St. Augustine's News:
So you don't need to wonder 
about what's going on!

Do you talk to God?  Do you pray regularly? Then St. Augustine's may have a mission for you! The Prayer and Healing Ministry team needs a few dedicated folks who will pray for them as they pray for those in need. The job description is simple: to pray as you feel the Holy Spirit leading you. That might be a few minutes a day - or it could be for a longer period of time.  If you feel this is an area of service for you, see Fr. Ron Feister to sign up.

God bless you this week in Lent as you journey closer to the Lord.


Then they cried to the LORD in their trouble, and he saved them from their distress.
He sent forth his word and healed them; he rescued them from the grave. 
Let them give thanks to the LORD for his unfailing love and his wonderful deeds for men.  Psalms 107:19-21

Faith Mission on Saturday, March 7th
A request from St. Ann

St. Augustine's, along with Chapel on the Vine, will be serving at Faith Mission on Saturday, March 7th.  If you haven't served before, this is a wonderful opportunity to give back to the community to serve those who need it most, especially during this season of Lent.  We serve lunch to the women and men shelters at the Mission (approximately 150).  We serve the women from 11:30-12:15 and men from 12:30-1:15.  We're finished by 1:30pm.  We'll be serving Mexican lasagna, salad, tortilla chips, cookies and brownies.  We need help with the following...more

Trading Anxiety for Grace
Writings by Carl

As Lent approaches and begins, I find myself in a contemplative mood, as I have ever since I began observing Lent. This year, I began re-reading Christian Wiman's memoir of sorts, My Bright Abyss, a few weeks ago and have been steadily moving through it. If you recall, I included a quote from this book a couple weeks ago at the end of my post about facts vs. theories. One of my favorite poets, Wiman went through a long battle with cancer several years ago, and, during that struggle, he re-discovered his faith. In re-reading My Bright Abyss, a book that details his faith journey, I was struck by a passage, one which I've returned to several times over the past few weeks...more
Back to the Upper Room
A Free E-Book by Fr. Chuck Irish

This book is a classic for understanding God's desire to give life and direction to every congregation and every Christian through personal experience of Jesus Christ and in-filling with His Holy Spirit. The book shows how absolutely ordinary people can become conduits for God's extraordinary purposes. The title only is misleading: We are not invited to some long ago Pentecost of Holy Spirit power, but to the ongoing Pentecost that can be our experience today, tomorrow and every day till Jesus comes again.        ---Archbishop Robert Duncan Anglican Church in North America

Fr. Chuck served as the rector of St. Luke's, Bath, Ohio, and was a founding member of Episcopal Renewal Ministries, serving as executive director. As a part of the ministry of ERM Chuck was the editor of the magazine "Acts 29."

To access this e-book, click on the following link:   Back to the Upper Room by Chuck Irish PDF


Have a smile!

From the Website
Sermons, Missions, Photos, etc.

Donations collected in the next two weeks...�

Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return. ...�

Blueberries with personality sweeten the meal!...�

Birthdays and 
A Celebration
February Birthdays

23 Sharon Madama

23 Monroe Dowling

February Anniversaries     

03 Judy and Monroe Dowling

12  Ann and Ron Feister


March Birthdays

03 Christopher Collins 

07 Lauren Quayle

March Anniversaries     


Anglican Diocese of the Great Lakes
Website of the ADGL

St. Augustine's is a parish in the Anglican Diocese of the Great Lakes. Did you know the diocese has a website and a Facebook page?  Why don't you take a look by clicking here?




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