FS in Action Webinar Graphic
"First Step in Action" Webinar
presented by Steve Demaray, CFP®
Thursday, June 11, 2015
10:30AM-11:30PM PDT / 1:30PM-2:30PM EDT

The "First Step in Action" webinar series provides the opportunity to hear how other financial planners are utilizing the First Step Cash Management System™.  Each session is presented by a Veteran First Step Licensee.  The Veteran Licensee describes the process they used to integrate First Step into their practice, and shares her/his unique experiences and expertise.  Sessions conclude with an open forum for questions.

In this "First Step in Action" webinar, you will hear from Veteran Licensee, Steve Demaray, B. Comm, CFP®, a Personal Money Coach in Ontario, Canada.  

Steve describes the focus of his presentation in this way: "The goal of the webinar is to provide participants with insight into the uniqueness and opportunity I believe First Step represents by sharing why I chose First Step as the cash management platform for my Money Coaching business.  I will also discuss how I integrate First Step with other Money Quotient tools, who I coach, what I charge, and my marketing strategy."  

Specific topics Steve plans to address include:
  • Why he decided to specialize in offering fee-based, personal cash management services 
  • How using First Step on a trial basis ended his skepticism and transformed his life and his business
  • What differentiates First Step from other cash management systems
  • How he integrates First Step and M.Q. tools to offer a complete financial life planning service
  • How he uses First Step reporting and scenario planning features
  • The type of clientele he works with as a Personal Money Coach
  • His fee structure and how he markets his business
  • The arc of a typical Money Coaching client engagement 


This webinar session is FREE to current M.Q. Licensees
(Financial Life Planning Tools, Purpose-Based Planning™ Tools, and First Step Cash Management System™)

The fee for Non-Licensees to attend is $50.00
(Those non-Licensees who choose to license First Step within 30 days of attending the webinar will receive a credit of $50.00 toward licensing fees)



Steve Demaray Steve Demaray, aka the Personal Money Coach, is a Certified Financial Planner with 29 years of experience in the financial services industry including Vice Presidency of a Canadian bank and involvement with life insurance, wealth management, and real estate organizations. While working in these organizations, Steve saw that the financial services industry that employed him lacked a way to help people acquire basic money know-how, like managing cash flow and debt for example.

Steve experienced a new personal vision in which he saw himself dedicated to making a positive difference in people's money lives. Once he acquired this perspective, it became harder and harder to play the role of bank executive, so in 2002 he quit.

Working as a Certified Financial Planner, Steve identified a common theme amongst his clients; people had great difficulty initiating and sticking with actions recommended in their financial plans. People are often overwhelmed with the jargon, complexity, and seeming vastness of personal finance. Clearly, to make permanent changes in their financial lives, they were going to need help, a type of help that most financial planners are not trained to provide.

Steve knew that in order to achieve successful results with his clients, he needed to become an expert in personal growth and development. This led him to him becoming a member of the M.Q. Community and  completing training to become a Life Coach.

Today Steve provides a supportive and engaging approach to personal finance and draws on the empowerment of human growth and change techniques employed in personal coaching, united with tried and true financial planning methods and principles.  


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