Dates to Remember:

Jul 25- Aug 23 School Supply Drive

Jul 23rd Analog

Aug 23 Blessing of Backpacks & Welcome Home Sunday

Sep 12 ECW Meeting

Sep 13 Back to Church & Invitation Sun

Sep 27 Mid Yr Meeting

Sunday Services
8:30 am
Rite I
In the Chapel
(no music)

10:30 am
Rite II
(with music)
In the Nave

Church Office
Monday - Thursday
Hours: 9:00 am to 
2:00 pm
The Midweek Connection
June 25th, 2015

Inside this Midweek Connection:
  • Fr. Billy -- Analog
  • Dates to Remember through September
  • General Convention
  • News from the Atrium
Fr. Billy Tweedie

We have had two digital free men's group meetings over the summer during which we have brewed some beer and talked about the fermentation process.  What has bubbled out of our meetings is that the analog group would like to host an Oktoberfest on October 24
th .  There will be food, drink, music, vendors, and fun for kids.  Please mark your calendar, and we will be in touch about how you can help this event be successful for our community and neighbors. 


The next Analog group will meet on July 23rd.  We will have Dr. Granville Ott talking to us about the liminal space between analog and digital technology.  Hope to see you there. 


The Rev. Billy Tweedie
Vicar to The Episcopal Church of the Resurrection




General Convention 78

Bishop Andy Doyle Explains It All For You


As only Bishop Doyle can do. Click on the link below to get Bishop Doyle's take on the upcoming General Council.  


Introductory Link.  


Get Daily General Convention News from


The Episcopal Herald


A Call To Prayer
On Saturday, The Bishops and House of Delegates of The Episcopal Church will elect a new Presiding Bishop. 

Let us Pray:
Almighty God, giver of every good gift: Look graciously on your Church, and so guide the minds of those who shall choose a Presiding Bishop for this Church that we may receive a faithful pastor, who will care for your people and equip us for our ministries, through Jesus Christ Our Lord, Amen.
BCP 818
News from The Atrium

Dear all,


The other two Sundays this summer we will do parent training are: July 26 and August 2.


We will also be taking a break from the Atrium for the next two Sundays: June 28 and July 5.




Wednesday Bible Study Continues

Wednesday morning Bible Study continues at 8:30 am to 9:30 am at Genuine Joe's Coffee House at 2001 W. Anderson Lane. Our intrepid Bible scholars are now studying the book of Proverbs.
Music for June 28th: 
Anthem: To be determined.

If you are unable to fulfill your lay ministry, arrange for a substitute and let Marty in the office know of the change by noon on Thursday before. 

First Reading: II Samuel 1:1, 17-27
Psalm 130
Second Reading: II Corinthians 8:7-15
Gospel:  Mark 5:21-43

8:30 am Service -
Lector: Joan Medrano
Psalmist: Mariel Fox
Intercessor: Pat Mills
Chalicist:  Michael Paulsen
Usher: Jim Ryan

10:30 am Service-
First Lesson: Mariel Fox
Psalm: Brenda O'Keefe
Second Lesson: Ben Garza
Prayers of the People: Robert Beyer
Chalicists: (GC) Michael Paulsen(C) Helen Paulsen
Acolytes: Holly & Charles Davis & Douglas Foxworth
Ushers: Carolyn and Jon Ellis, Ann Harrington Michael Paulsen
Altar Guild: Ann Harrington, Joan Medrano
Flower Guild: Ann Harrington
Lay Eucharistic Minister:  Tina Prikryl
Bishop's Committee Host: Michael Paulsen OO