May 29, 2015

Report of the Pontifical University of St. Anthony
Presentation of Sr. Mary Melone on the Antonianum

DOMUS PACIS, ASSISI - Today's only plenary session of the General Chapter included the report of the Pontifical University of St. Anthony, more frequently referred to as the Antonianum. 

The report was presented by Rector of the Antonianum, Sr. Mary Melone, a member of the Franciscan Sisters of Blessed Angelina. Sr. Mary was appointed Rector last July becoming the first woman to ever hold the position of rector of a pontifical university.

There was also input in the report from Vice Rector Agust?n  Hern?ndez Vidales, OFM. 

Sr. Mary has been at the forefront of a number of "firsts."  She was the first woman to obtain a permanent position as a professor at the Faculty of Theology of the Antonianum; and s he was the first woman to be appointed a dean, which is equivalent to the position of department head. Sr. Mary is an expert on St. Anthony of Padua.

(l. to. r) General Minister Michael A. Perry, OFM, Sr. Mary Melone, Rector of the Antonianum and Vice Rector Augustin Hernandez Vidales, OFM

Born in La Spezia, Italy, in 1964, her birth name was Maria Domenica. After finishing school with a specialization in classical studies, she joined the Franciscan Sisters of Blessed Angelina where she took her temporary vows in 1986 and then professed her perpetual vows in 1991. In 1992 she graduated with a degree in teaching and philosophy from the Libera universit? Maria santissima assunta (LUMSA) with a thesis on "Corporeity and intersubjectivity in Gabriel Marcel's works". She studied theology at the Antonianum, where she had been a student from 1983 to 1987, obtaining a degree in 1996 and then a PhD with a thesis on "The Holy Spirit in Riccardo di San Vittore's De Trinitate", published in 2001. She was Extraordinary Professor at the Faculty of Trinitarian and Pneumatological Theology  from 2002 to 2008 and head of the Higher Institute of Religious Sciences "Redemptor Hominis". In 2011 she was elected dean of Theology. She has published articles and essays in various collections and magazines - Antonianum, Doctor Seraphicus, Freiburger Zeitschrift f?r Philosophie und Theologie, Italia francescana, Quaderni di spiritualit? francescana, Ricerche teologiche, Studi francescani, Theotokos - and has edited Ricardo di San Vittore's works for the Edizioni Paoline publishing house ("La preparazione dell'anima alla contemplazione: Beniamino Minore" - "Preparing the soul for contemplation: Benjamin Minor") and St. Anthony of Padua ("Camminare nella luce: sermoni scelti per l'anno liturgico" - "Walking in the Light: A selection of sermons for the liturgical year").

"I am here, of course, as the spokesperson for the Antonianum," Sr. Mary said in her opening remarks. "We are blessed to have such a wonderful relationship with the General Minister and his Administration."

Sr. Mary gave an overview of the university to the gathered friars. 

The Antonianum is made up of three faculties in Rome for Theology, Philosophy and Canon Law. They offer a bachelor's degree in theology in Rome, as well as through affiliates in Italy, the Americas and Africa. In Rome, the Atonianum also has Chairs in Mariology, Justice and Peace, and the Mons. Padovese Chair of Spirituality and Interreligious Dialogue.

The school also boasts a faculty of Biblical Science and Archaeology in Jerusalem

The Antonianum also offers several Master's level programs including a Master for Formators, Master in Video-theraphy, a Master in Franciscanism and Spirituality, and a Specialized Course on Female Franciscan Consecrated Life. 

There are currently 723 students who are affiliated with programs of the Antonianum. There are 472 students in Rome, 245 in their other European affiliates, 84 in Asia, 74 in Africa and 69 in the Americas.  The school employs 128 professors. Of them 54 come from the Order of Friars Minor, 16 from the Capuchins, 3 from the Conventuals, 9 are secular priests or from other male religious communities, 39 lay professors, and 7 religious women.

Some of the key elements that make the Antonianum important that Sr. Mary highlighted:
  • "Franciscanism is significant in the church. Our Franciscan perspective is a specific contribution to the understanding of the church's vision of its mission and dialogue with the world."
  • "We provide a valuable service for the Order and the broader Franciscan world. The Antonianum is at the service of the Order and the Franciscan world through the many formators who have themselves been formed in the Antonianum as have many Provincial Ministers, including many of you who I see here today."
Sr. Mary also spent some time speaking of the quality of the faculty, the student body and the resources that are available to them at the Antonianum, which she all rated well. "M any of our professors are collaborating with other universities and are well known in other parts of the world, particularly in the area of Franciscanism. We have many publications we are continually publishing. We have professors who are producing." 

She also said that the Antonianum has one of the most appreciated libraries in Rome, as it boasts six library levels. 

General Minister Michael Perry, OFM, expressed the gratitude of the friars of the Administration and throughout the world for the wonderful job Sr. Mary is doing leading the Antonianum.

In terms of sustainability, Sr. Mary greatly thanked the support that the university receives from the Order and from many of the Provinces and other entities throughout. "W ithout the investment of the Order, we would not be able to exist," she said. But, she also expressed some of the challenges in terms of the needs to improve and update facilities and reach out to encourage greater numbers of students and have the resources to attract more professors to the faculty.

She also highlighted a few areas that the Antonianum is promoting the place of women in the Church. Her own appointment is the obvious first point. But the university will also host events on the topic of women in the Church, as well as a forum on "Women in politics and the challenges of a globalized world," being sponsored by the President of Croatia Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovi?, who is Croatia's first woman president.

The Chapter delegates spent the rest of the day meeting in their Commission groups with no plenary sessions.

Care package from the home front 
Celebrating John Puodziunas birthday

DOMUS PACIS, ASSISI - As you can imagine with any gathering of this many friars, there are also plenty of light and joyful moments and plenty of opportunities to celebrate. 

There are moments to note friar's anniversaries of profession or ordination as well as their birthdays that are taking place during our month-long stay here in Assisi.  One such moment of celebration took place yesterday as we celebrated the birthday of Provincial Minister John Puodziunas, OFM (ABVM).

However, there was an added level of enjoyment to the celebration as John received some gifts from home. The members of his own Provincial Council took the time to send along some flowers and a small birthday cake to make sure that he knew they were celebrating with him from across the Pond.  Here are a few photos for your enjoyment.

(l. to r.) Provincial Minister Jeffrey Scheeler, OFM (SJB), Provincial Minister John Puodziunas, OFM (ABVM), Fr. Gearoid Francisco O'Connaire, OFM (Central America), General Definitor Caoimhin O'Laoide (Ireland), and Provincial Minister Jack Clark Robinson, OFM (OLG)

John receiving his cake and flowers at lunch time.

John being offered another birthday gift from Custos Yusuf Bagh, OFM (Pakistan)

Now will I praise those godly men
VIDEO: Homily of Fr. Richard Martignetti, OFM (ICP)