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Heard it through the GrapeVine...

Sue Ann Says Column
Upcoming Events


Spring Gala
Saturday, May 9, 2015
8:00 pm - 12 midnight
State Capitol Rotunda
Madison, WI

GrapeVine Conference
Monday and Tuesday
June 1 and 2, 2015
Concourse Hotel, Madison
GVP trainings will be held at this event
More info to follow

The Gathering
Thurs, September 17, 2015
Time: TBD
Ministry Saint Joseph's Hospital, Marshfield
Use of Information
If you use the Sue Ann Says column, we ask that you include the following:  "This column is reprinted with permission from the Wisconsin Women's Health Foundation (WWHF). WWHF is a non-profit organization whose mission is to help Wisconsin women and their families reach their healthiest potential. For more information, please go to
If only using part of the column, use the words "in part" after the word reprinted in the above sentence.
Participant Counter

Our goal is to reach 750 participants this year.

From January through September we reached 515 women (69% of our 2014 goal)

November 18, 2014


Well, I hope the weather of the last couple of weeks is not an indication of how this winter is going to go.

I wish you all a very bountiful and Happy Thanksgiving!
Program Updates
GrapeVine Sessions
In September, four sessions were held on the Healthy Aging Brain reaching 52 women.  They were:
  • Dane County - Sue Richards (3)
  • Dunn County - Becky Kneer

Thank you ladies, for educating individuals in your communities!


If you presented in October, please be sure to send in your paperwork so participants receive their follow-up survey and that the session information is available for future newsletters.

GrapeVine Trainings
Due to the inclement weather (read - ridiculous amount of snow for November) we had to cancel the training in Wausau.

Last week's training in Milwaukee went very well. Nine nurses attended and were very excited to receive the information on Dementia and Mental Health.

Our last training is scheduled for Madison on Wednesday, December 10th from 10 - 3:45. Due to the popularity of this training, we have changed the location to the Wisconsin Medical Society to assure that there is enough space and you will be comfortable.
Wisconsin Medical Society
330 E. Lakeside Street, Madison

Participant Comments from Healthy Aging Brain Sessions


What is the most important thing you remember from the session? 09/02/14 - Knowing the difference between normal aging and dementia.


Based on what you learned at the session, have you made any changes to help others who need assistance or resources related to dementia?

09-11-14 - Yes, I gave the care-taking info to my sister-in-law.

Based on what you learned at the session, have you taken any action or made any changes to improve your own brain health? 09-11-14 - Yes, continue to eat well and exercise, added brain activity (learning a language and Lumosity!)

Health Information
Holiday Stress - Remember to take time to relax
As the holidays approach, many of us look forward to celebrating with our family and friends. But the holidays can also bring added stress to our lives by trying to find the perfect gift, preparing a large meal for family gatherings, attending various holiday parties, etc.

Please view this article to help deal with the added stress.
Health Observances

December Observances


Please see last month's newsletter for information on the following December observances or click on the links below: 


January Observances

Click on the observances to go to a website with more information.

  • Cervical Cancer Awareness Month - In 2014, the National Cancer Institute estimated more that 12, 000 women in the US would be diagnosed with cervical cancer and approximately 4000 of these women would die. DHHS has a toolkit with information on this health topic, and information including a tooklkit can also be found at the National Cervical Cancer Coalition.
  • National Birth Defects Prevention Month - The theme for 2015 is "Making Healthy Choices to Prevent Birth Defects - Make a PACT for Prevention." The National Birth Defects Prevention Network has a wealth of information on its website.
  •  National Glaucoma Awareness Month - Currently, 2.7 million people in the United States over age 40 have glaucoma. The National Eye Institute projects this number will reach 4.2 million by 2030, a 58 percent increase. Glaucoma is called "the sneak thief of sight" since there are no symptoms and once vision is lost, it's permanent. As much as 40% of vision can be lost without noticing. Glaucoma is the leading cause of preventable blindness.
  • National Radon Action Month - An estimate 20,000 lung cancer deaths each year are due to exposure to radon in the home. Test your home - it's easy and inexpensive.
  •  National Stalking Awareness Month - 6.6 million people are stalked in the United States each year.  1 in 4 women and 1 in 13 men reported being a victim of stalking in their lifetime.
  • National Winter Sports Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) Awareness Month - Numerous stories have brought attention to TBI in sports, particularly concussions in football, hockey and soccer. But head injuries from falls, automobile and bike accidents, and military service can also cause TBI. The Johnny O Foundation focuses on Alzheimer's, dementia and TBI.
  • Thyroid Awareness Month - 30 million Americans suffer from thyroid disorders and half of them don't know it. Fatigue, forgetfulness, problems with weight and daily anxiety are all symptoms. Thyroid disorders tend to run in families and are most common in women. Thyroid cancer is one of the fastest growing cancers in America, but one of the most curable.
Thank you for all you do for the GrapeVine Project. 
Nora Miller
Program Manager, EveryWoman's Journal/GrapeVine Project
Grants and Awards Coordinator
Wisconsin Women's Health Foundation | 800-448-5148 
2503 Todd Drive, Madison, WI 53713

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