A Course in Miracles
Course in Miracles Society, Original Edition 
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Daily Lesson 43
Sarah's Reflections
TEXT CH 4, 56-68
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A Course in Miracles-Original Edition
5 of 5 stars
A Course in Miracles is a self-study course.
In the beginning it tells us, "This is a course in miracles. It is a required course. Only the time you take it is voluntary. Free will does not mean
you can establish the curric...

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Course in Miracles Society (CIMS) is an international group of Course students and teachers organized to discover, authenticate and propagate the Divine Teachings of A Course in Miracles.


As students, we seek to increase our knowledge of Jesus' words and to deepen our experience of His teachings.

As teachers, we work to circulate the message of
A Course in Miracles throughout the world by our words, by our deeds, and by the example of our lives.

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Creation and Restoration  

The first coming of Christ is just another name for the creation, for Christ is the Son of God. The second coming of Christ means nothing more than the end of the ego's rule over part of the minds of men and the healing of the mind. I was created like you in the first, and I have called you to join with me in the second.       

Workbook Introduction  
Voice and Music by CIMS SonShip Radio

1 A theoretical foundation such as the text is necessary as a background to make these exercises meaningful. Yet it is the exercises which will make the goal possible. An untrained mind can accomplish nothing. It is the purpose of these exercises to train the mind to think along the lines which the course sets forth.


2 The exercises are very simple. They do not require more than a few minutes, and it does not matter where or when you do them. They need no preparation. They are numbered, running from 1 to 365. The training period is one year. Do not undertake more than one exercise a day.


3 The purpose of these exercises is to train the mind to a different perception of everything in the world. The workbook is divided into two sections, the first dealing with the undoing of what you see now and the second with the restoration of sight. It is recommended that each exercise be repeated several times a day, preferably in a different place each time and, if possible, in every situation in which you spend any long period of time. The purpose is to train the mind to generalize the lessons, so that you will understand that each of them is as applicable to one situation as it is to another.


4 Unless specified to the contrary, the exercise should be practiced with the eyes open, since the aim is to learn how to see. The only rule that should be followed throughout is to practice the exercises with great specificity. Each one applies to every situation in which you find yourself and to everything you see in it. Each day's exercises are planned around one central idea, the exercises themselves consisting of applying that idea to as many specifics as possible. Be sure that you do not decide that there are some things you see to which the idea for the day is inapplicable. The aim of the exercises will always be to increase the application of the idea to everything. This will not require effort. Only be sure that you make no exceptions in applying the idea.


5 Some of the ideas you will find hard to believe, and others will seem quite startling. It does not matter. You are merely asked to apply them to what you see. You are not asked to judge them, nor even to believe them. You are asked only to use them. It is their use which will give them meaning to you, and show you they are true. Remember only this-you need not believe them, you need not accept them, and you need not welcome them. Some of them you may actively resist. None of this will matter nor decrease their efficacy. But allow yourself to make no exceptions in applying the ideas the exercises contain. Whatever your reactions to the ideas may be, use them. Nothing more than this is required.


   ~ Original Hand Script of ACIM        


Son ship Video 

 L e s s o n 43

God is my Source.
I cannot see apart from Him.


Voice and Music by CIMS SonShip Radio

1 Perception is not an attribute of God. His is the realm of knowledge. Yet He has created the Holy Spirit as the Mediator between perception and knowledge. Without this link with God, perception would have replaced knowledge forever in your minds. With this link with God, perception will become so changed and purified that it will lead to knowledge. That is its function as the Holy Spirit sees it. Therefore, that is its function in truth. 


2 In God you cannot see. Perception has no function in God and does not exist. Yet in salvation, which is the undoing of what never was, perception has a mighty purpose. Made by the Son of God for an unholy purpose, it must become the means for the restoration of his holiness to his awareness. Perception has no meaning. Yet does the Holy Spirit give it a meaning very close to God's. Healed perception becomes the means by which the Son of God forgives his brother and thus forgives himself. 


3 You cannot see apart from God because you cannot be apart from God. Whatever you do, you do in Him because whatever you think, you think with His Mind. If vision is real, and it is real to the extent to which it shares the Holy Spirit's purpose, then you cannot see apart from God. 


4 Three five-minute practice periods are required today, one as early as possible and another as late as possible. The third may be undertaken at the most convenient and suitable time which circumstances and readiness permit. 


5 At the beginning of these practice periods, repeat the idea to yourself with eyes open. Then glance around you for a short time, applying the idea specifically to what you see. Four or five subjects for this phase of the exercises are sufficient. You might say, for example: 


6 God is my Source. I cannot see this desk apart from Him.

God is my Source. I cannot see that picture apart from Him.


7 Although this part of the exercise period should be relatively short, be sure that you select the subjects for this phase indiscriminately, without self-directed inclusion or exclusion. 


8 For the second and longer phase of the exercise period, close your eyes, repeat today's idea again, and then let whatever relevant thoughts occur to you add to the idea in your own personal way. Thoughts such as: 


9 I see through the eyes of forgiveness.
I see the world as blessed.
The world can show me myself.

I see my own thoughts, which are like God's.


10 Any thought related more or less directly to today's idea is suitable. The thoughts need not bear an obvious relationship to the idea, but they should not be in opposition to it. 


11 If you should find your mind wandering, if you begin to be aware of thoughts which are clearly out of accord with today's idea, or if you seem to be unable to think of anything, open your eyes, repeat the first phase, and then try the second phase again. Do not allow any protracted period to occur in which you become preoccupied with irrelevant thoughts. Return to the first phase of the exercises as often as necessary to prevent this. 


12 In applying today's idea in the shorter practice periods, the form may vary according to the circumstances and situations in which you find yourself during the day. When you are with someone else, for example, try to remember to tell him silently, 


13 God is my Source. I cannot see you apart from Him.


14 This form is equally applicable to strangers and to those you know well. Try, in fact, not to make distinctions of this kind at all. 


15 The idea should also be applied throughout the day to various situations and events which may occur, particularly to those which distress you in any way. For this kind of application, use this form: 


16 God is my Source. I cannot see this apart from Him


17 If no particular subject presents itself to your awareness, merely repeat the idea in its original form. 


18 Try today not to allow long periods of time to slip by without remembering today's idea and thus remembering your function.



~ Original Hand Script of ACIM




 Circle Of Atonement ~ COMMENTARY on LESSON 43


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ACIM Edmonton - Sarah's Reflections 

ACIM Edmonton, CA

God is my Source.
I cannot see apart from Him.   
Sarah's Commentary:

I believe that what I am seeing is what is actually there, but we are told that this is merely "image making." We are not really seeing. In fact, our eyes were made for the purpose of keeping our focus "out there," which simply keeps our minds distracted, and this is what the ego wants. The ego is all about keeping us invested in this world of illusion. Perception is about making the separation from God real. It is interpretation. Thus, while events are in themselves neutral, we give them meaning.

"Perception is not an attribute of God. His is the realm of knowledge." (W.43.1.1-2) In God/Knowledge there is no separation between the subject and the object, or between the perceiver and the perceived. It is one with all there is. In essence, there is nothing but God. There is nothing but the Oneness of Heaven. Of course, that is not the truth for us, as our experience tells us that this world exists and that the separation really has happened. The purpose of the Course is to move us beyond the false perception of our image making to true perception or vision. The goal of the Course is peace. It is not knowledge, because knowledge is the absolute and  direct knowing of reality. It is the only truth there is. Everything else is illusion.
The whole world of illusion is a world that reflects our belief in separation from God. However, with forgiveness, we get to right-minded perception. It is still a world of perception, not knowledge, so it is still not the ultimate truth, but truth is reflected through forgiveness. With the healing of our wrong-minded perceptions, we experience the real world that forgiveness shows us.

Both the wrong mind, which is the purview of the ego, and the right mind, where the memory of God resides, make up the split mind. This is the mind that is in the realm of perception. The wrong mind reflects false perception, and the right mind reflects true perception. Knowledge is the condition of Heaven, where there is only oneness, and thus there is no perception. "Perception has no function in God, and does not exist." (W.43.2.2)
The memory of God is in our right minds. The Holy Spirit is the mediator between our way of seeing, which is false perception, and true perception. Thus, the Holy Spirit is our bridge to knowledge. "With this link with God, perception will become so changed and purified that it will lead to knowledge." (W.43.1.5) Without the Holy Spirit there would be no bridge, and we would be stuck in the world of perception forever. It would be like never waking up from a nighttime dream. Even though we made perception for an unholy purpose, "perception has a mighty purpose." (W.43.2.3) Why? Because "it must become the means for the restoration of his [our] holiness to his [our] awareness." (W.43.2.4) It is just like everything else that was made for an unholy purpose. It is restored when given over for the Holy Spirit. He will undo what never was, and this is what salvation is. It is "the undoing of what never was." (W.43.2.3) What never was is also the separation, which never happened. Until our false perception is healed, "perception has a mighty purpose." (W.43.2.3)
How does healing happen? It happens by allowing the Holy Spirit to give our perceptions meaning. How do we allow Him to do that? We do it by bringing our unhealed perceptions to the light of His truth. Our responsibility is to look at our judgments and our grievances and be willing to bring them to Him. This is what forgiveness does. By releasing our brothers from the judgments we have laid onto them, we make space for holiness to shine through. We become aware of our own divinity when we do the forgiveness work. We learn to see our brothers beyond our false perceptions of them. We see beyond their behavior to the truth of who they are as the Christ. Thus, we know that peace and joy abide in us.

Sometimes, we get impatient with this process of watching our minds and applying the practice instructions given in these Lessons. We wonder why we can't just return to Knowledge, to God. Why we can't just go home. Why this struggle? And yet Jesus reminds us to be content with healing. He tells us that forgiveness is our function while we still believe in the reality of this world of time and space. He reminds us that "You have chosen to create unlike Him, and have therefore made fear for yourself." (T.4.I.9.3)(ACIM OE T.4.II.16) When we are not at peace, it is our responsibility.
Jesus says again, "No force, except your own will is strong enough or worthy enough to guide you. In this you are as free as God, and must remain so forever." (T.4.III.6.1-2) (ACIM OE T.4.IV.51) No one will take our fear away. We are the ones that made fear, so we have the free will to choose to undo it whenever we are ready to do so. We are the ones that must make the choice to do the work of looking at our wrong perceptions. Jesus says, "I will never forsake you any more than God will, but I must wait as long as you choose to forsake yourself." (T.4.III.7.8)(ACIM OE T.4.VI.53) Clearly, he will not interfere in our decisions. He respects the power of our minds to choose. In that way, he says that we are exactly like him. All he needs is our willingness to change our minds, and recognize that there is another way of seeing every situation.
"The Holy Spirit knows your part in the redemption, and who are seeking you and where to find them. Knowledge is far beyond your individual concern. You who are part of it and all of it need only realize that it is of the Father, not of you. Your role in the redemption leads you to it by re-establishing its oneness in your mind." (T.13.VIII.7.3-6) (ACIM OE T.13.II.7)
While we may put our efforts to seeking the direct experience of Knowledge, it will not accomplish the work of undoing our ego, which is undertaken with the Holy Spirit. Certainly, an experience of knowledge or revelation will be a motivating factor in our awakening, but the important aspect of our healing work with this Course is focused on forgiveness and extending miracles to achieve true perception. "When you have seen your brothers as yourself you will be released to knowledge, having learned to free yourself through Him Who knows of freedom. Unite with me [says Jesus to us] under the holy banner of His teaching, and as we grow in strength the power of God's Son will move in us, and we will leave no one untouched and no one left alone. And suddenly time will be over, and we will all unite in the eternity of God the Father. The holy light you saw outside yourself, in every miracle you offered to your brothers, will be returned to you." (T. 13.VIII.8.1-4)(ACIM OE T.13.II.8)
We are One with God and cannot be apart from Him. "You cannot see apart from God because you cannot be apart from God." (W.43.3.1) There is nothing that we need do except to recognize the truth of this. We are already part of Him in our creation, and nothing we have done or could do will change that truth. That is what the Atonement principle is all about.
We have come to believe in our own made-up version of what reality is, but it is all illusion. We have come to believe in this 'reality', as if it were the truth, yet all of our senses were actually made to bring us information about the illusion, and thus keep us in the dark. This is not about fighting our ego, which is like fighting the darkness. It is impossible. When we fight the ego, we are, in essence, saying that it is real when, in fact, it is nothing at all. Only our belief in it gives it power. We are given a process now of undoing it by spending time each day on doing the Lessons, so we can remember the truth. We do this through forgiveness, which is our only function here. It is still an illusion, but it is the only illusion that ends all illusions and brings us to true perception.

We set aside three, five minute, periods today. One as early and one as late as possible at the most convenient and suitable time that circumstances and readiness permit. In doing this Lesson, we are applying it to the specifics in our lives. In doing this, we are seeing that there is no hierarchy in illusions. They are all the same. All problems are the same. This is why there is no order of difficulty in miracles.

During the first phase of the exercise, repeat the idea to yourself with eyes open. Glance around you for a short time, applying the idea to what you see. (4-5 subjects) Close your eyes and repeat the idea, but this time let related thoughts come to you. This is about letting thoughts come that are related, but not those that contradict the main teaching. If your mind wanders or goes blank, start at the beginning. Related thoughts help to bring the intent of the message back to you in a deeper way. Don't force them. Let them come. This helps us to see that the truth is in our right mind already.

Throughout the day, remind yourself of the Lesson frequently. It is important to stay vigilant of our thoughts. Recognize that these thoughts are there because of our fear of the truth. Truth comes to the quiet mind.

Today when you are with someone, remind yourself silently, "God is my Source. I cannot see you apart from Him." (W.43.7.3) If a difficult situation confronts you today, remind yourself, "God is my Source. I cannot see this apart from Him." (W.43.8.3) We are saying to the Holy Spirit, "Please help me to see this situation differently because I am not at peace." Do this with any distressing thought, no matter how mild or how severe it seems.
Love and blessings, Sarah

[email protected]

A Course in Miracles 


Chapter Four

The Root of All Evil

V. The Escape From Fear 

56 If you cannot hear the Voice of God, it is because you do not choose to listen. The fact that you do listen to the voice of your ego is demonstrated by your attitudes, your feelings, and your behavior. Your attitudes are obviously conflicted, your feelings have a narrow range on the negative side but are never purely joyous, and your behavior is either strained or unpredictable. Yet this is what you want. This is what you are fighting to keep and what you are vigilant to save. Your minds are filled with schemes to save the face of your egos, and you do not seek the Face of God. The glass in which the ego seeks to see its face is dark indeed. How can it maintain the trick of its existence except with mirrors? But where you look to find yourself is up to you.


57 We have said that you cannot change your mind by changing your behavior, but we have also said, and many times before, that you can change your mind. When your mood tells you that you have chosen wrongly, and this is so whenever you are not joyous, then know this need not be. In every case you have thought wrongly about some Soul that God created and are perceiving images your ego makes in a darkened glass. Think honestly what you have thought that God would not have thought and what you have not thought that God would have you think. Search sincerely for what you have done and left undone accordingly, and then change your minds to think with God's.


58 This may seem hard to you, but it is much easier than trying to think against it. Your mind is one with God's. Denying this and thinking otherwise has held your ego together but has literally split your mind. As a loving brother, I am deeply concerned with your mind and urge you to follow my example as you look at yourselves and at each other and see in both the glorious creations of a glorious Father.


59 When you are sad, know that this need not be. Depression always arises ultimately from a sense of being deprived of something you want and do not have. Know you are deprived of nothing except by your own decisions, and then decide otherwise.


60 When you are anxious, know that all anxiety comes from the capriciousness of the ego and need not be. You can be as vigilant against the ego's dictates as for them.


61 When you feel guilty, know that the ego has indeed violated the laws of God, but you have not. Leave the sins of the ego to me. That is what Atonement is for. But until you change your mind about those your ego has hurt, the Atonement cannot release you. As long as you feel guilty, your ego is in command because only the ego can experience guilt. This need not be.


62 Watch your mind for the temptations of the ego and do not be deceived by it. Know it offers you nothing. When you have given up this voluntary dispiriting, you will see how your mind can focus and rise above fatigue and heal. Yet you are not sufficiently vigilant against the demands of the ego to disengage yourself. This need not be.


63 The habit of engaging with God and His creations is easily made if you actively refuse to let your minds slip away. The problem is not one of concentration; it is the belief that no one, including yourself, is worth consistent effort. Side with me consistently against this deception, and do not permit this shabby belief to pull you back. The disheartened are useless to themselves and to me, but only the ego can be disheartened. Have you really considered how many opportunities you have to gladden yourselves and how many of them you have refused? There is no limit to the power of a Son of God, but he himself can limit the expression of his power as much as he chooses.


64 Your mind and mine can unite in shining your ego away and releasing the strength of God into everything you think and will and do. Do not settle for anything less than this, and refuse to accept anything but this as your goal. Watch your minds carefully for any beliefs that hinder its accomplishment, and step away from them. Judge how well you have done this by your own feelings, for this is the one right use of judgment. Judgment, like any other defense, can be used to attack or protect, to hurt or to heal. The ego should be brought to your judgment and found wanting there. Without your own allegiance, protection, and love, it cannot exist. Judge your ego truly, and you must withdraw allegiance, protection, and love from it.


65 You are mirrors of truth in which God Himself shines in perfect light. To the ego's dark glass you need but say, "I will not look there because I know these images are not true." Then let the Holy One shine on you in peace, knowing that this and only this must be. His Mind shone on you in your creation and brought your mind into being. His Mind still shines on you and must shine through you. Your ego cannot prevent Him from shining on you, but it can prevent you from letting Him shine through you.


66 The first coming of Christ is just another name for the creation, for Christ is the Son of God. The second coming of Christ means nothing more than the end of the ego's rule over part of the minds of men and the healing of the mind. I was created like you in the first, and I have called you to join with me in the second. If you will think over your lives, you will see how carefully the preparations were made. I am in charge of the second coming, and my judgment, which is used only for protection, cannot be wrong because it never attacks. Yours is so distorted that you believe I was mistaken in choosing you. I assure you this is a mistake of your egos. Do not mistake it for humility.


67 Your egos are trying to convince you that they are real and I am not because, if I am real, I am no more real than you are. That knowledge, and I assure you that it is knowledge, means that Christ must come into your minds and heal them. Although I am not attacking your egos, I am working with your higher mind whether you are asleep or awake, just as your ego does with your lower mind. I am your vigilance in this, because you are too confused to recognize your own hope. I was not mistaken. Your minds will elect to join with mine, and together we are invincible.


68 You will yet come together in my name, and your sanity will be restored. I raised the dead by knowing that life is an eternal attribute of everything that the living God created. Why do you believe it is harder for me to inspire the dispirited or to stabilize the unstable? I do not believe that there is an order of difficulty in miracles; you do. I have called, and you will answer. I know that miracles are natural because they are expressions of love. My calling you is as natural as your answer and as inevitable.


 ACIM OE TX. CH 4, V  




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CIMS is announcing that ACIM - Original Edition is now available by the case at the distributor price which is 40% below retail, plus shipping.  


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Kellie Love [considered the VOICE of ACIM] recorded the Original Edition.  


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To GIVE and to RECEIVE are One in Truth. Lesson 108


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