Debbie Dadey, Children's Author

Issue # 80 - May 2015

May has been a busy  month for me.  My newest Mermaid Tales book, The Polar Express came out on the 19th.  (Wouldn't this have made a wonderful winter book?  But it didn't happen that way and I hope you still enjoy it.)  Here's a teaching unit and a video that I also hope you'll have fun using.   If you are reading this, you might win a copy of The Polar Bear Express.  One reader will win!
  I wish I had pictures of every author I met!  Click here to see my author photo album.  Below are some authors I met recently at the Knoxville Festival of Reading: Donna Gephart, Jonathan Auxier, Sara Pennypacker, and Dan Santat.
Chelsea Clinton has her first children's book coming out in  September, It's Your World: Get Informed, Get Inspired & Get Going!  Here's more about it.
I'm delighted that I have a new book coming out in September as well, Wish Upon a Starfish, where Pearl wants more than anything to be the star of the school play.  But Angefish Molie, a stage star, has other ideas for Pearl!
Happy 70th birthday to Pippi Longstocking!  On May 21, 1945, author Astrid Lindgren gave the first Pippi manuscript to her daughter Karin on her 10th birthday (the book was published in November of that year).  What a great present! 
Click here for a nice article about raising summer readers. 
Chicken Soup simplified!
Are you trying to simplify your life?  Chicken Soup for the Soul: The Joy of Less is looking for stories about having more by simplifying.  Click here to find out how to submit your story to be included in an upcoming book.
Every summer I make up a sand pail list of things I want to do before fall.  If reading is part of your children's list, this list might be helpful.  See you later, I need to go make my list!  Have a great rest of the month, Debbie