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Vibrational Healing Newsletter                                    
May 2015

The Hidden Effects of Negativity


It is easy to know the cause and effect when you see a scary or dark movie, then have trouble sleeping.  It is the same when we are unsettled after a disturbing conversation with a friend or loved one.


Our brain is unsettled and goes over the situation trying to find resolution in order to relax and sleep.  There are symptoms that occur when we are unsettled.  Besides insomnia, you may find anxiety, headaches or even a cold or flu can result.  These symptoms may prevail after trying remedies or other efforts to resolve the physical symptoms.


The first important thing to do is understand that you're being affected by negativity and that negativity may have caused the symptoms.  This is an example of emotional, mental, or spiritual causes of physical ailments.  


Challenging situations at work or home often allow negativity to creep into our lives without our cognitive awareness.  Sometimes the negativity in our lives comes from those closest to us who may be experiencing their own hardships. Remove your emotions from the equation and look at the situation objectively.  That sounds simple, but can be the biggest challenge.  A good question to ask is "What is the truth in this situation?"


Regardless of the source, your Higher Self needs these situations to be resolved.  The only way the Higher Self gets your attention is with physical symptoms, so your body is designed to heal physical symptoms once all levels are addressed:  the emotional, mental and spiritual levels and then the physical level.


This is a big topic and I have really just introduced you to the hidden effects of negative energies.  It is important to be aware and sense your energy in order to stay positive when others are going through stressful and potentially negative times.

Once realizing the cause could be unresolved emotions or negativity, there are ways to begin working on resolving issues and removing negative energy from your life.  

For more on the hidden effects of negative energy or strategies for removing negative energy, click the links below to go to my blog or contact me personally for a consultation.

STRATEGIES for removing negative energy

Keeping it positive! Here's a story about a 92 year old woman who knows how to keep that positive energy centered in her life.


Vibrational Medicine Course 

  • Developing intuition
  • Physical, emotional, mental, spiritual healing

Thursday June 11th at 7pm, I am holding an information sessionto give an overview of the program and answer any questions. If you are interested or know of anyone that may be interested, please contact me to register.



Upcoming Events

Vibrational Medicine Course

See information at bottom of the newsletter 
 Kathy is a natural healer specializing in vibrational medicine and the creation of individual vibrational formulas. She is a Doctor of Natural Medicine and has studied nutrition, homeopathy, and vibrational healing extensively.  Kathy is known for her ability to intuitively identify and heal the causes of physical issues using a combination of psycho-spiritual healing techniques with individualized vibrational formulas.  In her programs she is able to transfer her knowledge and teaching skills to allow participants to develop as successful healers.