together, let us strive towards an eternal bond of unity, love and peace as a single family of God. 

What message did you hear personally during this Papal Visit? How is the Holy Father challenging you to grow in faith, hope and love?

Sacred Heart of Jesus, we place our trust in You.

Apostles of the Sacred Heart of Jesus