Debbie Dadey, Children's Author

Issue # 79 - April 24, 2015

What do you think of the new look?  I hope you'll share my newsletter with a friend.

Looking ahead to May, 
you won't want to miss the largest 
n the state of New York 
on May 2nd in Hudson, NY.

The Mermaid Song!
Love that the UNI Children's Choir sings the Mermaid Tales song!

The Mermaid Song  Video
The Mermaid Song Video

It's Festival Time in Knoxville!

Children's Festival of Reading
 is May 16th.  

I'm happy that Polar Bear Express will be available for it!  This book explores different types of poetry.  Want to win $5000 with your poetry?  

Partnership with Author James Patterson ... and "little" libraries
As part of an ongoing effort to keep books and reading a number one priority in the United States, James Patterson has announced that he will donate $1.25 million to school libraries this year. In the first-ever partnership of its kind, Patterson is joining forces with Scholastic Reading Club to administer funding applications to their network of 62,000 schools and 800,000 teachers. Scholastic will match each dollar with "Bonus Points," which teachers can use to acquire books and other materials for their classrooms, at every school that receives an award.  Applications to nominate a school library for a donation can be found here .

I have a goal to put up at least one of these this year.  Want to join me in making a  little free library ?
The Worst Name in Third Grade by Debbie Dadey
Growing up I was Debbie Gibson.  It was such a common name in my school, there was even a girl with the exact same name and our records got mixed up.  

Now, my married name is so unusual it is mispronounced quite a bit.  Here's  how  you say it.  My friend had a very uncommon name.  Sometimes kids made fun of it.  Her last name was Snotgrass.  That led me to write  The Worst Name in Third Grade .