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Law Offices of William D. Kickham & Associates February 2015 Newsletter
Legal Columns 
 February 18 2015 
In This Issue:
Massachusetts Law On Snow Removal Liability
Clear Snow & Ice From Your Vehicle!
I like to think of our firm as being far different from the "average" law firm - and I've structured my firm so that we are different - and better, than most firms. More and more these days, law firms are merging to create huge firms of enormous size and complexity. While that may be good for the partners who sit at the top of these firms and collect enormous fees, it isn't good for everyday clients. Firm size doesn't equal talent, and it doesn't produce better results. 

We're different:  We remain nimble and fast-acting, not slow and lumbering as many larger firms are.  We'll also actually come to you if you need us to:  We're the only firm that we know of who actually makes "House Calls."  Imagine That.

What makes my expertise and my firm the better choice for most clients, are two things:  1)  My professional experience, and 2) My attitude.  I was previously a Special Assistant District Attorney for Norfolk County, and as such I know how to achieve the best results for clients facing a crimimal law problem - whether resolving it before a trial, or at trial.  For personal injury and liability cases, I
draw on my previous experience working for the liability insurance industry. I know how to try and win these cases, and my attitude is one of relentless pursuit until the best result possible is achieved.

 Take a tour of our website to learn more.  Then call us at our office number:  (781) 320-0062; or my mobile phone number:  (617) 285-3600, if you have any questions.  We'll give you a free 15-minute consultation over the phone.

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Sore enough from digging out after last week's blizzard and this week's snowstorms?  I'm sure we all are.  One thing I can assure you about this Newsletter:  Whether you're a homeowner, commercial property owner, or renter, you'll find our two articles below on the important new legal liabilities surrounding snow & ice injuries that now apply homeowners and commercial property owners, as well as motor vehicle operators, to be very useful.


Being injured from a fall on snow or ice, isn't exactly a pleasant topic, but better that you know a little about this subject now, than to know nothing at all. Believe me, events like these can impact a person's life, more suddenly than you might think.


As I've said before, you're receiving this free Newsletter for one of three general reasons:  1) You're currently either a client or a friend of mine; 2)  You've previously visited our website,
www.kickhamlegal.com, and emailed me a legal question; or 3)  You're a friend or client of my beautiful wife, Debbi K. Kickham 

I want this, and all our Newsletters, to bring you practical, usable information that can help you in dealing with very common legal issues -  but if for any reason you'd rather not receive it, there is an Unsubscribe Box on this Newsletter (located at the bottom section of it), and clicking on this will delete you from our e-mailing list.  (But we hope you stay with us.)


In the meantime, stay well and call us anytime you need a free consultation.  Remember, we specialize in the areas of Personal Injury and Criminal Defense.  Our injury law website, www.kickhamlegal.com, has an extensive amount of legal information about Massachusetts injury & accident law.  Our criminal law website, www.criminal.kickhamleal.com, has very valuable information on Massachusetts criminal law.  Visit us at either location today!  You may either call us at our Office Phone:  (781) 320-0062; or call me directly on my Mobile Phone:  (617) 285-3600; or email me directly at:  [email protected].  

We'll return your call promptly.  We respond to client calls 24/7, so if you need to reach us on a night or weekend, call: (617) 285-3600.


Best Regards,


William D. Kickham, Esq.


Property Owners Face New Liability Standards For

Snow & Ice Removal

Snow Removal

In the wake of all this snow, this is a timely Newsletter on the subject of Massachusetts personal injury law. The reason is that the law in Massachusetts recently changed in the area of property owner liability for injuries caused by slip and fall accidents due to snow and ice.


The is important because the legal standards and rules that are applied in Massachusetts snow & injury cases are very different now than they previously were. For almost 100 years, the legal question of whether or not a landowner - either a homeowner or commercial property owner - was liable for another person's injuries due to a slip or fall on snow or ice, was extremely complicated and often murky. Why? Because Massachusetts common law previously required judges and juries to make a complicated distinction between "natural'' and "artificial'' accumulations of snow and ice. What's the difference? For almost 100 years, that was a good question - and one that judges themselves often had a hard time answering.


Previously, liability in these types of cases was decided according to the confusing "Natural Accumulation Doctrine" (or the "Massachusetts Rule," aptly named because we were the only state in the Union that employed it.) People who suffered injuries by slipping and falling on snow or ice that had accumulated naturally, and which remained untouched by the owner, were unable to recover from the owner for their injuries. Under that previous, antiquated law, property owners (both personal and commercial) were not liable for injuries resulting from snow that remained un-shoveled & un-plowed , or icy parking lots that weren't sanded. The explanation? Supposedly, these types of conditions were "natural'' conditions, freeing the property owner from liability.


Far worse from sowing such confusion, the old law produced serious inequities between injured persons who could, and could not, recover for many times serious injuries. Believe me, we aren't talking about just sprained ankles here - a fall on snow or ice can result in surprisingly devastating injuries, including broken necks and backs, fractured skulls - even paralysis. The rule also created a disincentive for some property owners to clear their property of snow and ice - because if they did, under the law they would have changed the snow or ice from a "natural accumulation" to an "unnatural accumulation," and hence opened themselves up to potential legal liability for any injuries that resulted on their property. Many property owners were - legally speaking - better off not removing the snow, or not taking measures to sand the ice!  


Thankfully, now all property owners - homeowners or commercial - must take "reasonable measures" to minimize as much as possible any safety hazards created by snow or ice - regardless of whether that snow or ice has been previously shoveled, plowed, or altered in any manner.  Now, a level playing field exists for all plaintiffs and defendants in these types of actions. That's a good thing for people who have suffered serious injuries due to a fall on snow and ice.

The easiest legal translation to all this, and the bottom line? If you own any kind of property, personal or commercial, you must undertake "reasonable measures" to clear your property of safety hazards caused by the presence of snow and ice. Common sense: This means clear the snow and ice as fast and as much as is reasonably possible, and salt or sand any remaining hazard.


If you're someone who has suffered an injury due to a fall on snow or ice on property owned by someone else, contact us for a free consultation.  We have extensive experience in these types of injury cases, and we can help you secure the maximum amount possible for your injuries.


Either way, stay warm and stay safe.

Our Office: (781) 320-0062


Attorney Kickham's

Mobile Phone: (617) 285-3600




Clear Snow & Ice From Your Vehicle!

We've all been there: You're driving your car after yet another snowstorm. Traffic begins to move, you pick up speed. And then suddenly, from some vehicle in front of you, an airborne block of snow ,or an "ice missile," smashes into your car windshield.


Like most motor vehicle accidents, it happens in the blink of an eye - you barely have time to react. You can thank the driver of that vehicle in front of you, who didn't remove the snow from the hood, the roof, or the trunk lid of his vehicle. It doesn't take an engineer to figure out what happens when a large amount of snow or ice is left sitting on a vehicle that's heated inside and is moving at any speed faster than 10 MPH, yet too many people drop the ball here.


If an accident occurs because you did not clear the snow or ice from your vehicle, you can, be cited for either of two Massachusetts motor vehicle offenses: One is legally called "Driving with an Unsecured Load," which carries a fine of up to $200.00. This other is called "Driving To Endanger"; This is a more serious, criminal offense (as opposed to receiving a civil fine.) Either way, it's going to cost you. Click here to see a recent injury law blog post I wrote on this subject.


Hopefully, you'll never be injured in this or any type of accident.  But if you are injured because another driver didn't remove snow or ice from his or her vehicle, you're going to need an experienced Massachusetts car accident lawyer. You may be entitled to significant financial compensation for your injuries, based on the damages involved.  Feel free to  contact us for a free consultation if you are injured in this type, or any type, of motor vehicle accident.  


We all have enough to worry about when driving in this awful winter weather, without having the unnecessary anxiety of never knowing if a flying avalanche will come crashing down on us.


Use your head. And your hands - to clear that snow & ice off your car.