Our Mission:

We embody
Christ's presence
by reaching out
to receive
with open hands
and to share
with open heart
the Word of God
the Bread of Life.

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 Sunday Forecast
May 3, 2015

John 15: 1-8


"I am the vine, you are the branches," Jesus says.  We are called to stay connected to the vine, faithfully and courageously reaching out, securely connected to the vine of life in Christ.  We will probably experience pruning, perhaps some very painful pruning.  Later, often much later, we will experience the fruit.  Abiding in that vine, trusting in it, we will learn and grow as Jesus' disciples.  The work we are given to do, we will be able to do joyfully to the glory of God.


Susan Palo Cherwien writes:

When we were baptized, we were given a new name: Branch.  Each branch unique.  Each branch a never-to-be-repeated gift to the universe.  Each branch with unique gifts, unique fruit to bear.  Branch that sings.  Branch that tells stories.  Branch that builds.  Branch that bakes.  Branch that adds well.  Branch that comforts.  Branch that heals.  Branch that brings laughter.  Each branch going through the seasons of life connected deeply, mysteriously, to Christ, the true Vine.


Come to St. Timothy's on Sunday.  Together let's lift our hearts and voices in praise and thanksgiving, deeply connected to each other and to Christ the true Vine.





       8:00 AM - Holy Eucharist, Rite I 
       9:00 AM - Fellowship
       9:15 AM - Christian Formation
      10:30 AM - Bluegrass Mass
   (Musical leadership by "Pet Rooster")
  10:30 AM Hymns

Musical Leadership by the Band

St. Timothy's Episcopal Church | 979.297.6003 | [email protected] | www.stimothy.org
200 Oyster Creek Drive
Lake Jackson, TX 77566