I give thanks for Saint John's because ...

... when I was sick, my church cared about me.


When Amy Villwock learned she had a low-grade brain tumor that would have to be removed, her concern was not only for herself but also for her family. Specifically, she worried about feeding her two teenage children during her month-long recovery.


Saint John's members responded immediately. For weeks after surgery, Amy received cards, flowers, phone calls, visits and food. Lots and lots of food.

"Showing up on our doorstep with meals was really the nicest thing the church could do," says Amy, who has fully recovered since the surgery in 2011. "We felt so strongly the power of love through Saint John's. God seems very real in those  moments when people are caring for you."


Amy also recalls how much pastoral support meant to her family before and after surgery. The whole experience, she says, helped her feel the grace of God in a whole new way.


"At Saint John's, you feel held up, and you know you're not alone," she says. "You just know you have a network of support here. It's a family." 


This Thanksgiving, we will have plenty to say grace over. For that reason, you are invited to share in offering a special financial gift to Saint John's for its ongoing work in mission and ministry. You can share your offering securely online or by putting it in a specially marked envelope found in the sanctuary and placing it in the offering plate this Sunday.


 Saint John's United Methodist Church | 512-452-5737 | stjohnsaustin.org