March 2015
RM Dads!  

In honor of Father's Day next month remind the man in your life that his health is important. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, heart disease and cancer are the leading causes of death in men. To lower risk of both conditions remember to get active, eat healthy, manage your stress and quit smoking. Get Healthy and Get Matched today! 

We're looking at going mobile with a RM app but we want to hear from you on how we can expand our services to better meet your needs. Click HERE to answer a quick one question survey!

Have you signed into your volunteer account lately? We've made a few updates to our homepage + volunteer dashboard. It's now easier to navigate + manage your profile - check it out here!
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Join Us in Celebrating National Mental Health Month

This May, we celebrate National Mental Health Month by raising awareness for mental health conditions. Each year, millions of Americans face the reality of living with a mental health condition. During the month of May, we bring awareness to mental illness to fight stigma, provide support, educate the public and advocate for equal care. elderly-laptop-couple.jpg


Anxiety disorders are the most common mental illness in the United States, affecting 40 million adults nationwide. Although anxiety disorders are highly treatable, only about one-third of those suffering ever receive treatment. RM and the Anxiety and Depression Association of America have joined forces to help volunteers get access to the resources they need. This collaboration and Condition Connection will help researchers better connect with volunteers nationwide while at the same time helping provide the community access to valuable resources. 


Although great strides have been made to increase the quality and quantity of approved treatment options for those living with an anxiety disorder, volunteers are still needed to help researchers find additional options.  We're excited to launch our new Anxiety Condition Connection in collaboration with the Anxiety and Depression Association of America!


Every new Condition Connection added to RM creates a more precise process for matching volunteers with research teams throughout the United States. Volunteers who have registered with a condition connected to the Anxiety Condition Connection will be presented with several targeted questions designed to help make a more precise match with researchers. Sign into your account here to learn more!


May Means Mother's Day, But Did You Know It Also Means Women's Health?

National Women's Health Week just passed but the week's focus on empowerment and education can be carried forward throughout the year. The May 10th -16th observance is led by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and is designed to motivate women to make their health a priority. Recent statistics have shown that more women are suffering from chronic diseases like heart disease, osteoporosis, and diabetes. This May we want every woman out there to take a break from her busy day and take a look at themselves and think about how they can improve their health and prolong their life. The smallest change can have a major impact on your long-term health. For a few ideas on where to start take a look at the list below from the National Women's Health Week website. bathingsuit-family2.jpg

To improve your physical and mental health, you can:

  • Visit a doctor or nurse to receive regular checkups and preventive screenings.
  • Get active for at least 30 minutes a day.
  • Eat healthy. Remember to fill your plate with fruits and vegetables first.
  • Pay attention to mental health, including getting enough sleep and managing stress.
  • Avoid unhealthy behaviors, such as smoking, texting while driving, and not wearing a seatbelt or bicycle helmet.