Week 3, Fall 2015
UC San Diego L GBT R esource  Center
Mon-Thurs: 8am-9pm. Fri: 8am-4:30pm
858-822-3493 | |
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Want to get involved with the LGBT Resource Center?

Volunteer Training and Orientation
Friday, Oct. 16th, 2015 | 11-1pm
LGBT Resource Center Conference Room 

Want to be involved with the LGBT Resource Center?
Volunteers help the center run smoothly, and are an important part of daily operations.
  if you think you might be interested in volunteering, email Operations Coordinator, karla at for a volunteer application. See you at the orientation session this Friday!

Upcoming Events at the Center: 


Blood, Herbs, Mxnstruation and Other Brujerias: a reproductive justice workshop for Queer and Trans People of Color with La Loba Loca
Nov. 3rd, 2015 | 6-8:30pm 
LGBT Resource Center  

People have different relations to their cycle and moon, this knowledge share is intended to provide options to use the menstrual cycle as a tool for self-knowledge y otras brujerias. It's about (re)learning about the menstrual cycle, moon blood, products to catch and absorb blood. We will also be looking at ways to incorporate food, massage and herbs to support the cycle. Come prepared for medicine making, you will be taking home nourishing herb blends. All genders welcome.

La Loba Loca is a Queer Torta, Brown South American Migrant, community organizer, artist, researcher, writer, body-powered tattooist, full spectrum companion/doula, midwife student, eco-feminista and life-long student. 

Registration is almost full,   click here to register 

Taboo... Yardies Film Screening with Angeline Jackson, Executive Director of Quality of Citizenship
Oct. 20th, 2015 | 12pm
LGBT Resource Center Conference Room

Taboo Yardies is a documentary that explores the intolerance and violence towards lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender individuals in Jamaica and gives voice to those Jamaicans who dare to advocate for human rights.
Film presentation will include Angeline Jackson, the Executive Director of Quality of Citizenship Jamaica, the only organization in Jamaica dedicated to the needs of lesbian and bisexual women

Tune in... 
 Weekly Discussion Groups at the Center: 

Trans Discussion Group | Tuesdays, 5:00-6:00pm
Trans Discussion Group is a committed and organized support and discussion group designed for trans folks, including individuals who are questioning and/or identify outside their assigned gender.  There will be weekly group meetings on trans and gender related issues, group activities and group outings!  It's a good opportunity to meet new faces and share each other's experiences. This is a closed space.

Fluid Attraction | Wednesday, 5:00-6:00pm
This group is an open dialogue and supportive space for those who identify with bisexual, biromantic, fluid, pansexual, panromantic, queer and questioning experiences. We welcome you to attend, listen, participate, and connect with others as we explore fluid sexualities and/or fluid romantic attractions. This is a community space where confidentiality will be respected.

Femmes of Colour | Thursdays, 6:00-7:00pm
This is a closed space for Femmes of Colour.

Decolonizing Queerness | Thursdays 7:00-8:00pm 
A closed group for QTPOC (queer and/or trans-people of color) to get together, create space, and foster community to (re)learn about our identities through healing, non-Western, and decolonial community practices.


Office hours at the Center:
Career Meet-Ups
Wednesdays, 2:30-3:30pm | LGBT Resource Center
Sonia Honne-Gonzalez, the Career Services Center Liaison to the Campus Community Centers, will be at the LGBT Resource center on Wednesdays to offer career advice. Come in and connect with Sonia regarding career readiness, job search strategies, professional development, professional planning, and/or resume review!

For more information email:

Critical Gender Studies Community Office Hours

Tuesday, Nov. 3rd, 2015 | 10-12pm LGBT Resource Center

Interested in Critical Gender Studies? Considering a major or minor, or an extra course or two? This is the first of three office hours this year in which representatives from the Critical Gender Studies department will come to the LGBT Resource Center to answer any questions and chat with students! 

EducationCorps Info Session
Thursday, Oct. 15 | 2-3pm | LGBT Resource Center

EducationCorps encourages UCSD students to get involved  as a tutor/mentor by sharing their time and skills with youth. EducationCorps mission is to alleviate poverty in San Diego by promoting a college-going culture, better attitudes towards school, and increases in academic performance at 17 underserved service sites in the San Diego Community. Come to this Info Session to learn more! 


last week at the Center...
Campus Community Centers' events:

Campus events... 

Undocumented Student Service Center

Game Night
Oct. 16th, 2015 | 6-8pm
Village West Room 15A
The Undocumented Student Service Center (USSC) is hosting a game night, open to everyone and filled with friends, fun, and free food! 

This will be a great opportunity to meet new and returning students who are part of our community, and learn about the resources available to support students. 

For more info, click  here

Immigration Law Info Session
Oct. 20th, 2015 | 12-1:30pm
Red Shoe Room, Price Center 

MiRA (Migrants Rights Awareness), an undocumented student organization at UCSD, is hosting an info session to give an overview of the UC center services, and talk about the ins and outs of immigration law.

Film Screening "A Girl at My Door" with Q&A
Oct. 22th, 2015 | 4-7pm
Structural and Materials Engineering Building 149

An event co-sponsored by the Korean Studies department and the History Department, this intense film set in South Korea handles many issues relating to family, child abuse, and friendship. It has screened at many film festivals and been nominated for numerous award. The Director July Jung will answer questions after the screening. 

Running Grunion

Oct. 27th, 2015 | 9-11am
Early Childhood Education Center

Abel Silvas will combine comedy, storytelling, and mime, offering an interpretation of Native American history and culture from past to present. There will be four performances.

The first performance is from 9-9:20 a.m. in rooms 1A, 1B, 2A, 2B.

The second performance is from 9:30-9:50 a.m. in rooms 5 and 6.

The third performance is from 10-10:30 a.m. in rooms 3 and 4.

The fourth performance is from 10:40-11 a.m. in rooms 7, 8, and Mesa.

For more information on the 2015-2016 California Native American Day Celebration  click here 

All events are free and open to the public.

Community Classifieds

NACME $2500 Scholarship Application
Deadline: Oct. 15th, 2015

NACME is a scholarship for under-represented Engineers. Eligibility requirements are be being an underrepresented ethnic minority, having a GPA of at least 2.8, being an engineering major, and being a full-time student.

Apply at

For more info, contact Sophia Tsai at or at (858) 534-9014.  
Queer People of Color Mixer
Oct. 16th, 2015 | 6-9pm
3909 Centre St., San Diego

is free off-campus will be an evening of drinks, dancing, and mingling. If you're 21+, you're welcome at this event.

For more info contact Carolina Ramos at
OutSet Filmmaking Apps
Deadline: Oct. 16th, 2015

OutSet is the Young Filmmakers Project from LA LGBT Center and Outfest, a filmmaking workshop for LGBTQ young people between the ages of 16-24. Outset exists to provide a safe space for LBGTQ young people to tell their stories and learn the skills to bring them to life in the form of a short film.

For more info, visit the website.
Tim Wise Lecture
"From Ferguson to the voting booth to the border - Combating racism in the post-Obama era."
Thursday, Oct. 22nd, 2015

Southwestern College 

Tim Wise is among the most prominent anti-racist writers and educators in the United States.

For more information visit the website.
Hiring Student Ambassadors
Deadline: Oct. 30th, 2015

Student Ambassadors are an important part of representing UCSD to new prospective students and families. give tours, sit on panels, and participate in special events. The position begins on Jan. 9th, 2016. 

The position is posted on Port Triton.

HIV Positive Aging Forum
Monday,  Nov. 2, 2015
irst  Unitarian Universalist Church
4190 Front St., San Diego

The UCSD AntiViral Research Center and POZabilities present   'Help! I've Lost My Mind! There's an App for That!'
An HIV Positive Aging forum
What is HIV-associated memory loss? How can I cope with it?

A light meal will be provided for those who RSVP by October 30th. ASL and Spanish to English translation requests must be made by October 26th.

RSVP email 
Alan Turing Memorial 
$10,000 Scholarship
Deadline Oct. 28th, 2015

The new Alan Turing Memorial Scholarship is for undergraduate students majoring in Computer Science or Computer Engineering who are active in supporting the LGBT community.

Apply here.

For further questions contact Becky Obayashi at or Eseban Marquez at

T*Camp Applications
Deadline Oct. 30th, 2015

SoCal T*Camp brings together trans/genderqueer and gender questioning students for an exciting intercampus retreat in January 2016. Both undergraduates and graduates who are currently enrolled are welcome to apply. The UCSD LGBT Resource Center will work
with students  to cover retreat costs. 

Register at
Robert Giard Fellowship 
$7,500 Photography Award
Deadline: Nov. 15th, 2015

The Robert Giard Fellowship Award will be awarded in support of a new or continuing project that addresses issues of sexuality, gender, or LGBTQ identity. This award is presented to an emerging, early or mid-career artist from any country working in photography and still images. 

For more info, visit the website.
Duberman-Zal Fellowship
$2,500 Graduate Award
Deadline: Nov. 15th, 2015

The Duberman-Zal Fellowship Award is granted to a graduate student,  independent scholar, or an adjunct from any country doing scholarly research on the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer (LGBTQ) experience.

For more info, visit the  website

Thinking Gender
Deadline: Nov. 20th, 2015

Submissions are open for the graduate student research conference on the topic of Spatial Awareness, Representation, and Gendered Spaces. Submissions can include papers, posters, panels, and films, as long as they engage with the politics of gender, race, sexuality, and space. We also intend to address international and transnational encounters, and colonization and decolonization practices.

Submission guidelines are here.
Send submissions  here.
Call for Articles: Outside the Gender Box
Deadline: Jan. 1st, 2016

SUNY Press is collecting articles for a new anthology, Outside the Gender Box , which will be the first anthology to focus on the experiences of trans and non-binary gender students, staff, and faculty. Articles should be 5,000-7,500 words and can be research or first-person narrative.

Formatting guidelines are here.  
Finished articles should be sent to 
LGB Attitudes & Experiences Survey

A team from the University of Tennessee is conducting an empirical study about the attitudes and lived experiences, and invites anyone over 18 who experiences some same-gender attraction to participate. It should take approximately 25-35 minutes. There will be a raffle for $20 Starbucks gifts cards among the participants.

The survey is available here.
Opportunity to Urge Gov. Brown to support AB 959

AB 959 would ensure that sexual orientation and gender identity data would be collected along with other important demographic information used to determine state policies and funding. A petition is circulating in favor of AB 959, to increase out visibility in state policies.

You can view and sign the petition here
Lesbian Body Image Survey 

The Department of Psychology at the University of Tennessee-Knoxville is doing a study on lesbian attitudes & feelings about your own body,gender identity and gender expression. Lesbians over 18 are eligible and $50 Amazon gift cards will be raffled for participants. The survey should take approximately 20-30 minutes to complete.

The survey is available  here.