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April 27, 2015

Parents, take the


of Sexual Risks"



 Is your pre-teen/teen at risk for sexual activity, pornography, unhealthy relationships, and/or dangerous liaisons?



Do they lack goals for the future and feel like they have few options?


Check all of the following behaviors that your adolescent/teen exhibits. 


My adolescent/teen:  

  1. Hangs-out with kids who drink alcohol, use drugs or tobacco.
  2. Seems depressed and lonely.
  3. Is home without parents for long periods of time.
  4. Has few/no rules about phone use.
  5. Watches too many shows or plays video games that have sexual content.
  6. Does not understand the differences between love, lust and infatuation.
  7. Only, feels good about themselves when they are in a relationship.
  8. Hangs out or has friends that I do not know.
  9. Likes to take risks and thinks he/she is invincible.
  10. Seems to view sex as "just sex," or as a recreational activity.
  11. Does not have personal or career goals for the future.
  12. Spends too much time on entertainment, games, internet, and on social media/networking sites.
  13. Already drinks alcohol, uses drugs and/or tobacco.  
  14. Identifies with a group, pack, gang, or clique rather than with family or as a unique person.
  15. Has a computer, phone, or other mobile devices in their bedroom.
  16. Does not have a curfew or rules that must be followed.
  17. Goes to a school where students talk openly about sexual activities.
  18. Is so attached to their friends and/or social media that they are depressed without them/it.
  19. Does not see marriage and family in their future.
  20. Is crushed or deeply hurt if their peer group laughs or ridicules them about clothing, rules, etc.
  21. Seems desperate to have a girlfriend or boyfriend.
  22. Gives in to peer pressure easily.
  23. Thinks that everyone their age is having sex.
  24. Thinks that using contraception justifies having sex.
  25. Has electronic devices that lack pornography filters.
  26. Posts provocative pictures or sexual content (sexting) to the internet.
  27. Thinks that couples who are not having sex are old-fashioned or weird.
  28. Intends to have sex after graduation or to "get it over with" so that they can tell their friends.
  29. Thinks that oral sex and anal sex are safe.
  30. Believes that sex has no impact on emotions.
  31. Does not believe it is valuable to wait until marriage before having sex.
  32. Believes that "serious" dating relationships justify having sex.
  33. Talks about sex proving popularity or maturity or desirability.
  34. Cannot verbalize why abstinence is a healthy choice for himself/herself.
  35. Lack confidence in their ability to abstain.
  36. Thinks that sex is a good way to show a dating partner love.
  37. Believes that sexually transmitted diseases do not exist in his/her school or community.
  38. Has sexually active friends.
  39. Is only interested in dating someone older or younger.
  40. Prioritizes dating relationships over educational or household responsibilities.


What are Predictors of Sexual Activity?


Through more than twenty years of reviewing surveys of more than 650,000 students across the USA, Central America and Russia, Dr. Stan Weed of the Institute for Research and Evaluation has identified statistically significant predictors of whether a young person is likely to abstain or initiate sex.


If your teen exhibits any of the above statements, they may be more likely to initiate early sexual activity than someone who does not.


It is important for parents to understand these Predictors of Sexual Activity and be able address them as they talk to their teen about sex and their intentions to abstain. While many predictors cannot be easily changed, these predictors are subject to your influence and if you are not doing the influencing, you may be assured that someone else - in school, through the media, or in your teen's peer group - is!


The Heritage Keepers? Abstinence-Until-Marriage Education program is designed around these scientifically derived Predictors of Sexual Activity. This means that every Certified

Heritage Keepers? Educator has been trained to positively influence these Predictors in every lesson that they teach.


This is why the Heritage Keepers? program works to increase abstinence! It is also the ONLY Abstinence-Until-Marriage Education Curriculum listed by US Health and Human Services as an Evidence-based Teen Pregnancy Prevention Program!


After one year, Heritage Keepers? students abstain at a rate

3 times that of non-program students!


In SC, Heritage Community Services conducts FREE workshops to introduce the program, provide resources, and inform participants about how they can be empowered to protect teens from risky behaviors. Each participant/couple receives a copy of our adult training manual entitled Sex, Lies and Hook Ups: A Parent's Guide to Fighting Back. 


Contact us today about the Heritage Keepers? program!



Mary McLellan, M.S., Advocacy/Adult Education
Healthy Family Formation Coalition
A Social Networking Component of Heritage Community Services


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